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@Dead Cruiser: I also mention Taira-no-Masakado and Yamata-no-Orochi as possible options, and yet both are already... Well, dead as far as we're concerned. There's also beings that govern the dead or are actually dead, but that's also not relevant to the conversation, so let's stop that topic there.

Regardless, I'm not changing my mind on the issue. On the topic of power scaling (which is referring to the Contractor, by the way), you're dodging the issue entirely. I've made my stance two posts ago, and it hasn't been addressed in either reply afterwards.

Simply put, let's drop the issue here. I don't wish to continue arguing over something set in stone, and constantly bumping the interest check like this becomes redundant when an OoC already exists.

@Grand General: Aye. OoC's been posted on page one (and I've updated the OP to give a link, too).
@TheFake: Should be fine. Accepted (but don't push the form to Characters quite yet).
@Tominas: Yes, but there should generally be a good reason for such a case to occur, if at all. Everything boils down to justification, really.
@golani: Was aware, did see, replied 18h ago.
@Enigma: Nothing's been taken yet, and there's no limit on how many beings of a given pantheon are allowed, so there's no need to reserve anything, either. You're safe.
@Dead Cruiser: Well, by that logic half the Egyptian gods, a good chunk of the Nordic ones, and a few beings who preside over the dead are no good. Also, like, 95% of anything in 'Outlier' is dead/has been killed in mythology, and that doesn't exactly make for interesting dynamics if you're not making a contract as much as you are looting off a corpse. Kinda defeats the point of the whole idea.

I still remain iffy about the power scaling regardless, though, as that seems to be the issue you've casually sidestepped here.
@Tominas: Ayup, world events are as they are today in the real world. More or less. Famous people might not be the same, though, depending on circumstances.
@Tominas: Yes, and no.
Soulflame is an organization without affiliation, and higher beings don't ONLY contract with those in their respective pantheons. It's just a trend.

I guess an analogy is like calling a phone number. If you know the person's number, you can call them directly. Otherwise, you might end up fishing randomly or having to look up their number in a guidebook, at which point you're still prone to making a mistake and contacting someone else instead. It's a similar case here; Anchors have the 'number' of the beings they're associated with, but Soulflame... Doesn't. Usually. Something might make it easier to get into contact with a specific deity, but it's usually luck of the draw.
Hooray, OoC live! Here's a form to reference (and also my entry, I guess).

@Dead Cruiser: Tiamat feels like she falls into the weird situation where she has, like, double the amount of authority than most other gods (water and creation on top of being the mother of monsters that went on a god hunt) on top of being a major antagonist in the mythos the originates from. I'm thinking that she's more in the weird Upper Deity-Outlier limbo, but that aside, I don't think that Tiamat is the best choice.

Especially if, y'know, the group is trying to keep quiet. Kaiju messes are way too conspicuous, to be honest, and making monsters (even if they're just goons) is on par with creating supernatural life from nothing, which already exceeds the scope of what I'm assuming most characters would be able to pull off. Not to mention, well... Contracting with an Upper Deity Outlier means that there's always the worry of working against humanity as a whole, and since Contractors are often beholden to the whims of their patrons to some extent due to the Contracts, well... Bad news ahead.

In any case, I think this is suitable enough for an OoC, so roll call for the others who haven't been mentioned yet...

@TheFake@Rin@golani@Silvan Haven@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Tominas@RolePlayerRoxas
Here you go!

Oh, and before I forget: Most Outliers should have a good reason for being contracted for me to give them the okay, okay?
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