Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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Anyways, Artoria is accepted. As usual.

Here's my set for this attempt.

@TheUnknowable: The 'other' section is also invalid as a result, though; this development literally JUST took place, so something like bounty-hunting the other characters isn't an option.
Also almost every other character would probably curbstomp him, all things considered, or at the very least put him at an incredibly severe disadvantage. And they're all grouped.
He's not getting off scot-free if he does lol.

On an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, far off from anything resembling a nation or any semblance of authority, lies a single building made of steel and stone. A heavy contrast to the lush tropical scenery around it, the building stands tall. Before long, a pair of figures begin to approach the building from a road paved with stone. The boat docked at the coast is enough to tell how they got here, but that in and of itself is unimportant.

"Mr. Zelretch, sir, thank you so much for coming to help us with this. As you know, there have been a lot of issues with the quantum mechanics of the device you've helped draft for us, and—" one man, cloaked in a long lab coat that nearly reaches his feet, began to say before being cut off by the older man to his side.

"No need to say any more. I had expected as much, so just show me what you have so far and I should be able to resolve the issue," the older man responded, a somewhat ambiguous expression on his face as the two near the building. Having stopped his rambling, the former knelt down near a small terminal and pressed a sequence of numbers into the device. A few moments later, and the door slid to the side, revealing not the interior of a building, but a solitary stairwell leading deeper into the island.

"After you, sir."

No more words were exchanged as the two slowly made their way down into the building, which was now more apparently a research facility. The area itself was impeccably clean, with only the occasional scientist or worker passing them by. The two continued farther and farther into the base, until they arrive at a hallway with naught but a door emblazoned with a series of magical sigils. Without another word, the man with the lab coat quickly dispelled the seals on the door, which proceeded to slide upwards and out of sight. Before them is what seems to be a large reactor of some sort, and in the center of it all is a small steel circle with a magic circle carved into it.

The older man, Zelretch, nodded without another word and stepped forth, his coat flowing behind him as he looked around—not at the device itself, but around the room. With a sigh, Zelretch massaged his forehead and turned towards the man in the lab coat, who was nervously waiting for the appraisal to come forth.

"The circle is positioned slightly off-center from the leyline that runs through here. I would've thought that you wouldn't have overlooked something so simple," he noted, berating the man beside him before walking forward and shifting the device slightly to the right. Immediately, the circle began to shine, and the man in the lab coat covered his eyes as the light began to cover the entire room. Above that circle, a few more magic circles become visible, showing that the device was constructed from a massive array of magic circles, all layered on top of one another.

"The preparation is complete. Send for the potential Masters now, because I CERTAINLY hope you have been scouting for them across the globe; if we are to have any chance at resolving the crisis ahead of us, we must act quickly."

With an embarrassed face and a hasty "Yes, Mr. Zelretch, sir!", the other man quickly exited the room, leaving only Zelretch and the device. The old man's face, which had been up until then a frown, could now be described as a faint grin.

"Hmhm... I wonder how long it'll take them to finish all of this. If I was in my prime, I could be done in a week—no, less."
With a laugh, Zelretch exited the reactor, leaving the device to continue whirring away.


This facility, while mostly unassuming, is the location of a device that accurately mimics the abilities of Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg's Second Magic. Built under his supervision, the device itself was built to seek out various singularities that have been appearing in the timeline. The device itself cannot act upon or resolve those singularities, though; it can only create a method by which to reach them.

This is where the Masters come in. While there is no explicit 'Grail War' at the root of the singularities, each one does have a Grail at its core. These Masters are to use the mana present at their current location and summon Servants to aid in retrieving each Grail, at whatever cost necessary. By what means are the Masters chosen?
Well, that's Zelretch's secret screening process.


  • In regards to alternate classes or versions of a Servant: Only one version of a given Servant may exist at any given point in the timeline, unless stated otherwise (basically NPCs that may or may not appear in the future).
  • Be reasonable about Servant abilities. Like... Seriously.
  • Not all Servants have to be pulled from existing Nasuverse lore. They can be, but they don't HAVE to be.
  • Servants have a very basic knowledge of the situation at hand when summoned to minimize the amount of exposition. They may need clarification or a summary of recent events, but that should be all.

As this has transitioned into a more-closed RP, you're free to either ask me or @VitaVitaAR for more details. Yupyup.


@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Rin@KoL
@TheUnknowable: Inuyasha looks fine now. Accepted.
Iron Man is also fine (though good luck to him in finding repair parts and stuff).
Tyr... I have to decline because:
a) I don't want that ship around. It's problematic in a few ways right now that I don't wanna get into.
b) We're still day 1 of the RP (somehow), so most of the stuff involving said ship wouldn't fly.
So honestly the ship is the big problem.
(Also guns will only scale so well but that's a different problem in its own right).

A thousand years ago, the world of Eunia stood at the peak of civilization; strides in technology and biomedical science far exceeded that of our world's, and though each nation present was ultimately looking out for its own future, the state of the world seemed fairly stable. That all ended, of course, once it was revealed that one nation had been building towards heavy militarization in secret. One thing led to another, of course, and the arms race that resulted could be nothing else if not a cold war. Needless to say, the paranoia that seemed to engulf the land eventually consumed the minds of those in power, and before long the Fourth Great War had broken out.

The results were devastating; many of the world's major cities had been destroyed in the fallout, and with a vast majority of the land rendered inhospitable for humans to live in or even tread into, the survivors of this chaos were forced to live in the ruins of these once-glorious cities and start once more.

Climbing out of that pit, of course, proved to be far more troublesome to the survivors of humanity in this land than expected, but one way or another, they managed to begin anew. Centuries of rebuilding and being unable to leave these ruins for fear of the now-unknown world left these people to develop in these little bubbles, working with what little they could parse from the ruins of technology to try and reach the glory of years past.

Centuries came and went, and the memories of the war remained all over the landscape. Air travel, however rudimentary, has once again been established, and the repair of communications between cities led to a re-establishment of global relations. But even so, the exploration of the unknown beyond the walls of these cities has not progressed much, if at all; rather, the focus on rebuilding infrastructure was of much more value to those in control. The danger that it posed combined with the lack of expendable human resources made it almost unthinkable—until now, of course.

Exploration outside city boundaries, barring the few smaller outposts and channels confirmed to be safe, had been deemed illegal until about two decades ago, when the populations of these small pockets of humanity had finally begun to spring back, more resilient than ever. Seeing that there was merit in exploring more than what was beyond their proverbial doorstep, the networked cities discussed (and came up with) the idea of a paritally government-run sector that would outfit people to explore these lands—now long since overrun by nature—in order to recover the technology that had been lost to time.

This organization, dubbed the 'Guild' by the people as a whole, set up operations a few years later, and thus began their forays into the land around each respective city. Though it remains far too early to note anything substantial beyond what is visible from the air, the landscape of the world has most definitely changed. What is to be found, of course, remains to be seen.

So... In essence, this is a sci-fi world that turned post-apocalyptic, but managed to somehow drag itself back to what we would consider the "modern" era (excuse the confusing tags, please). If there was a way to describe this RP, I think that "Made in Abyss meets Monster Hunter meets Etrian Odyssey meets Mystery Dungeon meets XCOM" is about an apt a description as any; that is, to say, that a lot of the RP will be exploration of the world beyond this "modern" land in search of relics of the past.

There are a few odd things about this RP, and those are detailed thus:
1. Weaponry/Clothing
As metal is still a precious resource within context of the world, weapons like standard guns are far too expensive for most people due to upkeep cost (bullets are VERY expensive). Of course, that doesn't mean that there aren't any alternative gun-like weapons (like XCOM's laser weapons, for example), but as of the start of this RP those haven't been recovered yet. There are some alternatives to start with, but for the most part the use of standard military armaments like those has been phased out.
Instead, a lot of weaponry has transitioned back to melee, with weapons like swords and such becoming the norm for these "explorers". Of course, these weapons are far more sci-fi in origin than their medieval counterparts; things like transforming weapons and augmented blades are among the top-of-the-line gear that has been found thus far. Of course, that's mostly beyond the price range of the average explorer, so many beginners opt to stick to generic stainless steel weaponry instead.
Due to a history of gene modification in Eunia as a whole (elaborated upon later), the usage of armor in combat isn't very practical at all. Clothing is very uniform, but only the very basics that are essentially supplied to people as needed. As the clothing itself is made from artificial materials, the possibility of buying (or even making) custom clothing for oneself has become a means of expressing individuality. It is, of course, somewhat pricy, but these clothes are incredibly durable despite their look and many people, explorers or not, often take pride in that. It is vain, in a way, but that's not to say that people don't find other ways to take pride in who they are. It's more a matter of personal versus cultural opinion, if anything.

2. The people
As mentioned earlier, Eunia has a history of genetic modification, which goes behind the usual augmentation seen in most sci-fi media. While there are many normal-looking humans walking around, there are also those with things like horns or animal features walking alongside them. Needless to say, there were people in the past who decided to change themselves to fit an ideal, and those modified genetic traits were passed down through the centuries to their descendants now. Catgirls and the like, for example, are surpisingly common as a result.
(And yes, it was become some 'genius' scientists decided to see if they could make someone into a catgirl in the first place. For science.)
People that those traits also express wider trends, of course; with the aforementioned catgirl example, the person in question may express higher-than average sensitivity to sound and agility higher than average. Of course, no modification is without downsides, but the field that exploded in the past as a result of that one experiment means that the possibilities are near-endless.
Of course, only so much can be expressed within the human body, so things like lizardmen and beastmen that are more animal than human are more oddities than anything else.
Aside from the wider-sweeping "racial" changes, the bodies of humans have been noted to be able to withstand 3 more generic, "under-the-hood" changes. Things such as increased strength (despite body build, even!), speed, or dexterity are also a possibility, but overlap of certain traits (such as a heavier build with speed) are more prone to only expressing one trait or the other.
This has led to a few crazies attempting eugenics on their kids, of course, but these are the outliers and are usually frowned upon by society.freakin' bluebloods
Things like PSI and magic do not exist within the setting, so don't even try.

3. Setting/The World
Eunia, as things are as of the start of this RP, has 16 major cities that have thus been restored, along with a few outposts in the area. While air and sea travel have been somewhat restored, their usage is mostly for trade than it is for leisure visits how to how dangerous and expensive it is to move between regions. The 16 all communicate via old systems that had miraculously escaped destruction in the past, but that is once more only really for official business.
The primary location for the RP will be a city called New Auren. The old city was built alongside a river, and the ruins thereof have been transformed into a cityscape over the centuries. For the most part, that's the only detail that really matters; more detail will be presented about the town (and the surrounding regions) as the RP progresses, but for the moment this is what is important.
As a result of being a formerly-globalized world, the diversity of origin of people all over these cities is about as varied as a jar of jellybeans. No limits barring the REALLY odd stuff, like... I don't know, blue skin.

4. The 'Guild'
Although it has a longer, more formal name, most people are apt to just calling the Guild 'the Guild'. It is a global organization that is built to record, buy, and sell the 'lost technology' that exists within the world, and is structurally similar to a flea market that got fused with a DMV; in other words, the Guild gives licenses to explorers (at a fee, of course) and an outlet to buy and sell whatever goods they might obtain in the field. These licenses act as a combined photo ID, debit card, and dog tag for said explorers, and having one is essential to be able to easily come and go from the cities on foot. There are anti-theft and anti-counterfeiting measures in place, of course, so stealing these things is a no-no. While there is a fee attached, said fee can be waived under certain circumstances, such as being mentored and acknowledges by another explorer of above-moderate prestige.
The government-run sector of the Guild mostly applies to the issue of ID, while the private sector is more concerned with transactions of money and items instead. Requests can be put in for certain things, but as it is mostly unknown what lies beyond in the ruins of the past, most of these requests aren't really ever touched save for the recovery of a lost explorer (or their remains) or something of similar importance.

I think that's it for the moment. Here's a form if you want to get started; feel free to ask questions if you want more information on anything in particular.
@TheUnknowable: Replacing both might be for the better, then. I think. Yeah.
@TheUnknowable: Hm...

Okay, first and foremost, honest opinion: barring Inuyasha, the forms are all very, VERY light on information and detail. The personalities are also barebones for all three of them; the longest one's barely 3 sentences, dangit.

Now for more specifics. I like detail: what a character can do, what their limits are, etc;. Giving me a flat list of stuff without elaboration is like tossing a bunch of words in my face that have no meaning whatsoever. How strong? How fast? What defines "superhuman"? Because we're ALL over the spectrum here.

To hit on the next set of forms in turn:
Inuyasha: mostly fine. Needs (A LOT) more fleshing out overall, but fine.
Spock: Issue. Prime Directive. That is all.
Well, not really. He's kinda on the bland side, and idk what he's really DOING in this relatively crazy-powered cast (he doesn't particularly stand out much AT ALL even among the more normal guys) but big issue is Prime Directive rn.
Nightcrawler: I do not... Like characters who can TP on a whim without limitations. In a way, this loops back to lack of detail, but even so. Big issue.

That's... About it from me for now, I think.
Hey, cool, interest! I'd be glad to have you all on board.
Ideally we get one or two more people before I move this to an OoC, though. I think this can work with multiple group sizes, but... Yes, more would be nice.

A thousand years ago, the world of Eunia stood at the peak of civilization; strides in technology and biomedical science far exceeded that of our world's, and though each nation present was ultimately looking out for its own future, the state of the world seemed fairly stable. That all ended, of course, once it was revealed that one nation had been building towards heavy militarization in secret. One thing led to another, of course, and the arms race that resulted could be nothing else if not a cold war. Needless to say, the paranoia that seemed to engulf the land eventually consumed the minds of those in power, and before long the Fourth Great War had broken out.

The results were devastating; many of the world's major cities had been destroyed in the fallout, and with a vast majority of the land rendered inhospitable for humans to live in or even tread into, the survivors of this chaos were forced to live in the ruins of these once-glorious cities and start once more.

Climbing out of that pit, of course, proved to be far more troublesome to the survivors of humanity in this land than expected, but one way or another, they managed to begin anew. Centuries of rebuilding and being unable to leave these ruins for fear of the now-unknown world left these people to develop in these little bubbles, working with what little they could parse from the ruins of technology to try and reach the glory of years past.

Centuries came and went, and the memories of the war remained all over the landscape. Air travel, however rudimentary, has once again been established, and the repair of communications between cities led to a re-establishment of global relations. But even so, the exploration of the unknown beyond the walls of these cities has not progressed much, if at all; rather, the focus on rebuilding infrastructure was of much more value to those in control. The danger that it posed combined with the lack of expendable human resources made it almost unthinkable—until now, of course.

Exploration outside city boundaries, barring the few smaller outposts and channels confirmed to be safe, had been deemed illegal until about two decades ago, when the populations of these small pockets of humanity had finally begun to spring back, more resilient than ever. Seeing that there was merit in exploring more than what was beyond their proverbial doorstep, the networked cities discussed (and came up with) the idea of a paritally government-run sector that would outfit people to explore these lands—now long since overrun by nature—in order to recover the technology that had been lost to time.

This organization, dubbed the 'Guild' by the people as a whole, set up operations a few years later, and thus began their forays into the land around each respective city. Though it remains far too early to note anything substantial beyond what is visible from the air, the landscape of the world has most definitely changed. What is to be found, of course, remains to be seen.

So... In essence, this is a sci-fi world that turned post-apocalyptic, but managed to somehow drag itself back to what we would consider the "modern" era (excuse the confusing tags, please). If there was a way to describe this RP, I think that "Made in Abyss meets Monster Hunter meets Etrian Odyssey meets Mystery Dungeon meets XCOM" is about an apt a description as any; that is, to say, that a lot of the RP will be exploration of the world beyond this "modern" land in search of relics of the past.

There are a few odd things about this RP, and those are detailed thus:
1. Weaponry/Clothing
As metal is still a precious resource within context of the world, weapons like standard guns are far too expensive for most people due to upkeep cost (bullets are VERY expensive). Of course, that doesn't mean that there aren't any alternative gun-like weapons (like XCOM's laser weapons, for example), but as of the start of this RP those haven't been recovered yet. There are some alternatives to start with, but for the most part the use of standard military armaments like those has been phased out.
Instead, a lot of weaponry has transitioned back to melee, with weapons like swords and such becoming the norm for these "explorers". Of course, these weapons are far more sci-fi in origin than their medieval counterparts; things like transforming weapons and augmented blades are among the top-of-the-line gear that has been found thus far. Of course, that's mostly beyond the price range of the average explorer, so many beginners opt to stick to generic stainless steel weaponry instead.
Due to a history of gene modification in Eunia as a whole (elaborated upon later), the usage of armor in combat isn't very practical at all. Clothing is very uniform, but only the very basics that are essentially supplied to people as needed. As the clothing itself is made from artificial materials, the possibility of buying (or even making) custom clothing for oneself has become a means of expressing individuality. It is, of course, somewhat pricy, but these clothes are incredibly durable despite their look and many people, explorers or not, often take pride in that. It is vain, in a way, but that's not to say that people don't find other ways to take pride in who they are. It's more a matter of personal versus cultural opinion, if anything.

2. The people
As mentioned earlier, Eunia has a history of genetic modification, which goes behind the usual augmentation seen in most sci-fi media. While there are many normal-looking humans walking around, there are also those with things like horns or animal features walking alongside them. Needless to say, there were people in the past who decided to change themselves to fit an ideal, and those modified genetic traits were passed down through the centuries to their descendants now. Catgirls and the like, for example, are surpisingly common as a result.
(And yes, it was become some 'genius' scientists decided to see if they could make someone into a catgirl in the first place. For science.)
People that those traits also express wider trends, of course; with the aforementioned catgirl example, the person in question may express higher-than average sensitivity to sound and agility higher than average. Of course, no modification is without downsides, but the field that exploded in the past as a result of that one experiment means that the possibilities are near-endless.
Of course, only so much can be expressed within the human body, so things like lizardmen and beastmen that are more animal than human are more oddities than anything else.
Aside from the wider-sweeping "racial" changes, the bodies of humans have been noted to be able to withstand 3 more generic, "under-the-hood" changes. Things such as increased strength (despite body build, even!), speed, or dexterity are also a possibility, but overlap of certain traits (such as a heavier build with speed) are more prone to only expressing one trait or the other.
This has led to a few crazies attempting eugenics on their kids, of course, but these are the outliers and are usually frowned upon by society.freakin' bluebloods
Things like PSI and magic do not exist within the setting, so don't even try.

3. Setting/The World
Eunia, as things are as of the start of this RP, has 16 major cities that have thus been restored, along with a few outposts in the area. While air and sea travel have been somewhat restored, their usage is mostly for trade than it is for leisure visits how to how dangerous and expensive it is to move between regions. The 16 all communicate via old systems that had miraculously escaped destruction in the past, but that is once more only really for official business.
The primary location for the RP will be a city called New Auren. The old city was built alongside a river, and the ruins thereof have been transformed into a cityscape over the centuries. For the most part, that's the only detail that really matters; more detail will be presented about the town (and the surrounding regions) as the RP progresses, but for the moment this is what is important.
As a result of being a formerly-globalized world, the diversity of origin of people all over these cities is about as varied as a jar of jellybeans. No limits barring the REALLY odd stuff, like... I don't know, blue skin.

4. The 'Guild'
Although it has a longer, more formal name, most people are apt to just calling the Guild 'the Guild'. It is a global organization that is built to record, buy, and sell the 'lost technology' that exists within the world, and is structurally similar to a flea market that got fused with a DMV; in other words, the Guild gives licenses to explorers (at a fee, of course) and an outlet to buy and sell whatever goods they might obtain in the field. These licenses act as a combined photo ID, debit card, and dog tag for said explorers, and having one is essential to be able to easily come and go from the cities on foot. There are anti-theft and anti-counterfeiting measures in place, of course, so stealing these things is a no-no. While there is a fee attached, said fee can be waived under certain circumstances, such as being mentored and acknowledges by another explorer of above-moderate prestige.
The government-run sector of the Guild mostly applies to the issue of ID, while the private sector is more concerned with transactions of money and items instead. Requests can be put in for certain things, but as it is mostly unknown what lies beyond in the ruins of the past, most of these requests aren't really ever touched save for the recovery of a lost explorer (or their remains) or something of similar importance.

I think that's it for the moment. Here's a form if you want to get started early, I guess. Feel free to ask questions if you want more information on anything in particular.
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