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Given the situation that she had found herself in, Misaki could only give a curt nod of agreement in response towards the newcomer following Nobunaga's own suggestion. With most of her focus placed upon the odd birds that were staring them down, the foxgirl found it difficult to give any sort of thought to further conversation not related to them.

Before she could follow upon the warlord's earlier call to leave, though, the sudden blaring noise that came out of the bird's mouth brought Misaki to her knees, the deafening noise wholly unbearable to her. Covering her ears as her face contorted in pain, the foxgirl could only barely force herself to look at the source so as to not be left unaware, only for another cry to assault her head-on. From what little she had seen in the interim, Nobunaga was already moving to strike them down, but as she was now...

Well, it was hard enough just making sure that they weren't going for her prone self at the moment.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR
Uehara Mitsuki

The enthusiastic reaction of the Servant in front of him caused Mitsuki to pause for a moment and glance at his own Servant, half unsure about how exactly to proceed before holding up a hand for a moment.

"R-right. My own Servant likes playing games, so I've ended up learning about a few by exposure," he said, pulling out his phone and searching up a few to show in turn. The slight complaining from the woman sitting on the bench was... Well, probably a little warranted, given the circumstances (and the fact that it was probably going to be her money used), but in the end that was something that the two of them would have to discuss anyhow.

"I'm just pitching it; you're the Master here, though, so you should properly discuss things over between yourselves," he said, showing the Berserker his phone screen as he pointed to and explained a few games.

Hopefully, those two would figure something out...

@KoL@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas


Though still somewhat cloaked by his Mystic Code, the kidnapper seemed to have a snide grin on his face as he watched the Assassin strike out. Of course, a two-on-one was obviously disadvantageous to him, which made escape all the more a priority now.

What he didn't expect, though, was for that Assassin to be so quickly disarmed by the Servant that had initially chased him. The bolt of lightning combined with the (admittedly expected) resistance of said Assassin to his proxy orders seemed to render her at least somewhat paralyzed, which meant that even if he was to run now, being caught was inevitable.

In other words, he had to use another Command Seal to give her another boost, if only to buy himself some more time to escape——!
@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas
Name: Sunohara Reina
Age: 18
Appearance: "I suppose this is a nice a day as any for a stroll."
Personality: Though not particularly introverted, Reina prefers to juggle a delicate balance of social time to a lack thereof. Spending time around others, as fun as it may be every so often, ends up a bit draining, to the point where she could just as easily end up crashing for the rest of the night after getting home. Above all else, though, she keeps a cool head regardless of what she ends up involved in, even if she may appear to get caught up in the heat of the moment. That is a different matter from playing along with those she is close to, of course, and she is quite apt to do so if the mood is right.
When put under pressure, though, Reina does not become "angry" or "panic"; rather, her sharp tongue and sardonic wit bubble up from the depths of her own subconscious, striking out at anyone that catches her ire. Even so, she does not waver in pursuit of her own solutions if she thinks it necessary, and will waste no time attempting to rein in a situation out of her control so long as she believes it can be resolved with what she has at hand. If not, well...
She'll find a way. Probably
History: To say that Reina's childhood was anything special would be a bald-faced lie... At least, according to her interpretation of things. She grew up in a stable household, and with good grades and a group of friends who stuck through with her throughout most of her early childhood. Of course, some came and went, but that was to be expected. Nothing, after all, was forever.
In high school, however, Reina had found herself becoming more accustomed to people 'growing up', as it were. The disillusionment with those she was close to and those they ended up involved with caused her to grow a bit more cynical, though she could never bring herself to fully separate from those around her. Her fresh arrival in university brought with it both the possibility of starting anew and, in some ways, a subtle hope that her own assumptions were misguided.

  • Name: Astrid Kim
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "I'm aware that I look a little young, but that does not change much of anything. I would recommend you not underestimate me."
  • Personality: Given her lineage, one might expect Astrid to be constantly seeking for battle, but that is far from the case; her job as an Enforcer means that regularly killing and disarming problematic magi has become second nature, but doing so is only a job and no more. She is polite and professional, even outside of her job, but her guise slackens when among friends and allies, and she becomes a bit more playful (though still somewhat stoic) when around them. To enemies, though, Astrid shows no hesitation nor remorse in cutting someone down, be it verbally or physically. As she does have the morals of a modern era human, the latter is less oft used, but as an Enforcer, sometimes the taking of a life is all but necessary. That being said, Astrid herself does not share the Valkyries' perogative to bring souls to Valhalla, as Ragnarok has already long since passed for her. A life of peace would be ideal, of course, but even she acknowledges that there must be sacrifices to achieve that much in the first place.
  • Skills: Astrid is well-versed in the nuances of spearplay and taekwondo, having been instructed in both from a young age by both of her parents, and even without the influence of any sort of magecraft, she is able to strike, defend, and counterattack far faster than the average human is able to. Aside from combat, though, Astrid is versed in multiple languages (English, Danish, Hangul, Mandarin, and Japanese) and is fluent in each of them. Besides that, though, she can sing—quite well, in fact, though that is something more reserved for the karaoke room.
  • Abilities: As the child of a Valkyrie and a human, Astrid has inherited qualities from the former that would make even some modern magi balk at the mere possibility of her existence. First among them, of course, are her 'wings'—while they do not appear on her person on a day to day basis, Astrid can summon her own at will and use them to fly about. These may only last a limited amount of time per day (an hour or two on average), but consume no mana to use and may regenerate otherwise. While they are active, Astrid's eyes turn red, calling towards her own heritage.
    Beyond that, though, Astrid has knowledge of primeval runes and how to activate them. The runes themselves are rather multipurpose, able to stun, disarm, defend, or attack depending on the situation; the downside, of course, is that she must prepare any that she wishes to use well in advance of any fights. In addition to that, Astrid also has a copy of her mother's own weapon, however degraded it may be from the original, that mimics the original functions thus.
  • Brief Backstory: The child of a Korean soldier and a Valkyrie that wandered the Earth long past the Age of Gods, Astrid was brought up in a very militant household. Though not as warlike as her mother might have hoped, the half-valkyrie still showed considerable physical prowess, likely in part due to her own heritage, and thus was put through a rigorous training regimen from a young age. Despite her own quiet personality, though, Astrid never shirked from either classes or training, regardless of what little time it left her for anything else.
    The presence of the Church in South Korea, however, meant that those studies be put to waste. To that end, Astrid's mother, having pulled some strings during her own time wandering the land, managed to place the young woman in contact with another Enforcer from the Mage's Association rather than end up anywhere near the Church. In a way, she was a natural fit for the job; being able to smoke out her designated targets and execute them with relative impunity led to her being assigned more and more targets, and eventually her reputation began to precede her.
    The sudden appearance of a call to arms by her superior and a set of Command Seals on the back of her hand, though, had set her life on a direct course to Mifune City. To her, this was simply another job, but...
  • Faction: Red
Aight, finally got this out.

As she proceeded with questioning the young woman in front of her, Misaki's suspicions were slowly confirmed, for better or worse. Every answer given had lined up far too perfectly with what she had known, and even when she had thrown the occasional trick question or two in to possibly test if they were someone who had simply studied that era as a whole, nothing seemed to be out of place.

Really, that settled it; denying that it really was Oda Nobunaga in front of her (despite being in a body that was more in-line with more liberal media interpretations) was impossible now, which only made her worry about how exactly to tackle things. Surely, the only logical thing to do now was get on her good side... Right?

That would've been easier to do had Nobunaga not asked her about the Japan of her time. Explaining how she knew that the appearance of the one in front of her was associated with Nobunaga...

"Well, where do I begin...?" she mused to herself, scratching her cheek as she tried to figure out how to explain otaku culture to the premier warlord of the Sengoku Jidai. "The evolution of mass media in Japan? That... Probably works."

Having resolved to explain how multifaceted the portrayal of Nobunaga had become since his death, Misaki slowly began to work through how Japan had rapidly become a technological powerhouse before explaining the concept of mass media. With that, of course, came the general definition of how Nobunaga had come to be portrayed in the modern day, in every which way and form.

Needless to say, explaining to someone as storied as that how they became to be known as both a ruthless warlord, small girl, and every step in between over the last few decades was already taking years off of her lifespan.

"...But, well, that's the gist of it. I'd rather give a lecture on the evolution of Japan since your death, but I suppose that can—"

Before she could finish her sentence, the sound of one more person being unceremoniously being ejected into the room caused the foxgirl to abruptly turn her head, only to wince as she saw what had happened to the poor sap. Though it wasn't the same as almost being cut up by the shattered glass of whatever had been containing them, crashing headfirst into a table was not the best of ways to start a new life.

What was more worrisome, though, was the massive bird that seemed to have entered the chamber. As was to be expected from a creature from a new world, though, the bird in front of her seemed to be both foreign and familiar to her. Given the situation, though...

"I will be the first to admit that the Japan of now is an era of peace, and that I've never held a weapon in my life," she said, glancing towards the weapons before turning towards Nobunaga, her body crouched slightly as she weighed her options. "That bird just seems curious for now, but I'm not sure if that's hold if it sees us as food... I think that the rest of this lecture can wait for now, then; what should we do?"

@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist
  • Name: Nagao Kagetora
  • Class: Lancer
  • Appearance: "Bishamonten's protection is upon me!"
  • Personality: At heart, Kagetora is a person who cannot understand the oddities and complexities of human emotions. Born with immense strength that dwarfed that of the people around her, she was never once able to understand the weakness of the humans that she protected thus. Without sadness, without anger, Kagetora herself simply wore a permanent smile upon her face, never once breaking the mask that she put on for herself (and continues to do so even now). With that said, though she is 'inhuman' in terms of both empathy and strength (which she herself acknowledges), her battle-mania means that combat is where her usually boisterous self stops being held back, be it by herself or by others. To charge forth into battle without fear or hesitation to strike down enemies is fun for her, after all, so even as a Servant she is more than a little unruly in that regard. That being said, her own ability as a former warlord is not to be underestimated...
  • Stats:
    • Strength: C
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A
    • Mana: D+
    • Luck: C+
    • Noble Phantasm: B
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: C
    • Riding: C
    • Divinity: C
  • Personal Skills:
    • Fate is With Heaven: A
      A skill that amplifies Kagetora's own personal exploits on the battlefield, and has varying effects depending on what circumstances she finds herself in. On a chaotic battlefield, Kagetora is able to carve through the enemy to bring victory; in a duel, she is able to strike accurately and decisively regardless of the state of the fight itself. Additionally, Kagetora is able to summon multiple other weapons for use in combat, regardless of her class being denoted as Lancer. As an avatar of Bishamonten, such boons are but a given.
    • Armor Upon the Chest: A
      Drawing upon an anecdote where she calmly drank wine and dodged bullets flying all about without a scratch upon her, this skill allows Kagetora to dodge any and all objects fired at her so long as she believes that she will not be hit. The effect of this skill is not absolute, of course—if there are enough shots fired at her, it is possible that this skill will fail and that the projectiles will find their mark.
    • Accomplishment in the Feet: A
      An amalgamation of Military Tactics and Charisma, this skill allows Kagetora (who, in over 70 military battles across her lifetime, had never been defeated) to direct and lead her forces to victory in battle. Of course, her own personal style of combat is more suited for explosive and violent battles, so this skill fares poorly against opponents who prefer to hide away in castles or fortresses or the like.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Bishamonten's Eight Phases Wheel Charge Formation
    • Rank: B
    • Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-Army
    • Appearance: --
    • Effects: Kagetora's Noble Phantasm does not actually activate without having its name spoken, as it is a technique rather than any sort of tangible object. When invoked while Kagetora is mounted on her horse, she is able to split into eight different copies of herself to strike out at her opponents. Though these eight clones may focus on a single target, their status as a sublimation of her military tactics enables them to be used to direct the flow of battle as well. Wounds inflicted upon these copies do not reflect back onto the original, and though they only last a short while, they are more than able to inflict the same amount of damage as if it was the original lashing out.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: N/A
  • Name: Nagao Kagetora
  • Class: Lancer
  • Appearance: "Bishamonten's protection is upon me!"
  • Personality: At heart, Kagetora is a person who cannot understand the oddities and complexities of human emotions. Born with immense strength that dwarfed that of the people around her, she was never once able to understand the weakness of the humans that she protected thus. Without sadness, without anger, Kagetora herself simply wore a permanent smile upon her face, never once breaking the mask that she put on for herself (and continues to do so even now). With that said, though she is 'inhuman' in terms of both empathy and strength (which she herself acknowledges), her battle-mania means that combat is where her usually boisterous self stops being held back, be it by herself or by others. To charge forth into battle without fear or hesitation to strike down enemies is fun for her, after all, so even as a Servant she is more than a little unruly in that regard. That being said, her own ability as a former warlord is not to be underestimated...
  • Stats:
    • Strength: C
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A
    • Mana: D+
    • Luck: C+
    • Noble Phantasm: B
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: C
    • Riding: C
    • Divinity: C
  • Personal Skills:
    • Fate is With Heaven: A
      A skill that amplifies Kagetora's own personal exploits on the battlefield, and has varying effects depending on what circumstances she finds herself in. On a chaotic battlefield, Kagetora is able to carve through the enemy to bring victory; in a duel, she is able to strike accurately and decisively regardless of the state of the fight itself. Additionally, Kagetora is able to summon multiple other weapons for use in combat, regardless of her class being denoted as Lancer. As an avatar of Bishamonten, such boons are but a given.
    • Armor Upon the Chest: A
      Drawing upon an anecdote where she calmly drank wine and dodged bullets flying all about without a scratch upon her, this skill allows Kagetora to dodge any and all objects fired at her so long as she believes that she will not be hit. The effect of this skill is not absolute, of course—if there are enough shots fired at her, it is possible that this skill will fail and that the projectiles will find their mark.
    • Accomplishment in the Feet: A
      An amalgamation of Military Tactics and Charisma, this skill allows Kagetora (who, in over 70 military battles across her lifetime, had never been defeated) to direct and lead her forces to victory in battle. Of course, her own personal style of combat is more suited for explosive and violent battles, so this skill fares poorly against opponents who prefer to hide away in castles or fortresses or the like.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Bishamonten's Eight Phases Wheel Charge Formation
    • Rank: B
    • Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-Army
    • Appearance: --
    • Effects: Kagetora's Noble Phantasm does not actually activate without having its name spoken, as it is a technique rather than any sort of tangible object. When invoked while Kagetora is mounted on her horse, she is able to split into eight different copies of herself to strike out at her opponents. Though these eight clones may focus on a single target, their status as a sublimation of her military tactics enables them to be used to direct the flow of battle as well. Wounds inflicted upon these copies do not reflect back onto the original, and though they only last a short while, they are more than able to inflict the same amount of damage as if it was the original lashing out.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: N/A
Well, it's Devil Survivor. May as well toss my hat in the ring here and see how things pan out.

Well, I think the current scenes are almost all about to be tied up, so if you don't mind waiting until the next rotation or so closes out, I think it should be super easy to weave you into the new arc stuff.
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