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Shokatsu Yu
Aluvera — City Square

Yu nodded his head as he took note of Saito's name, his eyes still fixed upon the monster in front of them as it fell. Seeing its wounded corpse laying there gave the blademaster a moment's reprieve, relieved as he was that the fight had ended without a hitch, before he turned his gaze skyward. The clouds showed no signs of parting any time soon, but at the very least there were no more monsters streaming in towards the city. All that remained, then, was cleaning up what was left.

With little reason to delay, Yu quickly attempted to survey his surroundings, only to find that all of the other monsters were already being pushed back if not killed outright. In a way, that was to be expected; with this many people, there should have been no small number of people who had already finished the endgame grind from last expansion and were decked out in the best that the game could offer.

And so instead, the young man turned to look for the next most suspicious thing—the man who had fallen from the skies to herald the assault. Whether or not he was an enemy was more than worth looking into, especially given the circumstances which had arrived here under.

But when Yu finally made his decision to seek the man, he found naught but blood and rubble. His disappearance, though unexpected, was not without traces of their own; a trail of blood leading away from the epicenter of the city was as good a place as any to begin.

"Well, people look like they have enough under control for the moment, so I'm going to go check that out," he remarked, gesturing slightly towards the marks left behind. "Feel free to follow."

Aluvera — Alleyway

With the sounds of battle still ringing around throughout the city, the alleyway provided a safe place to rest, if but for a moment. The larger monsters were still caught up in grander combat, it seemed, and the lessers among them were circling about more open skies. It was there that Yu found where the fallen had gone—or, rather, ended up, given the person resting nearby.

"Unconscious, huh...?" he asked, taking a step forward before noticing someone else had approached from the other side. Wearing a hooded robe over whatever else they were wearing, the mysterious character wasted no time in closing the distance—towards the injured, at least. The speed at which she moved, though, did prove enough to cause their hood to fly back, revealing the face of the person beneath.

The identity of that young woman would become clear to anyone who had played through the game's main story with that alone; Eunice Windstar was, after all, a staunch ally to the player and had been since the latter third of the base game's release onwards. But here...

Here, who knew what she had to say? What to think of them?

"...You look like you have something you want to say to me," she said coolly to those present, kneeling down next to the two wounded before beginning to tend to their injuries. "If you wish to ask questions, do so before the fighting has subsided."

@Sho Minazuki@SilverPaw

The harpy that had the unfortunate honor of being skewered and promptly launched at its kin let out another shriek of pain as it collided with one of its peers, knocking the latter out of the sky and sending it hurtling unceremoniously towards the ground. The other two, apparently surprised by the sudden assault, soon found their hesitation to be their downfall.

As it turned out, a bolt of magic large enough to take down both of them was more than enough to stop them in their tracks entirely. Only one managed to barely slip away in time, the other taking the brunt of the magical assault before plummeting towards the ground below. Rather than continue a solo assault, though, the remaining harpy quickly turned tail to find prey less willing to fight back.

The one that had been knocked out of the sky was most certainly still alive, but whether or not to continue to pursue the harpies was a decision left to those who they had aimed for in the first place.


Sen Rynta — Wellspring Park

It seemed that at least half of the people milling about the argument were simply rubbernecking, waiting to see if a fight would break out and the spectacle that such a thing would provide. As such, when Myrtle finally chose to push through and attempt to stop the argument, most of them simply split off; whether that was because they had more of their own problems to handle or if she had stopped their fun, though, it was hard to say.

Her subsequent preaching (or, well, it seemed as much to them) turned a few more away from the site; more than a few gave her impassioned cry for unity a bit of a nonplussed shrug, most aware that such things should have been a given in the first place. Others seemed less pleased with her response, a few even looking at her with a bit of irritation before choosing to leave. In the end, only a few remained—those who wished to see this incident to its conclusion and those who were at the epicenter of it all.

The Titan woman was the first to speak up, and her distaste of Myrtle's interference was most readily apparent.

"What right do you have to talk down to people like that?" she asked angrily, a scowl on her face as she stared Myrtle in the eye. "We're not some kids on a field trip, so acting like you're some teacher trying to tell us off... Eugh, I can't stand people like you."

Figuring that nothing was actually going to come of this, the woman stormed off, leaving the sighing Belva behind as the remainder of the crowd seemed to leave.

"Ah... Well, at least it ended without a fight," he remarked before looking back towards Myrtle. "I guess I should thank you for that? Though I'm not sure if your claims about them being sapient now have any weight to them quite yet..."

I'm actually going to keep the server closed up save for the people who want to join for now and people already in the RP. Sorry.
Shokatsu Yu
Aluvera — City Square

Though personally unversed in the ways of combat personally, Yu found himself leaping through the air, his body shifting slightly to avoid the sphinx's lionlike paw as it carved through the air where he had been moments prior. He was by no means certain as to whether or not he could survive a hit like that head-on, but given the circumstances, the young man found that he would very much prefer to err on the side of caution for the moment.

Fortunately, it seemed that his outstretched blade had met its mark, cleaving through the monster's wing and forcing it to drop back to the ground with one less limb for its troubles. With his coat trailing behind him, Yu took another breath and readied his weapon—

Only for a samurai to dash by to where he was standing moments ago, lacerating the sphinx's body in the process. There was a brief pause as Yu took stock of the situation before giving a wordless nod towards his sudden companion in combat and running a pair of fingers along the side of his sword towards its point.

"So skills carried over too, then?" he mused to himself, his weapon gaining a pale blue glow before he struck out. The sword effortlessly slid along the sphinx's torso, and with its attention split two ways between the pair of fighters striking it from both sides, the beast found itself hesitating; all the better for them, if anything.

"We can finish this one up and move to the next," the blademaster said towards the samurai, jumping to the side as another paw struck out at where he had ended his slash. "Less like AI and more like proper beasts with that sort of reaction, though... I guess that might mean decisive blows are worth trying for instead of whittling it down through raw power."

With that said, Yu immediately shot forward once more, aiming to deepen one of the wounds on the sphinx's neck that the other adventurer had made moments prior. Though the monster was already bleeding out quite heavily from its wounds, that slash seemed to cause the beast not only more pain, but a slight quiver in its motions. Would that it had the face of something other than a human, though, lest this fight feel less uncannily creepy in its resolution.

"Shokatsu Yu, by the way. Thanks for the assist."

@Sho Minazuki

The city around them was swept into a panic, and neither Sefira nor Kokoma would find themselves absent of trouble in the interim. While the larger two varieties of monster were lashing out at the larger groups or whoever seemed to be the biggest threats, the harpies flew around, aggressively screeching with ear-piercing volume as they swooped down to slash at their would-be prey—the stragglers, in other words—with wicked talons. The Shenke's collision had indeed caused one to miss Sefira, but as it seemed to think that was nothing more than a fluke, the monster turned around and dove once more in an attempt to pick up its seemingly-prone target.

It was not alone, though, as three more seemed to break away from circling the skies to follow suit, hoping to catch some unfortunate fool to pick them up and let them fall to their deaths in turn.


The man, it seemed, had lapsed into unconsciousness after speaking his piece. His body as it was now was being held up almost solely by the armor he wore and his spear, planted into the stone as it was. The potion in Nova's hands was not without merit, though, as though only some of it ran down the man's throat, that which overflowed found itself slipping into the cracks and crevices of his crushed armor and into his wounds. While nowhere near as effective, that much at least seemed to help staunch the bleeding (obscured though that may have been), and the reflexive cough would at least make clear his continued survival despite the din of battle surrounding them.

The griffon that chose to pursue the wounded man, as it turned out, would find itself less pleasantly affected by the explosive lobbed at its face. The heat and shrapnel caused it to screech and rear back, lifting its body up in a mix of pain and rage as the smoke cleared. One eye had been destroyed, as luck would have it, though the other seemed none the worse for wear. Upon further inspection, though, various other open wounds would be visible upon the monster's body—signs of a recent skirmish, perhaps?—but they seemed to not be enough to stop its pursuit of its apparent target.

With the person she was trying to help still unconscious, though, it was on Nova to decide what to do from here. The griffon was still reeling from the surprise attack, but left to its own devices, the monster would certainly look for vengeance.


Sen Rynta — Wellspring Park

The crowd that Myrtle pushed her way through seemed to be centered around what could only be described as a heated argument between two adventurers. There was an unconscious man wearing simple plainsclothes lying on the ground between them, and with little else besides their current predicament to take in, rubbernecking over what seemed to be growing increasingly closer to a duel did well enough to take their attention away from their own problems for the moment.

"Look, if someone leers at you with that sort of look, I just think it's right to teach them a lesson!" one adventurer, a female Titan clad in chainmail said matter-of-factly. "Doesn't matter that I broke his nose or knocked him out, right?"

"I'll agree with correcting their behavior, but jumping straight to a knockout punch is a bit excessive. Even if he is an NPC, there's a limit to how far you should go!" the other, a rifle-wielding male Belva responded, his hands crossed in disapproval.

"All the more reason, then!" she spat back.

It was clear that both sides were losing their patience, though to what end all of this might lead towards was another matter entirely...

Shokatsu Yu
Aluvera — City Square

"So that's how it's done, huh...?"

There was a bit of relief in Yu's voice as he finally managed to pull up his character information, his gaze panning slightly to the side as the familiar menu popped up in his peripherals. Finagling with some invisible, possibly-extant hotbar had been unnecessary, it seemed; simply desiring for the relevant information to spring up had been sufficient. Of course, where one success was found, others followed suit, and the young man quickly cycled through half a dozen other menus—none of which seemed to be able to access the usual system configurations, of course—before he paused, an odd shadow slowly creeping over the skies above.

Given how it had been broad daylight moments ago, the weather shifting spontaneously becoming overcast was by no means a good sign.

As he closed the windows to give him back full control of his vision, Yu slowed to a halt as he—and more than a few others who had already begun to gather—turned their eyes skyward, only to see those clouds shift to a dark black.

Any amount of hesitation in the air was promptly cut through as something immediately cut through the clouds from above, a gaping hole from which a single red light began falling—right onto the middle of the square. Those who were aware immediately began to move to make room for whatever was descending, and those who were not were promptly dragged away by the tides of people shifting to make room. Of course, no few number among them—Yu included—furtively drew their weapons in response.

The fountain in the center of the square, it seemed, had been the unknown assailant's target, and its subsequent destruction as they landed threw stone dust and debris all over. When it had cleared, however, what was left behind in the rubble was a brown-haired man, his bronze-colored armor twisted and worn as he knelt upon the ruined earth. The pool of blood forming under him showed no such promising future, but what was more troublesome were his words soon after.

"The gates... Have been opened..."

Whether those words were meant as a warning or as a threat mattered little—at least, compared to the creatures flying out from the clouds unto the city. As far as Yu could tell, they seemed to be a mix of griffins, sphinxes, and harpies—none of which he was pleased to see—and were diving towards the city at an alarming rate. There only seemed to be a few dozen in total, thankfully enough, but that small number was still more than enough to lay siege to the city if left unchecked.

As a massive sphinx swept down from the skies above to strike at him, though, Yu tumbled out of the way before looking back at the creature. Though he had no personal experience fighting with the weapon, it felt as if his body did. Hopefully that would actually mean something, given how it seemed to be moving around for seconds.

With his blade at the ready, Yu took a deep breath and focused his gaze upon the monster before moving into a more proper battle stance, his sword pointed forward as he struck out at its' wings in hopes of equalizing the battlefield——!
@Eloise: All right, let's see here...
  • So, not to imply that the game locks players onto a path or anything, but I'm a bit against the idea of your character being explicitly 'employed' to an NPC. The reasons for this are as follows:
    • As this character would be in a master-servant relationship, their ability to directly (and actively) interact with the rest of the cast would be stifled—not to mention everyone else that they might have to deal with, NPC or otherwise.
    • While we do have characters that have relationships to NPCs within the world, those NPCs are not necessarily inherently tied to the world, if that makes sense. In other words, I'd be denying this for the same reason I'd be denying the ability for characters to self-insert in-universe and place themselves as, say, siblings or lovers or what have you towards any NPCs that exist in the world.
  • The two 'noncombat' things you posited are not classes, they are spells. Putting aside how they're honestly more emotes and RP actions (like, literal RP actions), they don't... Make a class unto themselves, y'know?

That's about all I have to say on the matter for now.
Discord it is!

@Hammerman@Rune_Alchemist@SilverPaw@Sho Minazuki@VitaVitaAR

Invite here. I've set it to expire in 24h, so if you miss it the first pass, just let me know and I'll throw another one out.
@Hammerman@Rune_Alchemist@SilverPaw@Sho Minazuki@VitaVitaAR: RP's begun!

I guess I'll toss this in as a followup offer/question: do you think a Discord would be useful, or are we fine without? I can spin one up a majority leans towards the former.
Sunohara Ryou

With maintenance all but finished and the newest expansion pack pre-downloaded, Ryou was more than ready to dive into Emerald Odyssey and start streaming. He had made sure that his setup was in perfect order the night before—triple-checked it, even—which left him precious little to worry about now. With a few people buzzing about in the pre-stream lobby, the young man was more than ready to greet his viewers and dive into the new content with everyone.

The amount of congestion the servers had to face on patch day was oddly absent, though—a fact that struck Ryou as odd, but one that he chose not to question. After all, looking this sort of gift horse in the mouth was a bit rude, especially when it was most certaily in his favor. But as he moved to log in, his character selected and the loading splash screen appeared on his monitor...

White. His vision was overwhelmed in an instant by something far beyond what any sort of monitor could produce normally. There was no time to react or respond, and before he could even make a single sound in response——

Shokatsu Yu
Aluvera — Silverfield Inn


Blinding though that all-consuming white had been, the young man found that both it and any aftereffects that it might have left were nowhere to be found. While that might have been reason to breathe easy, it took no more than a few passing seconds for him to realize that something was most definitely wrong.

After all, his computer and everything around it had been replaced by a simple wooden desk, and his room far less... 'Modern' than he last remembered. Though that oddity was at the forefront of his mind, nothing had truly quite processed yet—not until he got up and looked out the window. It was the middle of the afternoon when he had logged on, but with the amount of sunlight streaming through past the curtains, it felt more like early morning instead.

Of course, even a single glance outside the window would cause things to start falling into place. He had read enough stories to understand what had happened, and though he was still unaware of exactly why something like this had happened, it was almost undeniable that the world outside was undoubtedly a locale he was incredibly familiar with despite not being anywhere in Japan—or on Earth, for that matter.

"This has to be a joke, right?"

Though still somewhat in denial despite how his voice sounded slightly off, Ryou glanced around once before walking into the washroom, clinging onto some faint hope that this was all some sort of last-moment fever dream. But when he splashed water on his face and glanced at himself in the mirror, that hope, too, came crashing down.

After all, it was not the face of Sunohara Ryou looking at him, but that of Shokatsu Yu, his character.

"...I guess not."

Of course, it was not panic that overtook him immediately after; with a few deep breaths, Yu had shaken at least some of the chaos running through his head as he began to consider the implications of what his current position was. After all, with isekai settings having become so commonplace, it wasn't as if he was left without any direction to center his thoughts.

"So I'm in the world of the game as the character I main. There was no indication of what the cause was, nor what will get me to return immediately..." he muttered to himself, flicking the water off of his face as he left the washroom, "...Which means that the first thing to determine is whether or not I'm the only one in this world now."

Centered though his words may have been, though, Yu could feel his heart pounding as he promptly left the room and the inn proper; whether it was out of excitement or fear, even he couldn't quite tell.

Aluvera — City Streets

Clean though the air on the streets of Aluvera were (or, well, as clean as you could expect), the state of the actual city seemed to be... Less than orderly. There was nothing like rioting or havoc on the streets, but the amount of people clearly trying to process the situation was more than Yu could count. In this case, though, that was probably a good thing; after all, that meant that he wasn't alone here. The grander implications of that soon crossed his mind, though, and before long, Yu found himself walking through the city, trying to find someone—anyone—that he knew among the crowd. All the while, of course, the young man began to half-awkwardly fiddle with the empty air with his right hand, hoping that at least some part of the game beyond his current personage was carried over. After all, finding something as basic as an inventory or friends list would be astronomically helpful at a time like this...
@VitaVitaAR: Character seems good to me. Accepted.

@Sho Minazuki: Sketch already looks great as-is! Honestly, that much alone would've sufficed, but all the more power to you if you want to clean it up.

With this, I think our cast is... Just about set to start? Once all the forms are in place, I'll get to writing the first post to kick things off.
@Sho Minazuki: Aye, game character only. I don't suspect that 'real' appearance will become relevant, but if it does, I'll probably ask for it after the fact.
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