Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Pie Flavor: As discussed, accepted.

@Cu Chulainn: Cannonman would be fine.
@VitaVitaAR: Accepted.

@DocRock: Edits good. Accepted.
@Rin: Accepted.
@DocRock: Edison fine. Not-Zero Two fine (though she still needs a surname). Both accepted.

@Rin: Blurbs on the bookloli's skills, please. Doesn't have to be long, but Meanwhile really needs one.

@RolePlayerRoxas: Not-beardman fine. Accepted.

@Raineh Daze: Okay, there was an extensive amount of discussion and self-imposed handicaps (because Gil), so coupled with the setting and all of those, I'll accept goldy.

@Reflection: A few things, I think.
1. Saber Diarmuid doesn't have a 'guaranteed win' off of popping Moralltach in the JP flavor text. It's marked as a 'demonic sword' capable of instakilling with one strike, yes, but not 'guaranteed victory'.
2. Mana Burst != Mana Burst (Jump). It's a weird distinction to make, but it's important because they aren't mutually exclusive. He doesn't have the former; it's the latter instead. There's even a quip about it in his profile on the JP version where it's explained. So.

Yeah. Changes need to be made there.

Also, Master time. Woo.

  • Name: Liu Jiang (Jason Liu)
  • Age: 17
  • Appearance: "Eh? Oh, yeah, sure."
  • Personality: Though generally laid back, Jason’s penchant for trouble leads to him occasionally poking his nose where it usually doesn’t belong. He’s friendly to those close to him, but that ever-subtle sense of jealousy of the distinct amount of people who can use magic does cause him to feel inferior and a tad bitter at times. For good reason, of course.
    Despite that fact, most of the time that he ends up involved in magecraft, it’s by complete accident. The Servants that live in the city are everywhere around him, but the sense of being unable to even enter that realm despite living in it acts as a weight chaining his mind down.
  • Abilities: Jason has no notable features in terms of magecraft, as he cannot perform magecraft (as far as most others are aware). He does, however, remember a great deal from various classes and lectures on the nature of magecraft, and his background allows him to figure out more about weird magitech technology that has come about as a result of the creation of Fusang City (and, by extension, their contact with Atlas Academy).
  • History: A rather distinct non-magus, Jason lived a fairly normal life on the West Coast. His parents, immigrants from China, were comparatively well off from business ventures that they had pursued earlier in life (having been involved in the tech boom of the early 2000s), and had thus settled down near Silicon Valley to pursue this further. Of course, Jason had also had the fortune (or misfortune) of magic being revealed to the world. Though he lived his life close to the world of machines, the idea that fantasy wasn’t so far off was appealing enough to him to the point where he was begging to go to Fusang City to study once it had made its global entrance.
    A combination of personal curiosity from his parents and Jason’s own insistence allowed his attendance at age 10, though only on the condition that he maintain his grades while abroad. With that message taken to heart, the young boy was sent off to the city proposing the colliding of the worlds of science and magic. Here it was that he lived for the next few years, studying the knowledge that was available to him to the best of his ability.
    That being said, though, he still hasn’t actually summoned a Servant or even scratched the surface of learning magecraft, so most of his experience with the latter outside of the ‘normal’ courses has been studying theory than anything practical.
  • Other: He has magic circuits despite not having practiced magecraft, so it’s not wholly impossible to learn magecraft.


I don't think there's anything explicitly off limits, but I guess if something comes up then I'll chime in on that.

And... Depends on how notable it is. We've got age range and info on the population in the OP, so like... Yeah.
Well, I mean... You could wait for the Meiji Ishin event, since both Tesla and Edison get a rateup then.

But yeah, I don't really mind either. Just be careful about being able to commit to ham if you decide on lionman.
  • Name: Meltlilith
  • Class: Alter Ego
  • Appearance:"Humans never seem to learn."
  • Personality: As the Alter Ego of pleasure, Meltlilith is equal parts sadist and a maiden in love. Borne from the emotions of the cast-off Sakura AI within the Moon Cell (which thus became the existence known as BB), Meltlilith cares not for humans or their actions. Rather, her actions show a near-total contempt for those around her, regardless of her status, save the target of her affection (if any). To that extent, Meltlilith is also incredibly harsh to others; as she sees and acknowledges the fact that she is a monster, and thus attempts to create distance from humans and paint herself thus. That being said, though, the incidents that she has found herself wrapped up in have caused her to reconsider her beliefs and, at the very least, respect beauty that exists outside of her perception of the world... At least, to some extent. She still seeks love as a maiden, and pushes her own will upon others without care for their own feelings. Despite her own desires, she dances on the battlefield, a so-called 'monster' of her own volition who acts, lying to herself all the while.
    But if, by some chance, one manages to push past the barriers she has put in place and gives her a reason to love, she shall dedicate her everything to them. Not as a weapon to eliminate enemies, but as a simple maiden desiring the heart of another.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A+
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: EX
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: B. Cancels spells with chants under three verses. Higher-level spells will have difficulty sticking, if at all.
    • Riding: B. The ability to ride vehicles and animals that exist in the world. Barring things such as Phantasmal Species, Meltlilith is able to use such things as she pleases.
    • Independent Action: A. The ability to maintain existence in the world without a Master and act without the direct command of one. This skill also allows Meltlilith to exist for up to a week without being maintained by a Master's mana.
    • Goddess' Essence: B. A skill that can be described as an upgraded version of Divinity; in addition to all the benefits and demerits thereof, this skill maintains her mind, body, and soul. This, in other words, means that she is far more resistant to things such as mental interference and that her form will never change regardless of consumption of food or exercise. As Meltlilith is comprised of multiple divine existences, this skill manifests as such.
    • High Servant: A. An abnormal being (Alter Ego) composed of Artemis, Leviathan, and Sarasvati, this Skill essentially exists to denote Meltlilith, a member of the Sakura Five, as an existence beyond normal Servants.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Crime Ballet: A. As a ballet aficionado, Meltlilith re-configured her combat style to draw influence from the performances she learned of. The graceful movements she executes coupled with her high agility, in short, makes her able to weave through continued assaults without so much as a glance.
    • Sadistic Constitution: A. A skill that strengthens Meltlilith's combat capabilities. The longer she remains in battle, however, the more pleasure that she derives from the pain of others and the less composure she maintains. Her defensive abilities drop in turn, so extended combat can be dangerous if not properly moderated.
    • Melt Virus: EX. A so-called 'cheat skill' derived from Absorption and delivered by means of leg-based piercing attacks. Though ordinarily able to break down or copy even the most terrifying of enemies in order for Meltlilith to consume their abilities for herself, her manifestation here has led to it becoming far less lethal in nature. While higher dosages of the virus are still able to break down enemies and allow Meltlilith to consume them to strengthen herself, smaller amounts will only instead lower the parameters of any enemy who falls victim to it. Additional strikes will both allow Meltlilith to take in the elements broken down by the virus and inject more into the enemy's system.
      Survivors will regain their former abilities provided that they recieve proper care thereafter, but the virus can remain in their system if not treated properly (by either Meltlilith herself or by someone able to nullify its effects). The effects on Meltliliths herself will wear off if she did not consume the entirety of her target, lasting for different amounts of time depending on how much was absorbed.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Benzaiten's Five-String Biwa — Sarasvati Meltout
    • Rank: EX
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Though originally an Anti-Army (or Anti-World) Noble Phantasm, her current Saint Graph limits this to a physical attack. Though it shows its true colors when targeting noncombatants, its usage against other Servants (at least, in this context) becomes a combat dance of sorts. Circling the enemy faster than the human eye can see, consummating in a whirlpool-esque torrent of slashes from her feet that serve to fill her enemies with her virus and crush them mercilessly under her heel—this is how she executes her foes.
      Needless to say, the current her has no particular intention to strike down civilians—doubly so given the state of the world she has been summoned into.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good (Yes, really.)
  • Changes: Closer to her GO iteration in terms of abilities and personality. In other words, Melt Virus has been nerfed and she's less sadistic and selfishly one-sided. Additionally, there is a plot-related reason for as to why she is able to be summoned here, but that will become a plot point later on. Probably.
@VitaVitaAR: Birb is fine.

Anyways, have a very odd pick for the purposes of story.

  • Name: Meltlilith
  • Class: Alter Ego
  • Appearance:"Humans never seem to learn."
  • Personality: As the Alter Ego of pleasure, Meltlilith is equal parts sadist and a maiden in love. Borne from the emotions of the cast-off Sakura AI within the Moon Cell (which thus became the existence known as BB), Meltlilith cares not for humans or their actions. Rather, her actions show a near-total contempt for those around her, regardless of her status, save the target of her affection (if any). To that extent, Meltlilith is also incredibly harsh to others; as she sees and acknowledges the fact that she is a monster, and thus attempts to create distance from humans and paint herself thus. That being said, though, the incidents that she has found herself wrapped up in have caused her to reconsider her beliefs and, at the very least, respect beauty that exists outside of her perception of the world... At least, to some extent. She still seeks love as a maiden, and pushes her own will upon others without care for their own feelings. Despite her own desires, she dances on the battlefield, a so-called 'monster' of her own volition who acts, lying to herself all the while.
    But if, by some chance, one manages to push past the barriers she has put in place and gives her a reason to love, she shall dedicate her everything to them. Not as a weapon to eliminate enemies, but as a simple maiden desiring the heart of another.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A+
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: EX
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: B. Cancels spells with chants under three verses. Higher-level spells will have difficulty sticking, if at all.
    • Riding: B. The ability to ride vehicles and animals that exist in the world. Barring things such as Phantasmal Species, Meltlilith is able to use such things as she pleases.
    • Independent Action: A. The ability to maintain existence in the world without a Master and act without the direct command of one. This skill also allows Meltlilith to exist for up to a week without being maintained by a Master's mana.
    • Goddess' Essence: B. A skill that can be described as an upgraded version of Divinity; in addition to all the benefits and demerits thereof, this skill maintains her mind, body, and soul. This, in other words, means that she is far more resistant to things such as mental interference and that her form will never change regardless of consumption of food or exercise. As Meltlilith is comprised of multiple divine existences, this skill manifests as such.
    • High Servant: A. An abnormal being (Alter Ego) composed of Artemis, Leviathan, and Sarasvati, this Skill essentially exists to denote Meltlilith, a member of the Sakura Five, as an existence beyond normal Servants.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Crime Ballet: A. As a ballet aficionado, Meltlilith re-configured her combat style to draw influence from the performances she learned of. The graceful movements she executes coupled with her high agility, in short, makes her able to weave through continued assaults without so much as a glance.
    • Sadistic Constitution: A. A skill that strengthens Meltlilith's combat capabilities. The longer she remains in battle, however, the more pleasure that she derives from the pain of others and the less composure she maintains. Her defensive abilities drop in turn, so extended combat can be dangerous if not properly moderated.
    • Melt Virus: EX. A so-called 'cheat skill' derived from Absorption and delivered by means of leg-based piercing attacks. Though ordinarily able to break down or copy even the most terrifying of enemies in order for Meltlilith to consume their abilities for herself, her manifestation here has led to it becoming far less lethal in nature. While higher dosages of the virus are still able to break down enemies and allow Meltlilith to consume them to strengthen herself, smaller amounts will only instead lower the parameters of any enemy who falls victim to it. Additional strikes will both allow Meltlilith to take in the elements broken down by the virus and inject more into the enemy's system.
      Survivors will regain their former abilities provided that they recieve proper care thereafter, but the virus can remain in their system if not treated properly (by either Meltlilith herself or by someone able to nullify its effects). The effects on Meltliliths herself will wear off if she did not consume the entirety of her target, lasting for different amounts of time depending on how much was absorbed.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Benzaiten's Five-String Biwa — Sarasvati Meltout
    • Rank: EX
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Though originally an Anti-Army (or Anti-World) Noble Phantasm, her current Saint Graph limits this to a physical attack. Though it shows its true colors when targeting noncombatants, its usage against other Servants (at least, in this context) becomes a combat dance of sorts. Circling the enemy faster than the human eye can see, consummating in a whirlpool-esque torrent of slashes from her feet that serve to fill her enemies with her virus and crush them mercilessly under her heel—this is how she executes her foes.
      Needless to say, the current her has no particular intention to strike down civilians—doubly so given the state of the world she has been summoned into.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good (Yes, really.)
  • Changes: Closer to her GO iteration in terms of abilities and personality. In other words, Melt Virus has been nerfed and she's less sadistic and selfishly one-sided. Additionally, there is a plot-related reason for as to why she is able to be summoned here, but that will become a plot point later on. Probably.
Yeah, sure, door's open.
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