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@sntabe: Sorry for the delay. Let's see...
Hm... I'm more curious about the personality than anything. While the rest of the form seems fine otherwise, I'm slightly worried that your character might be more inclined to slyly start problems for the party that would really rear their heads in the long term... Which might derail from the main story if things really end up escalating (and as humans do, they usually escalate fast and hard).
So... Hm. Could I ask if you could either clarify the direction you'd take that or change it?

Edit: I know you said "it's not often that someone is severely harmed by his endeavors", but again, I'm more worried that something might happen in the middle that'd throw a wrench in stuff. Again, people are as people do.
@TheUnknowable: I don't think authorities would blindly accept that sort of info either, but if we're not going down that road let's just drop the topic.

If it's a cat5 then just buy it. No need for details on any fancy shop.

Anyways yes code. You might not get in touch with the big names instantly, but it shouldn't take long to at least propagate the tech and get someone to notice.
It's also less... Conspicuous than making hardware, I guess.

Anyways, yes, there we go. Problem solved? Problem solved.
@TheUnknowable: Let's see what I can say in the time it takes me to finish this subway ride.

1. Well, I guess you've made a way. Kind of.
2. But it's not as if he'd get paid for that, though. A job like that isn't exactly something to be publicized.
3. I'll fish out SOME tech store idk. Or you could have him just... Buy the parts outright. I dunno. Not as important rn.
4. Tech startups are about it, afaik, but it's not like I can't google tech firms later.

He'll find a way to make money or another (as will... Probably everyone else).

As for the whole suit thing... Yes and no?
While the suit is functional, it is a) not reproducible and b) people still don't know the safety of the stuff he gives. He could probably make easy bank just by coding, though, so we could just scrap that subplot and not have people freak about new tech.

(Also don't forget that the suit is a weapon system, and honestly with his reputation and mind all he needs to do is put a few programs of some sort out on the market.)

Doing that solves the issue of trying to sell tech in the first place, and it's a lot easier to handwave something like a program because NONE of us are going to be staring at source code for this RP to make sure it works.
@TheUnknowable: Problems!
1. I also do not agree with the idea of RPing with yourself; it defeats the purpose of the whole thing. You shouldn't have to be reactive in that regard; actively moving to make contact with people is ideal.
2. A government bounty is a bad idea, because that gets people needlessly hurt. He wouldn't be able to get fast cash that way, especially if a Google search nets you the info (you'd think they woulda tried that already).
3. Radio Shack is out of business, more or less. There are alternatives, but that's an aside.
4. Panasonic is a Japanese company based in Osaka. You can't just license it like that off the US branch, and even then there are a LOT of issues just in regard to accepting that offer in the first place. Even disregarding the fact that he's in the suit, Stark has no credentials and there are a lot of questions and R&D that people would ask/do before anything gets approved.
And he needs new ID. The circuit isn't the problem here, though.

But, uh... Let's ignore for a sec how wonky the suit gets, since every scifi thing comes apart at the seams if you stare at it long enough. I can handwave refueling, but only to the point where the stuff you use and make for it only functions in the suit itself due to... I dunno, some mechanism within.

The scenario you proposed is also under the assumption that nothing will happen to Stark and Tyr. I assure you that won't be for long.

I'm more confused at that line of thought tho. Multiple videos and pictures would be all over the net in an instant, and it wouldn't take long for that news to spread like wildfire. Also given the fact that you're in NYC, where Marvel/DC is super popular AND that we've had cases of characters being recognized on-sight, and well... You get the idea. Not even papparazi, too; the fact that Iron Man is basically a household name means he's a celebrity wherever he decides to head. ESPECIALLY if the auit is flying and people know which way he was flying off in.

I think a hotel clerk is the least of your worries, but I digress.

Honestly, I understand the worries that KoL and Rain have, though--reproducing stuff that you'd... Honestly need higher level equipment to build in the first place isn't just going to take a month or two. Not only that, but assuming you'll be flying solo this whole time and that nothing will happen are bad mindsets to take into this, and you're puppetting a lot of NPCs that I haven't given the OK for quite yet (most other minor cases I've handwaved 'til now, but anything major I'll likely say as much or imply it). Theoreticals can only get you so far.

Maybe it works. Maybe it doesn't. But high level execs aren't just going to accept something at face value.
Justin Tsao

The main hall of the New Auren Guild was, as always, about as chaotic and high-energy as could be. The job of 'exploring' had blown up in the last few years, and now everyone in here, new or not, was thirsting for the thrill of adventure in some way, shape, or form. The young man slowly walking out from behind one of the rooms, rolling his shoulders as he did so, was no exception.

"I feel as if I should have expected something absurd, but in the end it was more about physical fitness, wasn't it?" he wondered to himself as he walked up to the desk near the back of the room and passing the clerk there a piece of paper. With a nod, the young woman in front of him took the document and, in a few moments, handed him with a small plastic card.

"Mr... Tsao, is it? Here's your license," the clerk stated, curtly nodding to Justin as he took his card and examined it. "Well, as a representative of the Guild here, I formally welcome you as a new explorer. Please, do remain safe in your journeys for the near future and bring back anything you might obtain from your travels—we would all greatly appreciate it."

"Thank you very much, ma'am," he responded, almost as if on impulse, before walking off to the side to put the card away. There was no fanfare associated with the event, but it wasn't as if it needed one. This was, in many ways, a signing of his death warrant if he took this job too carelessly. Not as if he was going to, of course.

The Guild had, by this point, expanded into a giant facility that supported a variety of things—a marketplace and appraisal station were fairly matter-of-fact, but even things like restaurants and a small library-esque database had become accessible here. Justin's current destination now, though, was one of the former. It was still fairly early in the morning, all things considered, and something to fill his stomach before his first foray outside of the city would be... Ideal. Leaving the main hall to head to the second floor, Justin glanced around to try and find something to his liking—the entire floor was nothing but eateries, after all.

Choosing a small stall that seemed to specialize in breads and pastries, the young man promptly purchased a sandwich filled with some egg and bacon and a few with some cold cuts before packing the latter away in the sling bag at his back. Without another though, Justin found an empty seat among the many empty tables in the area before starting to quietly eat his meal.

"Of course, finding people to work with in a team is probably better for survival, but that's a lot easier said than done..." he mused to himself as he took one bite after another. "Maybe... Other new explorers? Damn, should've been paying more attention to a few other people if that's the case..."
@TheUnknowable: I'm not going to make it completely impossible, obviously, but at the very least it's going to take more time and effort to replicate stuff. As the RP progresses obviously more stuff should be available but for the moment, um... Well, try to keep it on the lower end of things, I guess.

But yes, read papers. Build there from square... Well, not one, but yeah.
@TheUnknowable: Well, there comes the requisite question: What are you planning on, specifically? Obviously, the full suit is out of the question, but I wanna know what you might have planned outside of that.
Hm... Okay, time for the GM to fly in and declare stuff!

@TheUnknowable@KoL: Okay, let me quote something from the OP of the RP:

Humans on Earth can be affected by the residual 'influence' of characters of a particular type. For example, a DBZ character existing means that the 'possibility' of flight and qi, however slim, now exists. Of course, that possibility can grow stronger depending on the person and time, but in the end it's all up to random chance and luck.

While it is true that magitechy pseudoscience such as the suit works on its own principles as is, that doesn't mean that they'll apply in 'this' world yet.

So... For the moment, and until I deem it a 'good time' for a tech upgrade, the answer is "no" for the odder stuff. I'm not rewriting the laws of physics and causality quite yet.
(But it's not like you can't study and eventually make a breakthrough.)
@KoL: I swear it felt like I was reading it in the recap Meteora's voice. Anyways, we're going full meta wooooo.
Accepted. lol

@TheUnknowable: Rather than beeline for Menomaru, why not snoop around the city for the other non-government group?
I guess I should also ask what your plans for Stark and Tyr are while I'm at it. There are a few ideas I'd like to suggest, but I wanna see what you want to do first.
(Especially considering I'm about to start plotstuff in both areas)
@SilverDawn: I see no issues. Accepted.

With that making 5, I'll likely start the RP within the next few hours.
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