Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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GM stepping in here to say that both of y'all need to calm the fuck down.
Thankfully, the issue's been resolved outside of this chat, but I should make things clear.

Baseball rules. 3 strikes. This time's just a warning. Anyone starts any shit from here on, that's a strike. Anyone escalates something, half.

We clear? Good.
@VitaVitaAR: Eh... Should be fine; we can always elaborate more on it in the future. Accepted.

@Mangrale: Uh... I'm not sure who this 'Kai' is in the story, and though I can probably make an educated guess, I would rather you elaborate on that a little bit.

I mean, other than that, though, the character seems fine. I'll accept him once that tiny thing is tweaked.
@TheUnknowable: Well, uh... No reason to pick people up if they didn't... Do anything?

Anyways, yeah. Wall of text blah. You can continue as you are for Tyr; I'm gonna fiddle with Stark in a second.

Edit: And done. Y'know, I realize we've opened up a can of worms by having Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr. technically existing in the same world.
Shokuhou Misaki

The young woman watched silently as the policemen continued to chatter around the radio, hoping for a sliver of information to slip by and make its way to her. Of course, the second that the issue was "resolved" she would be out the door, but until then, this was about as far as she could take it. Mind controlling people willy-nilly would get her absolutely nowhere, of course, so at the moment it was more a matter of finding out what sort of insanity could cause this commotion in the first place.

That matter soon died down, however, and the policemen seemed to all act more or less relieved after... Something. Quietly peering into one of the policemen's mind, Misaki soon found out that whatever had been causing the chaos earlier had been resolved... Which meant that she was out of excuses in terms of staying here any longer.

"Oh, right! It seems as if things have calmed down for the moment. Do you need an escort home?" one of the policemen asked, turning towards Misaki before noticing that she was already shaking her head no.

"Thank you for the offer, but I will be fine on my own," she responded, smiling towards the men before standing up, bowing, and leaving the station. With that chaos mostly averted for the moment (and one of the policemen now noted in her memory for the future), Misaki quietly slipped back into the streets in an effort to try and find... Well, at the very least, some place to stay for the night. Once more, the police station was an option, but all things considered that might bring more troubles on her than not.

"Okay, let me rethink the situation... I would rather not steal away into someone's house for the night, because that might end up problematic... Do I have enough money on hand to rent out a room somewhere?"

Stepping off to the side to check her bag again, Misaki noticed a familiar face—the man who had tried to not-so-subtly kidnap her earlier—speaking with another girl. At the very least, neither had noticed the fact that she was looking at them, but for the moment Misaki decided it a better idea to act somewhat oblivious and discreetly pay attention to them whilst digging through the various remotes held within. Even if Academy City did prefer cards, it never hurt to have some amount of hard cash on hand.

"Come on... I can't remember the last time I had to actually sort through this thing..." she mumbled to herself as she continued sifting through all the remotes and such she had inside.

Hinanawi Tenshi

With a cursory glance at the room, Tenshi looked behind her to see that all the other people she had come with had already slipped into their own rooms. It was to be expected, all things considered, but the Celestial didn't seem to mind it as much. Shrugging her shoulder, the young woman quietly walked into her home and, locking the door behind her, casually took off her shoes to walk further inside. There wasn't anything particularly off about the place, at least; it seemed as if the kappa had taken a shine to renovating a house within the Human Village, if there was any way for her to describe it. There seemed to be a few things lying on the table in the center of the room past the sliding door in front of her, at least—some documents, a black object with a great deal of buttons (the kappa had called that a 'remote'), and a small hand-written note. Letting her curiosity get the best of her, Tenshi casually sat down and began to read the note.

"Get up early tomorrow. You'll need pictures for an ID."

Unlike the other documents, which seemed to detail the function of a few of the things in the room (such as the television in front of her and the 'refrigerator' in the kitchen), this seemed to be far less formal. All things considered, it was likely a last-minute addendum by whoever was charged with setting this location up, but that was less of an issue.

"Hm... There's a futon behind that door, and some cold water bottles in the... 'Fridge', too?" she asked, cocking her head before walking over to check the validity of those statements.

They were, obviously enough, true as true could get. The abnormally fluffy futon was a higher quality than she could get back in Gensokyo without having to pester the kappa to make something WITHOUT adding any odd augmentations, and the cold water inside the fridge quenched her thirst without much trouble.

"The Outside World... I really don't understand this whole 'real' or 'fiction' problem, but this place is passable enough for me," she said, casually pulling out a peach before beginning to eat it.

Of course, it was hard to beat a heavenly peach in terms of taste, but the cold water made it all the better.

Fukuchi watched quietly as the group threw their own questions out in turn, but before he could make any response, Emilio's return promptly caused him to shift his focus there for a moment. After all, given the prior incident, the old man knew that he couldn't act as callously as he did the first time around.

"Rather than that, young man, I would rather you rested up for the night. Once matters here are done, I'll have the people who escorted our current guests here show you to your temporary home. Miss Hinanawi is likely already getting settled there as well. But first..."

Trailing off his sentence as he turned back towards Eva, Nanoha, and Mordred, the politician nodded his head towards Eva, fully acknowledging that they had all the reason to be wary. But that was why he was here, after all.

"I am pleased to see that you aren't one to take things at face value, madam. However, I must reiterate that there is no real 'downside' to not accepting this offer. Though we would much prefer for this to be a mutual partnership, forcing your hand would only lead to more troubles for us in the future, would it not? All we can do is do our best in providing for you within the boundary of the law, so long as you agree to protect our nation. We cannot stop you from refusing, of course, so this is something we shall leave to your discretion. I would rather you not try to endanger any residents of the city, though; a fight is something I believe we would both like to avoid at this point," he stated, turning towards to Mordred before continuing on. "As for a way to return to your own world... That is more a matter of if we can find any means of doing so in the first place. We won't stop searching if that is one of your conditions, though; I am sure the other people you will meet likely wish for the same, after all."

With a cough to clear his throat, Fukuchi finally turned to address Nanoha. She, at the very least, seemed to be somewhat accepting of the situation and the circumstances, odd as they were. Her desires, at the very least, weren't anything too unreasonable; in fact, they were mostly in line with what he had been planning anyhow.

"Of course, we graciously accept your help; your companion—Vita, I believe her name was?—had already accepted by the time you had arrived. It is somewhat late, but we can prepare the necessary identification documents and whatnot tomorrow. As for the soldier you had spoken to... It has already been decided that she will be assigned as an 'overseer' of sorts to your group. By no choice of her own, of course, but this is more a result of her insubordination. Please, do understand," he said, glancing over at the young woman off to the side who seemed to be anxiously shuffling her fingers before continuing on. "She'll be living in the same building as you and be handling anything involving official matters that you or anyone else needs handled. You'll have plenty of time to speak from then on. Now, if that is all, then I shall have you escorted to your homes for the duration of your stay here—assuming, of course, you wish to accept. You are free to leave if you choose not to."

With that, the politicians bowed to the group before leaving the room, the screens behind them shutting off as they left. Assuming that anyone other than Nanoha 'accepted' the offer, of course, they would be escorted to the same building that the earlier group had been dropped off at before being handed keys of their own.

If not, well... They were free to leave as they wished.

Leonardo Watch

With a sigh of relief, Leo let his shoulders sag as the young woman cleaned up the rest of the escapee's weapons in short order. With no more direct threat in front of them, the young man could finally address the person who had been attempting to handle this mess.

"Erm... Good job, miss," he said, nervously laughing as he held out a hand towards her. "My name is Leonardo. Leonardo Watch. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Of course, seeing the young woman bow instead was a bit odd, but not as much as the distant sound of sirens converging on their location. Shaking his head, Leo quickly apologized to the young woman before grabbing her by the hand and running off onto a different street.

"Sorry about being abrupt, but I don't know how the police will react to all of this!" he said, moving along the roads—familiar as they were—in an effort to dodge any incoming policemen. It would be much more troublesome to try and explain themselves to authorities in the current situation, especially considering how this definitely wasn't Hellsalem's Lot. After moving and weaving through a few blocks, though, Leo came across a group he didn't expect to see again—the family that he and the young woman had helped earlier.

"Ah, it's you two!" the father said, waving his hand as the two walked closer. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon. Why do you look so out-of-breath?"

Leo, of course, was a tad winded (his companion, far less so), so after taking a few moments to breathe, he began to speak.

"Well... Honestly, I'm worried that we might be tossed in jail or something for helping solve that problem. I... Kind of jumped some police lines to get to the situation in the first place, and my friend here... Well, you know how it goes."

"Hm... That is rather troublesome. Well, I'm sorry I can't be of much—"

"Daddy, can the nice lady and closed-eyes guy stay at our place for a little while? Pretty please?" the young child chimed in, causing the father to have a pained look on his face. A few glances between the two and his child quickly stole away at his willpower, and he sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine. If you want, you can stay in our home for a few days—I can tell you're not from around here, so if it means anything to help you get back on your feet, I don't think it'll be too bad. My daughter seems to have really taken a shine to you, though, ma'am," he said, laughing a little before turning to look at the building behind them. "Right. In any case, we live here. Let me show you inside, since I've already told my boss I can't exactly make it to work today on account of... Well, you know by now."

With the family of three unlocking the door to their home, Leo finally let go of the young woman's hand and followed them inside. There was nothing too fancy about the place, though it definitely was a tad larger than he was used to living in.

"Oh, right, before I forget: my name's Michael Leaton. My wife's name is Sharon, and my daughter's is Nina. We hope that these few days of hospitality will be enough to make back what occurred just now, Mr..."

"Leonardo. Leonardo Watch. You can just call me Leo. And, uh... Thank you very much for your consideration. I'll make sure not to be a bother during my stay here."

It wasn't a question that Tony Stark walking into a Starbucks would turn a lot of heads, and the fact that it looked and... Sounded so realistic meant that a few people more or less stopped what they were doing just to gawk. It wasn't any sort of cosplay simply by appearances, of course; there was no way something with that much weight and sheer presence could be anything but the actual suit. Of course, it was firmly ingrained in their minds that Iron Man wasn't anything real, after all, but even so...

"Er... Excuse me," one barista finally asked, staring at the suit's eyes with some degree of focused resolve (as opposed to the other onlookers). "Could I ask if you could, uh... Please not block the entrance? I'm not sure if this is a publicity stunt for a new Avengers movie or something, but I'd rather not inconvenience the other customers..."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake@TheUnknowable
@Mangrale: Hm...

Well, honestly, I don't mind that his traits are a result of having descended from that sort of lineage, but as of the RP, there should be no real... Uh... Modification of the body? So things like implants and sketchy pseudo-scifi procedures and whatnot are more of a no-go than, say... Using equipment. Remember, the world's kinda crawled back to the modern era, so they have some degree of modern technology for that. Not like something like mining wouldn't be dangerous anyways, but yeah. Surgery to implant something is also kinda weird since they'd need to recreate this piece of tech that is, in all likelihood, a bit too advanced for the era just because of a disjoint of how these items could be made then versus how they could be made now... And then considering how many there'd have to be of the item being installed vs the amount of people mining over the last 10+ generations or so... Yeah.

That's honestly about it. Everything else is fine, imho, so yeah. Fiddle with that and he's all green.
@Crusader Lord: I think she should be fine. Accepted.
@TheUnknowable: I, however, have watched and read FMA.

I want to point out that a Philosopher's Stone is made up of hundres of thousands of (complete) souls, so the answer is likely no.
Name: Justin Tsao
Age: 20
Appearance: "It should be fine. I haven't missed yet."
Personality: Disciplined and steady, Justin is about as straightforward as he is careful. To say he is a man of few words, however, would be a lie. Rather than that, he is more apt to voice his opinions loud and clear, and often ends up debating with people over the best course of action. Even so, he seldom raises his voice or openly shows anger, though that may very well be just a mask to hide it with. He also has a tendency of being somewhat creative when it comes to combat situations, but those odd choices might not always lead to the ideal scenario.
Equipment: Aside from his clothing and glasses, Justin wields a mid-sized composite bow; said bow, similar in make to Manchurian bows, is made with modern materials instead. The bow itself is strung to be incredibly high-tension, thus requiring more strength from the user to fire it in the first place. As a result, though, the arrows he uses are also far larger (and more powerful) than other bows might fire.
The arrows themselves are made of material similar to that which makes up his bow, with metal arrowheads of varying make for differing purposes. Of course, he has to retrieve said arrows after using them if possible, but it remains a far more efficient weapon than a gun in terms of cost. He also carries some rope around, for various reasons.
Abilities: While no particularly strange traits have been passed onto him, Justin has abnormally high strength, pinpoint dexterity, and razor-sharp eyesight, all of which lead to his usage of the bow in the first place. Of course, this also makes him both surprisingly tough if caught at close range, as landing a clean blow in hand-to-hand combat is difficult, to say the least.
Skills: Though somewhat skilled in the usage of a bow, Justin is also surprisingly adept at martial arts. Though he may not have the speed required to pull off any particularly flashy moves, things like judo throws or other close combat maneuvers, when they land, are a lot more powerful. He has also learned to cook for himself in his spare time, seeing as how the rest of his family is too busy doing other things instead.
History: Justin is the second of three children to his parents, both of whom worked day and night to try and decode (and maybe recreate) the old technology of Eunia's past. As a result of their technical proficiency, their job paid well enough for the five of them to live without worry. His older sister was set to learn straight from them and succeed their legacy, while his younger brother was far more interested in medical science for him to acknowledge any other path in life. This certainty in their lives, even at a young age, gave Justin reason to hesitate. What path to take, which road to go down... Unlike his siblings, his future was as hazy as ever.
Having said that, though, the young man found that his parents didn't mind his study or practice of old martial arts of days gone by, nor did they fret too much when he took up the bow. After all, the texts involved had been deciphered by them, and it wasn't as if he was actively heading out to do anything stupid instead. There was an odd sense of pride in it for them, but Justin didn't see any of that. No, rather, this seemed to be a way out for him.
The guild had been formed while he was still young, but over the last decade of his youth the group's power had slowly grown to a point where Justin felt it a reasonable move to try and register as an explorer. Maybe here he could put himself to use, instead of ending up as the black sheep of the family that spent more time training than studying.
Other: In spite of his uncertainties and his lack of dedicated study, Justin is still rather well-versed in matters regarding STEM fields. It's definitely nothing that stands out, but there are odd things here and there that he might now (and if not, it isn't too hard for him to get to someone who might).
The glasses are, of course, for show.
@TheFake: Accepted.

Anyways, here's mine for the record.

Name: Justin Tsao
Age: 20
Appearance: "It should be fine. I haven't missed yet."
Personality: Disciplined and steady, Justin is about as straightforward as he is careful. To say he is a man of few words, however, would be a lie. Rather than that, he is more apt to voice his opinions loud and clear, and often ends up debating with people over the best course of action. Even so, he seldom raises his voice or openly shows anger, though that may very well be just a mask to hide it with. He also has a tendency of being somewhat creative when it comes to combat situations, but those odd choices might not always lead to the ideal scenario.
Equipment: Aside from his clothing and glasses, Justin wields a mid-sized composite bow; said bow, similar in make to Manchurian bows, is made with modern materials instead. The bow itself is strung to be incredibly high-tension, thus requiring more strength from the user to fire it in the first place. As a result, though, the arrows he uses are also far larger (and more powerful) than other bows might fire.
The arrows themselves are made of material similar to that which makes up his bow, with metal arrowheads of varying make for differing purposes. Of course, he has to retrieve said arrows after using them if possible, but it remains a far more efficient weapon than a gun in terms of cost. He also carries some rope around, for various reasons.
Abilities: While no particularly strange traits have been passed onto him, Justin has abnormally high strength, pinpoint dexterity, and razor-sharp eyesight, all of which lead to his usage of the bow in the first place. Of course, this also makes him both surprisingly tough if caught at close range, as landing a clean blow in hand-to-hand combat is difficult, to say the least.
Skills: Though somewhat skilled in the usage of a bow, Justin is also surprisingly adept at martial arts. Though he may not have the speed required to pull off any particularly flashy moves, things like judo throws or other close combat maneuvers, when they land, are a lot more powerful. He has also learned to cook for himself in his spare time, seeing as how the rest of his family is too busy doing other things instead.
History: Justin is the second of three children to his parents, both of whom worked day and night to try and decode (and maybe recreate) the old technology of Eunia's past. As a result of their technical proficiency, their job paid well enough for the five of them to live without worry. His older sister was set to learn straight from them and succeed their legacy, while his younger brother was far more interested in medical science for him to acknowledge any other path in life. This certainty in their lives, even at a young age, gave Justin reason to hesitate. What path to take, which road to go down... Unlike his siblings, his future was as hazy as ever.
Having said that, though, the young man found that his parents didn't mind his study or practice of old martial arts of days gone by, nor did they fret too much when he took up the bow. After all, the texts involved had been deciphered by them, and it wasn't as if he was actively heading out to do anything stupid instead. There was an odd sense of pride in it for them, but Justin didn't see any of that. No, rather, this seemed to be a way out for him.
The guild had been formed while he was still young, but over the last decade of his youth the group's power had slowly grown to a point where Justin felt it a reasonable move to try and register as an explorer. Maybe here he could put himself to use, instead of ending up as the black sheep of the family that spent more time training than studying.
Other: In spite of his uncertainties and his lack of dedicated study, Justin is still rather well-versed in matters regarding STEM fields. It's definitely nothing that stands out, but there are odd things here and there that he might now (and if not, it isn't too hard for him to get to someone who might).
The glasses are, of course, for show.
@TheUnknowable: He should be okay to go now, then.
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