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Re: the emphasis on high level monsters:
If it's scripted duels, I think there are enough ways to get around the problem on its own, and it gives room for the deck to grow if the board gets broken. I'd like to run 3 copies of Masked Dragon if that remains an issue, but you've already cited your dislike for running triples, so I decided against it for this iteration.

In any case, uh... What's the topic of choice for today?
@Ammokkx: All right, scrapped zombies. If I'm going to hang myself tonight, may as well tie my own noose while I'm at it and throw another theoretical deck onto the table.

Turns out, I suck at coming up with generic decks to any meaningful degree. Who would've guessed?
Well, I may as well put this out on the table, then. Because the Synchros are generic, the deck itself can function without relying wholly on the Mayakashi... Who, really, are here to help get Yuki-Onna out onto the board.
I felt like I always saw a lot more Lance than Chalice, though. I think that was around... D-ruler format?

In any case, uh... Right. Asking on viability of using (or at least aiming for) Mayakashi with a small Synchro ladder/engine to start? I can probably find other routes to pursue, but the general idea is starting with Zombies and moving in that direction as the RP progresses.
I'm unsure about having Scrap in the name because the Scrap archetype exists, and I'm not sure if a leader of a group of ragtag gang members who don't all run some variety of machine is fitting for that.

Then again, I am also complete trash at names, so it's not like I can provide much in turn.
@GoMach: Aight, accepted.
So are we pulling an FF7 here or, like...?
@Crusader Lord: Accepted.

@GoMach: Quick problem here:
Gifting Lo Zuccone to a normal Human, this gives them the power of a low powered servant with stats at C/D based on how Donatello sees them and how long he spends working on the creation.

Base C spread is still REALLY strong. Tune that down a few ranks and the form is pretty much all clear otherwise.

@Reflection: All right. So.
  • B AGI is fine, but I won't budge on the EX problem. Icarus is famous for falling to his death, not a sky-high elbow slam onto someone's face while covered in fire or something. Terminal velocity is still a thing that exists, and there is logically no way to 'fall faster' with regards to the singular anecdote that is... Basically Icarus' life story.
  • Riding: Hi Drake, Columbus, George, and Mandricardo with Riding B. Odysseus, B+. Bartholomew, Riding D. Blackbeard, who has none.
  • Rosy-Cheeked Adonis: Hi Paris, you seem to be doing fine without the skill despite falling into that category.
  • Mechanical framework with feathers. Daedalus was an inventor and, as seems to be the case, Greeks liked their mechanical stuff in Nasuverse lore.

Problem with Cu Alter: needs Medb + Grail shenanigans to exist and be written into the Throne.
All right, it's time for review.

@Crusader Lord: Animal Communication too high at A+. Kintoki's is C, Summer Ushi's is D. Scale that down.

@Rune_Alchemist: JK OK!

@Reflection: All right. There's a few points to make here.
  • A+ AGI at base with a modifier to go EX? Uh... No. Kid was not as fast as Achilles, and exceeding both him and Atalanta is absurd.
  • Riding A. Also no. This is mainly due to the fact that all of the Servants (bar Marie, because she's weird) have actual qualifications... You know, actually riding something. I am fairly certain that doing the equivalent of gluing a pair of wings on and flying is not the same as riding anything under a Phantasmal.
  • Rosy-Cheeked Adonis is a no, as there are no anecdotes that would in any way make that skill make sense with respect to Icarus. Similarly, I'd expect Instinct to not be there on account of the kid not having the instinct to not fly too high and get himself killed. Charisma, too; he didn't even interact with anyone other than his dad!
  • You'd think the wings would be more mechanical and less angelic when it comes to Icarus, especially given the aesthetic trend of Greek Servants, non?

Ergo, rejected.
@Amaranthine: The problem with Invoked Dolls is that it doesn't need Links to pop off; Cross-Sheep just lets it plus for absolutely no reason at all. Then you start factoring in how easy it is to just Magical Meltdown, grab whatever you need... Yeah. Add in MR5 at which point they really don't care about zones, and... I feel like they'll be around for a little while longer if not hit (and given the recency of the Structure Deck? It might be a while).

Spyral... I mean, we can't exactly use OCG as a basis because Dragun is running over everything and Orcust still has power there, but even with Quik-Fix at 1 there, they seem to be holding their own. The deck's consistent and can just out boards with Sleeper shenanigans and can pop off with Double Helix as they always have, so I'm not sure how else they'd start falling off, since I'm fairly certain they can still do that post-MR5. There's probably a deck that can get over them consistently, just not sure which.
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