Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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Well, I'm kinda going through the motions for the Eva group at this point. The rest of the Tenshi group can put whatever the heck in their rooms, I guess. You can even choose to double up, I guess (though obviously... Gender.)

This'll be a quick cooling-off point and a bit of relaxation before bigger stuff starts rolling into Tokyo for these two sets considering the fighting/chaos done on the last few pages, anyhow.

More in stock for Hibiki and Ben later. For now, feel free to... Do as you are.

If you need an idea of what the complex looks like, think of how apartments are set up in Hataraku Maou-sama. Or Hidamari Sketch. Probably more like Hidamari Sketch, all things considered.

(You should pop back onto Disc once saber wars rolls around tho. Because rolls.)
Hinanawi Tenshi

Nodding her head as if in agreement with Vita, Tenshi was about to make her own statement of agreement before the young man next to her decided to go through a mental breakdown. Ducking down to dodge the projectiles flying out of his back was an instinctual reaction for her, though the same couldn't necessarily have been said for a few of the old men sitting opposite them. It took them a moment to process what had just happened, and though the only real collateral damage that was taken was the monitor, a few of the politicians who had never actually ever felt the fear of being on the receiving end of such a thing were a tad rattled, to say the least. As Emilio dashed out of the room, a few of the soldiers began to attempt to block his path, but Fukuchi simply rose his hand and motioned for them to stop, shaking his head no in the process.

"It's fine; quite frankly, I had expected more fallout from this situation. We can send someone to pick him up later. For now, we should resolve the matters of those who are here right now," he stated, turning his attention back to the others. "In any case... One yes, and one conditional yes, was it? Then what of you, Ms. Hinanawi?"

Tenshi paused for a moment to stare at Fukuchi, whose demeanor despite what was had just transpired felt more... Odd than anything. It was probably something to poke into later, but for now...

"I will accept your preliminary terms, but the sooner you have the details in place, the better. I would rather not be chained down, after all."

"I shall accept that as a yes, then," the politician stated before turning towards Alberich, his face stone-cold as he closed his eyes. "As for your demands, though... Your sword will be returned to you once the contract is fully drafted, as legal contracts hold more sway than a simple verbal promise; the issue of libraries is not an issue with the existence of the internet, but that aside... Yes, you, as well as every other person in Japan, has access to the various libraries across our nation. As mentioned before, though, an escort will be necessary if you wish to visit in person."

With a cough, the old man rose from his seat and gave a slight bow towards the group; a few of the other politicians (not all of them, of course) followed suit. Brushing off his suit and edging away from the dangerously-broken monitor behind them, the other people (minus Fukuchi, of course) began to leave the room.

"Ahem. In the meantime, we've managed to prepare a place for all of you to stay. The fine soldiers who brought you here will escort you to your new homes for the duration of your time here, where the other goods are waiting. I should trust that you will follow on your side of matters as well?" he asked, walking up to the group with a fairly faint smile on his face.

"I will do as I please; if that happens to coincide with what you desire, then so be it," Tenshi said. With a slight laugh, the politician nodded and turned towards the others before nodding and leaving the room with the others. Tenshi, however, sighed and snapped her fingers, causing the "restraints" on Alberich to crumble into dust and disappear.

"Hm... Well, I guess it can't be helped right now, if those are the terms of the contract that old man wants to form," she commented, shrugging as she followed the soldiers who had brought them there back to the vehicle they had rode in earlier. "But now... Now they have me curious. I hope that what they have prepared won't be disappointing, at least."

Boarding the vehicle, Tenshi (and the others) rode off, the lights of the nightless Tokyo illuminating the road as they were brought along. The scene was... Amusing, but not foreign to her. At the very least, she'd have a chance to explore it more in the future.

A while later, the car that she was riding in came to a slow stop, and the young woman quickly hopped out of the vehicle to look around where they had been brought. It seemed to be a more suburban area, and the building that they had been brought to felt more like a small apartment complex than anything.

"This is... The place that they told us to head to. All things considered, it looks fairly normal," Captain Yamazaki said, stepping out of his vehicle and closing the door behind him. Handing Tenshi and the others each a key with a number on them, the officer coughed and nodded his head. "Right. Anyways, there's probably things waiting in your rooms for you. If there's any issues, well... We'll probably find out one way or another."

With that, the Captain got back into his vehicle and drove off with the rest of the escort, leaving the group standing in front of the complex with just a key in hand.

"That was... Rude," Tenshi complained, fiddling with the key in her hand before looking at the number on it and shrugging her shoulders. It didn't take a genius to realize that the numbers on the door corresponded with the ones on the keys, after all, and Tenshi took the chance to be the first to check out what place had been prepared in such order. With a flick of her wrist, the Celestial walked up the stairwell to the third floor and, after checking the room numbers over, opened the one that matched with her key.

The room itself was fairly plain and... Somewhat small for her liking, but it would do for now. She would have time to explore it more later, but... Again, later was later.

"This will do. For now."

The soldiers in the area began to chatter for a moment as Nanoha and Eva stated their claims, but in the end it was the soldier who spoke into the radio earlier who spoke out above the rest to them.
"Understood. For the moment, we will relinquish control of that person to you. Now, if you would kindly..." he trailed off, motioning towards the nearest military vehicle. The implication, of course, was clear, and once the group had boarded, the convoy sped off towards the Diet as well.

Though it took a while, the vehicles soon arrived at the same location as a small cluster of other vehicles that had just left, one of which Nanoha would be able to detect Vita's signature from. The few shattered windows on the side of the building weren't much of a good omen, but they themselves weren't much of a matter. As before, the small group was led to a room—different from the one that had just been damaged, but still structurally similar—but with only three suited politicians waiting for them.

"My apologies for the rather... Unsightly facade we might have at the moment. Our earlier negotiations resulted in a little bit of trouble, and the more faint-of-heart decided to skip this introduction. In any case, my name is Kawamoto Fukuchi," the man in the middle began, going through the entire short speech he had presented just minutes earlier, with much of the same unflappable demeanor as before. As with that time, the same deal was proposed, and he left himself open for questioning from the group.

Unlike last time, however, he had a feeling that things wouldn't be as simple to resolve with this set of guests.

Leonardo Watch

Running off after the girl (and Sonic), Leo gritted his teeth as he pushed past the fleeing (and occasionally rubbernecking) crowd, squeezing through gaps of the chaos to make his way further in towards the sounds of battle. It didn't take long to get there, for better or worse, and once he arrived and saw Sonic already helping to try and stop the problem, Leo decided to take a step forward and help resolve the issue as fast as possible.

With a deep breath, the young man opened his eyes, causing a pair of magical circles to appear in front of them. A second later, the rest of the escaped convicts seemed to have a pair of them pop in front of their eyes, causing a bunch of them to go into a panic and attempt to get their bearings straight. Sonic, noting the change, jumped off the face of the one he was on and made its way back to Leo.

"Now, miss! While their eyesight is shuffled!" he shouted, holding his eyes open as long as he could to give the green swordswoman a chance to take down all of the enemies in front of her.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake
Hinanawi Tenshi

"Low ranked?" the Captain asked Emilio, eye twitching for a moment before coughing and clearing his throat. "N-never mind, that was unbecoming of me. Regardless, young man, given the odd circumstances that have occurred tonight, I will likely be the highest person on the military hierarchy that you will be able to speak with tonight. If you have a headache, though, I can get you an aspirin later; you seem familiar enough with modern Japan to know what that is, at least—probably more than the rest of this group."

With a cough, Captain Yamazaki turned towards Alberich, whose rather chaotic outbursts already made him more than wary. Screaming about gods and god-warriors and all manner of other things... Well, given the circumstances, he would half-excuse it, but that sort of mentality was far from conducive to actually getting any meaningful information out. Rather, the rage and the manner with which he spoke almost made it feel like he was trying not to be believed.

"You, on the other hand, should choose your words more carefully. If you wish to make this nation your enemy, then I will be the first to pull the trigger towards you," he said, shaking his head calmly as a rather plain-looking black car pulled up near the truck. "Well, our ride is here. I do hope this will do for the rest of you. In the meantime, though, I will send a group out to search for this so-called 'teleporting guy'. More details would be appreciated, though that is currently less of a priority."

Tenshi, on the other hand, cocked her head at Emilio's question. She knew that she had said 'Heaven', but... Did that imply some other connotation within the Outside World?

"Erm... No, I'm just a Celestial. An existence... Beyond humans, I guess you could say? We're not oddballs like hermits, though, so don't lump me in with that group," she said, her attention quickly shifting towards the vehicle soon after.
Out of curiosity, Tenshi walked towards the car and tentatively tested the handle to open the back door. She had seen multitudes of these things on her last time out of Gensokyo, but this was the first that she had even actually ridden in one. With a shrug, the young woman slipped into the back seat and waited for the others to enter.

As soon as the rest of the group had entered (bar Alberich, of course, who was now alone in the back of the armored van), the vehicles took off. Their destination, of course, was the National Diet Building.

Or, more specifically, a building nearby. The ride itself wasn't long, given how the area was now cordoned off, but as short as the ride was the tension in the air didn't seem to fade. Once both vehicles arrived at the scene (along with the entourage surrounding them), the group was calmly escorted out and into the building's interior. As far as it seemed, the room they were all led to was built more like a meeting room than any sort of government office—probably because it was, in fact. There were a few older men in black suits all seated around the table, each staring at the comparatively colorful cast in turn as they were ushered in. Tenshi frowned for a moment and, looking at the others before shrugging, took a seat opposite the suited men before glancing around warily.

"Uwaaah, it feels like father's about to lecture me for some reason..." she complained as one of the men stood up from his seat and began to speak.

"Thank you for cooperating with the JSDF and coming here. My name is Kawamoto Fukuchi, and given the urgency of events that has just transpired, I will be leading the discussion here tonight. All matters will henceforth be kept as confidential as possible unless stated otherwise. With that statement out of the way, let me begin with matters of national security."

With a slight motion of his hands, the old man pointed towards the giant monitor behind himself. On screen showed scenes of anime and games that the group had been featured in. The Celestial, of course, stared at the screen intensely as those colorful images came and went before he continued on.

"Once we were told of your names and places of origin, a cursory data search found that you all appear in some form of... How to say... 'Digital' culture, in a sense? Ironically enough, one of the younger members with us today also happens to be somewhat invested in that field of entertainment, and began to mention something about creators or whatnot. But as of right now, we wish to talk to you about the safety of the nation.

I presume that you are not the first people that have been dropped into this world, and I think you will not be the last. What I want right now is to secure your cooperation in case any threats to national safety come about. Of course, we will provide a place to live, a stipend with which to use for your own services, and any necessary identification you might need if you choose to accept this offer. But I leave it to you to decide whether to not to accept. There will be more formal documentation right now, and I do realize how big a gamble it is to ask this of complete strangers, but given the amount of possible destruction that could be caused unto the city and its people I wish to resolve this with you peacefully, if possible. If there are any questions you wish to ask, we will try our best to answer them."

The Celestial, realizing that she had come to her feet as she was staring at the screen, meekly sat down and began to think quietly to herself. With all of this chaos happening in quick succession, she wasn't particularly inclined to want to get involved with this mess, but at the same time...

There was no other way to put this other than 'a giant incident', right? Which meant that this was well beyond the scope of what the shrine maiden usually did, right?

But at the same time, even she had the mind to wait for the others' reactions, though. With everything that was playing on screen, it was a given that people might remember that mess she had caused with the Scarlet Weather incident... But if there was any time to clarify what was to be done, what better a chance was there than this?

"While this offer does seem very interesting, I should ask about what bearing our past deeds... Or, well, misdeeds, have on what we might be given or what freedom we might have," she stated, trying to remember every bit of formal dialogue points her teachers (namely, Iku) had tried to drill into her head. "Will there be issues based on, say, what I have done in the past?"

"That will not be a problem, Miss Hinanawi. We will judge everyone on a case-by-case basis, but as far as I know the only one who is truly at risk of having liberties taken away is the man named... Alberich? In his case, though, he might be in something you might find as a mix of house arrest and parole if he continues to blindly seek power. We will continue to provide, of course, but sufficient caution is necessary when involving... Everyone here, quite honestly. I will be frank, however, and say that this is a mutual relationship; if you show us that we can trust you despite everything you may have done in the past, then the only things that might limit you are the laws that govern us. Is that clear?"

Nodding, Tenshi closed her eyes and began to think. At this point, she was already inclined to accept the offer, come hell or high water, but maybe the others would bring up an issue that she had forgotten.

One of the soldiers near Eva's group, on the other hand, would soon receive a message on his own radio, telling him to quickly bring the others near his position over to the Chiyoda ward as quickly as possible. With a slight grimace, the soldier shrugged his shoulders before responding that one of the newer recruits had already attempted to make casual contact. The amount of screaming that could be heard from the other side of the device was enough to cause a few heads to turn for a moment, but no more than that.

"...Well, that's all the better. If that soldier succeeds in convincing them, then all the better. But don't think that means they'll get off easy. Let them know as soon as you can to bring them over; the higher ups are already negotiating with the first group of contacts," the gruff voice on the other end of the radio responded before it clicked off.

With a nod, the soldier who had taken the message nodded once and broke formation to speak to the female soldier, who seemed to be in thought over Eva's question. Said soldier, of course, seemed to waver for a moment before coughing and speaking up.

"I, personally, do not know who that person is, but as far as I know there is already a group of people in a similar situation to your own who are discussing the issue with my superiors. If you do not mind, could I ask you to come with us? It is very likely that, given the situation until now, they might have the answers that you seek," he said before moving over to whisper into Private Minami's ear.

"Captain said that it's your problem handling with these people now. If you can convince them to come over, then maybe you won't have hell to pay later."

With that, the soldier quickly retreated to let the group decide on their own on what to do.

Leonardo Watch

As soon as he had managed to free the family from their car (which took a surprising amount of effort on both sides), Leo let out a sigh of relief as he collapsed on the ground. By some miracle or another everything had... Kind of turned out all right. He couldn't rest for long, of course—not with the problem that was occurring in front of his eyes—but at the very least there didn't seem to be any injuries.

"Thanks, uh..."

"Leonardo. Leonardo Watch. Don't worry about it," he said, smiling as he looked up and shook hands with the mother and father who were inside. "But, really, you should be thanking that white-haired girl just as much. I'm sorry you had to get mixed up in all of this."

"Well, I'm not going to lie about the fact that I'm quite angry right now about my car, but I'm just happy that we're all alive. If you see her again, please pass on those thanks to her as well, Leonardo."

With a nod, Leo got to his feet and began to chase after the white-haired samurai girl again, only to notice that Sonic was... Missing. Again.

"Ah, he'll find some way to me," he sighed to himself before continuing onward. It wouldn't take long to meet up with that girl again. Hopefully.

Sonic, of course, had decided to follow alongside Youmu, and was only barely able to keep pace with the young woman as it scampered forth. Just as she began to make her own attack, the monkey leaped into action, clutching onto the face of one of the other criminals and causing them to flail around in a panic at the sudden animal on their face.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Dezuel@KoL@Rin@TheFake
Glancing at the fading "flower" of ice and the lack of a troll corpse, Tiral let a nervous smile creep onto his face as he continued to have the other members of the rearguard fire away at the first troll that he had fired at. Given how the others in that group seemed to be handling themselves well enough, the mage-knight took a moment to estimate the strength of that magic spell. Initially, the spell that had been cast to reflect that blast of magic was far less elaborate that it had ended up actually being... Which made the fact that it had shredded what he had put forth in such an odd manner all the more worrisome. Under ordinary circumstances, that barrier would've remained as is, but given the fact that not a trace remained of the earlier troll, there was a very high chance that this was all a setup by someone else. Well, it wasn't as if he hadn't already figured that out, but even so...

"Ah, I want to pursue, but I'm not sure if I'd be the best choice to combat someone who can fire something that destructive..." he complained to himself before returning focus towards the first troll. By chance, he happened to glance over at the young girl who had accompanied them—the Captain's cousin, if he recalled correctly. Bringing a child to a battlefield was in bad taste of its own, but in a situation like this hesitation and fear was something that group morale couldn't afford.

"To your feet! A healer is someone who brings relief to a battlefield, and more than anyone else it is you who they look to for aid! An 'angel' has no room to cry, to weep, to fear—not when there are people who need their help!" he shouted, hastily trying to come up with something that might rouse her confidence. "If you cannot stomach the fields of war, then retreat to a safer location and return once you are more suited to facing death in the eye—unless you wish to see those who could be saved die right before your eyes!"

He had to admit, the words he spoke were... Harsher than he would have preferred, but in a situation like this, Tiral had no leeway to coddle anyone.
@ClocktowerEchos: I mean, we're not limited to anime. Things just... Turned out that way?
I mean, look at Fake's chars. Not anime.
There's also nothing wrong with more antagonistic characters, but...
I also do not recommend bringing along an entire army. Because that leads to bad things.

On a less antagonistic note, uh... Yeah. It's not necessarily that they don't garner too much attention alone (again, more a byproduct of the characters chosen), but moreso that their power levels are brought in line with everything else in the RP thus far. Antiheroes and characters who tend more towards the side of villainy/neutrality I don't mind, as I said, but it's more a matter of if the rest of the cast would drop literally everything they're doing to pursue them. Like bringing in someone who eats people or is a mass murderer who indiscriminately lops off heads. That sorta thing.

Or if they're unlucky enough to provoke the wrong people at the wrong time iono. Still, though, it's heavily dependent on what you do and how that's executed, so if you wanna go down that route, I won't stop ya. Just keep that in mind.
Dengran nodded his head in understanding at his companion's words. He, at the very least, could understand wanting to find family. Even putting aside making an ally out of Violette (as if the basis hadn't already been established), the possibility of securing a good standing with the people who lived here could, at the very elast, make things like trade relations and information gathering go all the smoother.

"Is that so? Then I hope it wouldn't be much of a bother to ask you to help follow me around. It helps you as much as it does I to learn these streets, after all," he commented, coming to a pause just as a small group began to form around him. Sighing, the young man massaged his forehead before clearing his throat and glazing over each of the people who had come forth in turn.

"Yes, I am the candidate in question, Dengran Minsau. It is a pleasure to meet all of you, or so I presume," he began, casually bringing his horse off to the side so as to not block off too much of the road that they had been blocking. "But before all else, might I request that you all show some degree of respect? I do not wish you to be ingratiating, but at the very least introduce yourselves. Besides, 'You, with the face and the horse' isn't the most flattering of ways to call out to someone—no, anyone, is it?"

Clearing his throat, Dengran shook his head before turning toward the one who seemed to be the youngest of the group of newcomers. Unlike the other two, her clothes seemed to be of a more high-quality make, which pointed to her being a part of one of the more well-off families in the area. After all, no one would let a child traverse to Avici all on their lonesome.


After a moment of though, Dengran knelt in front of the girl and patted her shoulder, nodding his head as if to say that he understood her concerns.

"Don't worry, little miss. Mark my words, this frontier will become a place worthy of praise once I'm through," he said, smiling before getting back to his feet. "In any case, if you wish to continue speaking, then speak as I walk. I will listen to what you have to say, of course, but I wish to reach the town hall before all else. There is a town hall here, correct? Or... Any other place of governmental authority?"

There was a small crack in his mask of charisma here, of course, but Dengran rationalized it as showing that he could be... A little down-to-earth, if anything. Lofty felt like a prerequisite, after all, but that stuffy atmosphere didn't suit him as well as he'd have liked it to.

@TheFake@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin@Lucius Cypher@VitaVitaAR
@cool beaner: Also, don't forget that the RP doesn't run on the same rules as Re:Creators does. Similar, but not the same.

In any case, I don't think Kira will work, if only by dint of "surveillance cameras, drones, and mass public panic" being a thing. Also because by the very nature of the character he'll try to stay out of the way, which means not much RPing for you unless you wanna go offing some rando on the streets.
@cool beaner: Unmarked spoilers, bruh. There's people here who still wanna watch DiU lol.

And, uh... I mean, even with only Sheer Heart Attack it's only a matter of time before people fish him out. Remember, this is the modern era, and a lot of people have watching DiU. He's never going to be able to have a quiet life in the first place.

Which is... Problematic in it's own right.
@cool beaner: Well, yeah. Stands can be impacted by anything not fully physical in nature.
So things like magic swords work. Magic too. Just not normal punchy punchy, I guess.

Careful about anything involving manipulating time. Or Gold Experience Requiem. Giorno's too OP with that to go untouched.
(Pucci too. Ugh, Pucci.)
@Rockin Strings: Statement stands. No, no, and if you're too lazy to even give me a basic overview of the character's abilities why should I be active enough to have to seek it for myself, especially when you'd be writing the form anyways?
I may sound like a jerk right now, and I probably am, but I expect at least some modicum of effort from people aside from "just youtube it" being shoved in my face, since I'm literally only maaaybe seeing gameplay without any concrete information other than maybe "slashy slashy". It's the effort that counts, man, and I'm seeing none of it here.
Besides, didn't it just get reiterated that we're accepting no 'blank-slate' characters? Like, less than three posts ago reiterated? Do I have to put a clause in the OP saying that YES, IT DOES INDEED INCLUDE MAIN CHARACTERS FROM THE ELDER SCROLLS?
Actually, while I'm at it, I should make clear why Ryuk cannot, should not, and WILL not be accepted. Him being in here means the existence of the Death Note, which, bloody hell, is an INSTANT KILL BOOK. Like, something like that in an RP is a goddamn MACGUFFIN, not some toy to be whipped out willy-nilly. You give that to a character, LITERALLY ANY CHARACTER, and they become a priority threat to be removed INSTANTLY. You leave the Death Note up, you are giving a person the literally WRITE ANY CHARACTER/RPER THEY DO NOT LIKE OUT OF EXISTENCE. No, I don't care if Ryuk is only talking, if he arrives, it's the entire package deal, which means there is LITERALLY NO FUN ALLOWED UNTIL IT IS GONE. And it that's gone, Ryuk's gone. Moot point.
And no, I am not going to be using something as busted as 'the power to instantly remove any person from existence' as a plot device anyways, nor would I want to. It's cheap, it's tacky, it's a boring, half-assed way of pushing people to remove a threat which, for all intents and purposes, is a walking existential crisis waiting to happen.
(Besides, it's only interesting as a plot device in Death Note because L and Light exist; Death Note was a psychological thriller, not a goddamn 'Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe' thing.)
-deep breath-
Geez, if anything ticks me off, it's people telling me I should do the work they should be putting up instead. Guess that bled over. Anyways. Next.
(And yes, I am irate right now.)

@cool beaner: Yeah, I know, I saw the stuff above. I was giving you a pass because you're new to the site. =w=;;
In any case, yeah. Figure out something that can either be brought into line with the other characters (we're surprisingly high-power overall, but there's still a limit) or nerfed into power. Underpowered can also be brought up to power over the course of the RP, but you'd have to be willing to slowly build to that point.
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