Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Raineh Daze: Accepted. That's all three of your slots filed out, then.

In any case...

*cracks knuckles*

Let's start some plot.
Yes, actually. In fact, the same person is proposing him. Right now.

Y'know what? Honestly, let's just save everyone some headache.
@Rockin Strings: If you can't a) read the OP or b) even ATTEMPT to apply what I've already stated to you before and you CLAIMED to acknowledge, then I'm going to have to kindly ask you to leave. It's like... Seriously. If you have to ask a question that is answered in the OP, then give forms that have little to no substance that I have issues with, then fail to address them while forgetting that incident ever occurred, then ASK ANOTHER QUESTION ANSWERED IN THE OP before attempting to apply those same problematic characters again, then I don't forsee any cordiality in our future.

I don't ask for much. Really, I don't. Just that you are self-sufficient enough to read materials on your own, be receptive to feedback, and have the decency to put meaningful effort into what you provide-not only to me, but to the other RPers here. Your actions thus far, here and elsewhere, have lead me to believe you act otherwise.

And thus, I once again kindly ask you to leave. End of discussion.
@TheUnknowable: Oh. I think I had that discussion elsewhere, then.

Point stands on the second bit though.

Edit: As in, the group being in a different area entirely now. I mean I guess you could sniff them down, though...

(But not-inline mentions would be great too thanks)
@TheUnknowable: Uh... Problem!
And by problem I mean "Please don't actively cause more problems for the sake of causing problems" right now. We just got through a discussion about this regarding Inuyasha and Menomaru and not starting any more.

(Also technically the Menomaru group is long since gone from the area near the Diet due to that timeframe). You're screaming at the sky, buddy.

Aside: Could I kindly ask you not do in-line mentions? It's a lot more fluid if you slip them either at the end of a section or the end of an entire post.

@Crusader Lord: Sanaki is fine. Accepted.
@Rockin Strings: Mmm... No thanks. I think we're good.

@Ecclessia: Yeah, lookin' forward to it. Just remember the caveats in the OP and account for character strength and you should be fine.
@Ecclessia: Yeah, if you're new to an RP, most GMs (myself included) prefer you placing forms in the OoC. PMing them is also fine if you want to workshop, but for the most part OoC is the way to go.
@hivekiller: Yeah, should still be open.
With the last of the opposing force finally falling to the ground dead, Tiral let out a sigh of relief as he and the other knights finally stopped their onslaught. The fight itself wasn't as clean as he would have liked, of course, but if there was anything he had learned as the de facto strategist of the team, it was that things never went according to plan. Brushing off some of the dust on his armor, the mage glanced over at the healer he had scolded earlier, who had decided that she would tend to the wounded on the frontlines. With the battle over (or so it seemed), that was likely for the better.

The knight that the young girl was tending to had better days behind him, but at the very least the wound at hand didn't seem anything too impossible to fix. The drying blood, in his experiences, though, was never a good thing. Without a second though, Tiral pointed at the ground next to the girl with his dagger and created a small bowl of ice before filling it with warm water. Of course, tending to more wounds elsewhere was the healer's job, not his; there were more problematic matters at hand.

As soon as he had finished filling the bowl, though, the momentary glimpse of another explosion coming from where the initial blast of magic that he had deflected had originated from caused Tiral to grip the reins of his horse tightly. Things weren't quite as over as they seemed, at the very least.

"I'll go check the issue out. The rest of you, regroup with the Captain and survey the area for anything else that might be an issue," he stated, quickly riding off to go check the area out himself.

Deliberately choosing to avoid cutting through the battlefield filled with dead orcs, Tiral took a tad longer than he would have liked to reach the area in question. Seeing that Indrau was only now picking up his weapon off the ground, the mage-knight quickly came to the assumption that it had weakened the strength of the magic somewhat—more of an issue, all things considered.

"Sir Indrau! I moved as soon as I saw the explosion over on the wayside. What was the cause?" he asked, dismounting from his horse before walking over to the decimated remains of a tree and staring at them. "Anything left of whatever caused this?"
@TheFake: Should be fine. Accepted.
I mean, I'm still a tad iffy on it, but I guess that's fine. Ish.
Edit something to that extent in and you're good to go. Accepted.
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