Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Rin: And replacements are good to go.
Now get to posting. :3c
Hrm... Okay, let's see what's on the table.

@Rabidporcupine: I'm fairly certain that a lot of people in this RP say 'fuck off' to stat caps anyways and would probably sweep aside Priam's horde on Lunatic+ without a second thought, but details. Scale of power is vastly different jumping from a FE game to something like this, after all.

@cool beaner: Well, I kiiinda have a problem with it, but since you're new and you have an idea on what to do now, I'll let it slide for now.

The characters, on the other hand, are a different story.

First: Rohan. Oh, Rohan. As much as I love the guy and how much of a troll he can be, Heaven's Door is just too damn powerful to be used within an RP, and nerfing Heaven's Door in any way detracts from the character... In a sense. Have to decline.

As for Dimple... Okay, putting aside how he isn't exactly the type of character to be particularly... I dunno, fun to "play" without the right people and powers, I guess? Uh...
Mind control and hypnosis is a) already a niche that has been filled out (a little) by Misaki, whose own ability has been nerfed and delineated to the point where I can't be super indiscriminate about the whole mind control thing. Removing player agency without going through the proper channels is EXTREME no-no.

@Rockin Strings: No, custom characters fall under the umbrella of "custom" (and they usually become unbeatable forces of nature anyways so... No.)
No Ryuk. That's not a question up for debate. No Ryuk.
Yoshitsune... I don't think I've ever seen anything about the series in question, so I need a way to frame power and abilities before all else.

's about it.
"Good, good! Don't let up!" Tiral shouted out as he watched the trolls slowly attempt to refocus their attention on the rearguard. While one was already slowly moving at the ground, the other seemed to just be torn between staying or going—ironic enough, given how they were probably too dull-witted at the moment to think beyond 'swing weapon at object in front of self'. This, of course, gave the archers and other magicians more than enough room to casually fire away. As Tiral continued to survey the battlefield from atop his horse, though, the slight glint of unnatural purple light caused him to freeze up. It took only a moment to estimate where it was headed, and his face immediately tensed up as he leaped off of his horse and pointed his dagger out at it.

"Position... Target... Gods be damned, I think I'll have to try this one," he swore under his breath before beginning to chant as fast as he could under his breath. As soon as it was complete, the mage shot out a small bolt of ice at his target, and not a moment too soon; just as the magical projectile could've gone through the Captain, the bolt of ice managed to collide with it. In that instant, the ice seemed to deform and curve, redirecting the magical attack towards the troll instead. Left in its wake, of course, was what looked to be a flower made from ice.

"...Huh. Irregular magical composition combined wi—oh, whatever, that's not important now. Men, keep firing! Focus on our initial target! I'll handle the one near the Captain!" he shouted, getting back on his horse before resuming his earlier tactic.
Leonardo Watch

Leo watched from a short distance away as the van blasted straight through the area, the helicopters hovering overhead quickly moving off to follow suit. While that on its own wasn't as noteworthy, the young man was wont to take a few steps to the side as he watched the white-haired girl block a car that had been flung at her. While the fact that the car was flung in the first place was reason enough to think that enough oddities were occurring in the area, the fact that the young woman had manage to stop it without attacking it made it more than obvious that she wasn't the aggressor here. At the same time, whoever the heck was driving that van earlier would probably abuse the fact that she wasn't going to try to harm anyone, but even putting that aside...

"Hey! I don't know who you are, but I'll help these people out here! You go chase after that van before whoever's driving that thing can cause more problems!" Leo shouted out as he ran over, quickly looking over the car's exterior once he arrived. The driver, an older man, was attempting to push his way past the airbag. Though everyone looked to be fine, the fact that there was enough force to launch the car in the first place meant that the possibility of there being underlying injuries, like concussions.

Well, that and the fact that the side of the car that had been hit was also caved it, making it damn near impossible to exist from that side.

Hinanawi Tenshi

"Hey, killing people isn't an end-all be-all to your problems, you know..." Tenshi sighed, watching as the girl in red continued bashing away at her rocks to try and get a crack at their already-restrained target. The fact that she had at least calmed down to the point where she wasn't consumed by murderlust was a momentary respite, but it seemed like it'd take a lot more to rein her in.

"Er... Excuse me, but... TSAB? I've never heard of such an organization in my life," the older man said, looking at Vita in a bit of confusion before turning towards the young man who had come down from the air. "Nor have I ever heard of any 'Director Wong', young man. I don't believe that there are any Chinese officials in office, anyhow..."

As he trailed off again, the older man shook his head and looked back at the group of misfits, the gears turning in his head as he attempted to find the easiest solution for this... Mess. The fact that they had already decided to stand down gave him more than enough of a break to begin negotiations, though...

"In any case, may I request that you come with me to somewhere a bit less... Public? With things as they are now, I fear it won't be long before news of this incident becomes widespread and the nation goes into a panic."

"Hm... Alright, I guess," Tenshi shrugged, letting her shoulders relax before stepping forward. "But I find it very disrespectful to have not introduced myself, just as I find it very disrespectful that you have not done the same. Hinanawi Tenshi, heir to the Hinanawi clan."

"Captain Yamazaki Mamoru of the JSDF. Now, if you would kindly..."

"Yes, of course. But remember—if you try anything, I cannot guaranteed your safety. You or anyone else here."

With a slight glare, Tenshi stomped on the ground, causing the earth underneath their sword-wielding captive to shoot up and bring him to a standing position. His hands were, of course, still locked by makeshift handcuffs, but for all intents and purposes he was disarmed. The stones, too, around the red-clad girl sank back into the ground, though the Celestial kept a wary eye trained on her as she did so. Beating up a defenseless enemy—much less killing one—was absolutely no good in her books, after all.

With their weapons still at the ready, the Captain and the JSDF soldiers began to escort the group over to an armored van, the sight of which caused Tenshi to balk.

"Could I ask you to step inside, ple—"
"Inside that uncomfortable looking thing? I absolutely refuse. Give me one of those comfy seats in the front!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Ms. Hinanawi. There's protocol that we have—"
"I don't care about your protocol, I am not sitting in that uncomfortable looking thing. It's either a comfy seat or I walk to wherever you're planning to bring us. Or fly. Flying works, too."

Suppressing a sigh of exhaustion, Captain Yamazaki walked off to the side for a moment and began to rapidly speak to someone over his earpiece before nodding.

"We can arrange a civilian vehicle to drive you over, then. Would that be preferable?"
"Very much so."
"Then may I ask if I may ask you some questions before we move over? My superiors wish to speak with you, but more context on the current situation would be greatly appreciated."

Without waiting for a response, Tenshi shrugged her shoulders and nodded.

"I do not mind. Ask away."

"Thank you. Now... First and foremost... You name, place of origin, and... Whether or not you plan to cause any harm to the people of this city—not, nation. Above all else, we want to know your stance on this."

"You know my name already, do you not? But placing that aside... My homeland is Gensokyo—more specifically, Heaven, of course. As for causing any harm... I do not wish to, but you certainly know my stance already."

The soldiers near the other point, though, ended up at a loss as their weapons were blown out of their hands and the three that were present began deriding them. While most of the soldiers remained somewhat calm despite the absurd scenario, one soldier—nearest to the group, unluckily enough, broke formation and took a few steps forward. After a moment of hesitation, the soldier—a young woman—took off her helmet to get a better look at the group. As if her suspicions were confirmed, the soldier paused for a moment before beginning to speak.

"H-hold on. A-are you actually Takamachi Nanoha? As in, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Nanoha? That one? The one who—"

"What are you doing, Private Minami?! Get back into formation!" one of the soldiers called out, to which the young woman shook her head.

"I want to verify something first," she responded, knowing full well that some superior would likely have her head over this insubordination. "But... Right, am I correct, then? The TSAB, as far as I know, is just a fictional thing here, but with that magic just now... That can't just be cosplay. No way it can just be cosplay..."

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Dezuel@Rin@Raineh Daze@TheFake
Riding along this seldom-trodden dirt path on top of his horse, a young man with somewhat fancy attire—particularly so for his intended destination—was somehow without signs of wear or fatigue. Though the region he was travelling to, Avici, was among the least hospitable areas of Tsukran, the blonde-haired man didn't seem troubled by that least. Rather than that, the state of his own horse and the contents of his own pockets were what weighed more heavily on his mind. There were hardly any positions that could be considered 'worse' than this, all things considered. Or, well, given the situation, at the very least.

"Ah... I should've expected as much from this..."

With a sigh, Dengran shook his head as he turned to look behind him, lightly grasping the reins of the horse he was riding as he did so. Unlike the other Demon King candidates, he had no real 'history' or 'connections' with people. If anything, finding a traveling companion—another demon whose build towered far above his own—was a miracle in and of itself. To find someone willing to come here in the first place made him wonder for a moment what sort of circumstances had led to that in the first place, but he wasn't one to pry. Unlike the others who seemed to live and die by their political scheming, Dengran was content to just let sleeping dogs lie. But even disregarding that fact, there were still bigger problems at hand. More than anything else, though...

"I just wish they'd have given me more money. Avici, I can accept, but I can't import or hire anything like this."

With that complaint out of the way, though, the young man glanced at the small town in the distance. It was a far cry from the capital, of course; if anything, it reminded him more of his hometown.

Once he had arrived at the town's gates Dengran simply dismounted and looked around. There was a single guard standing at the entrance, who himself didn't seem to be fairly experienced at all.

"So. This is the hand I've been dealt, then. No matter," he said, shrugging his shoulders as he reached inside of his coat and pulled out a single badge—the insignia of the demon king.

"My name is Dengran Minsau, and I've been given provisionary leadership of this land; this is my companion, Violette. I trust you and everyone else in this town has been informed of the matter?" he asked, to which the guard—a relatively meek-looking goblin—gave a quick nod before moving aside. With a nod, Dengran casually tossed the guard a single silver coin and continued into the town. If anything, he needed to get a feel for how large it was and knowledge of any other things like population and food supply. As far as he knew, this town—Kival—was the largest one in Avici, but by the size of things it felt no greater than half a district in the capital.

"This should be workable as a starting position. This place is a frontier, though, so I'm not entirely sure what to expect. Especially with there being no real peacekeeping force here. Either everyone here is truly that lax, or... Well, I guess I'll find out sooner or later. What of you, then? Is there anywhere in particular that you're travelling to? I need to familiarize myself with the town one way or another, after all," he commented, glancing back at Violette as he continued to lead his horse on foot.

@TheFake@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin
Tiral nodded quietly as he watched the troll that he had been focusing on begin charging towards him. He had already accepted that the possibility of getting it's attention was almost 100 percent, and so it was almost a given that his barrage of magic would continue on. One after another, the magical weapons continued to fly out at the troll, turning the enemy into a walking pincushion. Ideally, someone or something would topple it from the back to send all the weapons through its body (or, at the very least, cause them all to shatter and cause internal collateral damage so that others could finish it off), but until that moment came he would continue here.

The moment he heard the voice of a child, though, Tiral's head immediately snapped to face the source. With no trace of anyone having been there, though, all the mage could do was try and make sense of the very obvious warning for the Captain's safety. Pausing his own magic for a moment, Tiral turned towards the battlefield and squinted in an attempt to find the Captain in the middle of the chaotic battlefield. Luckily enough, it wasn't very difficult to differentiate between the two forces, though they were off in the distance, and it didn't take long for the mage to pick out that the Captain was indeed engaging with one of the enemy trolls.

Unlike some of the crazier Knights, though, she wasn't particularly built for dealing one of those monstrosities alone. After thinking for a moment, Tiral turned his magical barrage towards the troll attacking Fanilly before shouting at the people around him.

"Listen up! The second we get that second troll's attention, we're going to begin to move around and drag them away from the rest of their main forces! Do not, under any circumstances, stop attacking them! If we remove the larger threats and allow the rest of the Knights to clean up what's left, then we can systematically clean up the rest! Are we clear?" he declared, not waiting for an answer before snapping the reins of his horse with his spare hand. With the dagger still aimed at the other troll, Tiral calmly began to move his horse around, his eyes snapping between both targets in case any of them moved into a lumbering sprint.

Hopefully, they wouldn't be able to in their state, but it was never bad to be safe here.
Wahaha, projects and papers and work galore! Okay, I guess I should review this stuff.

@Pseudo Stygian: Er... Well, Better, but 'no moral compass except for this one thing' still feels weird to deal with, but if that's fiddled with I think he should be fine. He needs more 'direction', so to speak.

@Kazemitsu: Answer is not accepted because of inherent character flaws that can't be rectified as things stand, regardless of what position you're trying to take is. The way the character is written makes it feel as if they'll tend towards harvesting souls like a farmer harvests his crops, and that's not someone the main cast here would want to associate with, honestly.

In any case... Will start... In the next few days, hopefully. Goddamn finals hitting me out of nowhere with a giant baseball bat to the head.
Tiral glanced over at Lilianna as his initial magic barrage came to a stop, and the mage lowered his arm as he took the suggestion into account. Of course, removing the trolls would ordinarily take priority, but the initial assault had to be dealt with in order to cause the chaos needed to enter the fray in the first place. It wasn't like he was daft enough to continue the onslaught; that'd ruin his mana supply above all else, after all.

"You act as if I could keep up a magical assault like that all day. If the knights are to enter the fray, then is sowing chaos into the enemy forces not a useful ploy to make it easier to do so?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders as he realized that Marianne's own assault had also stopped. As soon as he turned over, the young man took note of his companion's words and sighed.

"There's only so much hot-bloodedness I can take in one day..." he thought to himself as both Marianne and her wolf charged into battle. In the end, it really did seem like focusing his efforts was the only thing left to do.

With another rapid incantation, Tiral stretched out his dagger once more, this time at a lone troll in the distance, before another wave of ice blades formed behind him and fired out. Unlike the last set, though, the weapons seemed to come out from a far smaller area at far greater a pace. The consumption of mana with this, at the very least, would be far less than it had been mere moments prior. Now, though, it was only a matter of if the weapons could pierce through and take the creature down.
Kumozaki Keisuke

As soon as the first arrow was loosed, Keisuke immediately moved to take cover as he prepared his own weapon. The first shot was ineffectual, of course, but as a Master running out into the fray of battle would have been the worst possible course of action here. Skeletons had no real concept of 'focus' and could only be directed to a fault, so it was easy to lead them astray. Humans, of course, were far trickier to manipulate in that regard.

As soon as Atalanta declared a course of action, Keisuke gave a brisk nod and broke out of cover, forging ahead as his Servant's suppressive fire gave him leeway to follow after Medea. The Caster had, at this point, been calmly strolling forward, flicking her staff to and fro to knock any incoming spears and other such melee weapons aside with magic bullets of her own make.

"Hm... These don't seem to be soldiers native to Crete," she calmly remarked as a large magic sigil formed behind her back and began to glow in all sorts of colors. "Oh, well. Enemies are enemies, after all."

Without much care at all, the Caster pointed her staff forward and rained down a hail of magic upon the soldiers, watching idly as bodies (and parts of bodies) went flying.

"...Not even an attempt to defend or dodge...?" Keisuke mused to himself as he watched the carnage, catching himself as he narrowly dodged a blow from an incoming spearman before returning with a clean decapitation from his own weapon. "It's like their self-preservation instinct has gone completely haywire..."

It wasn't long before the combined assault of the two Servants (and Keisuke, for however much he had contributed) had wiped out the incoming enemies, which gave the group a moment of reprieve to catch their breath. Medea, of course, did not stand by for long.

"Let's keep moving ahead. If this is the warm welcome we recieved, then I can only imagine what could be occurring near our destination."

Without a moment to waste, Medea floated in the air before flying off in the direction of the labyrinth. With a sigh, Keisuke cracked his neck before running off in pursuit.

It wasn't long before the group had reached the entrance to the labyrinth, and the sight that would meet the group was almost baffling: a large group of soldiers, all dressed identically to the ones that had attacked them just a while earlier, were filing into the maze. The faint sounds of fighting could be heard even here, all the way through the walls, which caused Medea to pause and frown.

"I don't know how many of them there are in there, and though I don't doubt our ability to wipe them out, I would rather not accidentally anger the Minotaur within. Can I ask you two to enter and make contact instead? If he is in the same state as Medusa was when you met us, do not attempt to engage in combat. I'll need some time to set up a barrier here in case that worst-case scenario occurs, but otherwise try to convince him to join you," she said, holding out her staff as a spool of thread slowly formed in front of Keisuke. "Move quickly, now; I need to begin my own preparations, too."

Glancing between the soldiers and Medea, Keisuke nodded his head and calmly took the spool in hand before turning to Atalanta before nodding. Words, after all, weren't necessary for something like this.

With a dash, the Enforcer leaped forward, his katana's blade cleanly reflecting the light of the sun as he lopped through the soldiers, one after another.


"Statues... Yes, I cannot think of them as anything but statues," Medusa said walking inland as she turned her head around to face the other Servants. "But they may not be. I cannot remember anything about them at the moment, but my sisters likely remain within the midst of the island. Let us go."

With a somewhat irate look on his face, Ozymandias quietly followed close behind the other Rider, hoping that she would stop talking in ambiguities; the sooner, the better.

It wasn't long before the sound of combat became audible in the distance, which caused both Riders to quicken their pace to see the root cause. The scene in question, of course, was a young girl firing arrows at an array of stone soldiers, and, surprisingly enough, someone that seemed to be an identical twin of hers. Immediately, Medusa's body tensed up, and the Servant firmly gripped her dual weapons as she stepped forward.

"What is going on here?!" she asked, causing the former to freeze and lose focus for a moment as she turned to face Medusa.

"M-Medusa?! You're safe?!" the Archer asked before a ball of magic struck her shoulder and caused her to go flying.


In an instant, Medusa dashed forward towards the Archer, only to find that a bunch of stone soldiers had slowly moved into position to block her path.


Without an inch of hesitation, the Rider threw herself forward, the rattling chains attached to her knives swinging around as she broke through in an attempt to make it to Euryale.

Ozymandias, watching as this entire scene unfolded in front of him, turned to stare at the other Servant--Stheno, or so he preseumed--and calmly aimed his staff at her. The goal was to rescue, but as before, disarming a Servant was far more difficult than killing one.

As this was all occurring, the old man on the ship simply shrugged his shoulders towards Meran, shaking his head as he did so.

"What can I say? The gods themselves have blessed this old beauty, and I'm very thankful for that, you know," he said, letting out a laugh as he calmly took a seat. "With that look on your face, little miss, you probably have a few more questions for me... Don't you?"

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Rin
@KoL: Don't worry, I think we can still work through this.

I'll have to ask you to have to deal with running alongside just Keisuke until the current sections are complete, but after that I should have an easy method of reuiniting the groups and just slightly modulating my plans from there.
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