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Shokatsu Yu
Aluvera — Inconspicuous House

Nova's explanation of their situation, paired with Saito's rather succinct synopsis, left Eunice at a rather distinct loss for words. There was a moment where it seemed as she might almost ask if they were lying to her face, but the expressions on the three adventurers' faces left her little reason to doubt the veracity of their claims. To this, the white-haired woman sat there in silence, trying to process everything mentally before shaking her head in disbelief.

"I... No, the travel from another world would explain your presence, but a world without magic? That doesn't explain why everyone else seems to treat your presence here as a matter of fact, though..." she muttered to herself quietly before leaning forward, her eyes towards the ground all the while. "And... A game? I understand what you mean by 'computer', I think, but to emulate our world, people and all, with pieces on a board—"

"It's not a game in the sense that you might be thinking," Yu said, interrupting Eunice's mumbling to add his own piece to the others' explanations. "While this world only really has board games, the game we are referring to is akin to... I suppose the best analogy in this case would be an interactive storybook or dream world, where we can create and interact with characters and the world within? That doesn't mean that the world as we see it now was exactly as we saw it, though, seeing as how those streets and this house didn't exist before..."

Despite her apparent shock, though, it seems that the explanation had managed to reach Eunice. As absurd as all of this sounded, it seemed impossible for three strangers to corroborate the same story on a whim when asked, and so she could only accept this as the truth behind the situation until she learned more.

"...I see that I have much to consider for the days—no, weeks to come. Sadly, I have not heard of any spells with the capacity to summon people from another world, much less change such a large quantity of humans into other races and manipulate the memories of those who live in the world, but I shall do my best in helping everyone seek out the cause of their presence here," she finally said, taking a deep breath before looking back towards the three present, uncertain as she looked about being given such a revelation in the first place. At that, though, Eunice soon turned back towards Nova, whose questions she had thus left unanswered; after all, with the question of their presence here unanswerable at the moment, it only seemed prudent to address that which they could attempt to resolve before anything else.

"Now, to answer your questions thus: I had stated that you all—in other words, all of the adventurers in this world, or at least those who witnessed that man's descent into Aluvera—had a desire to know, and my memories state that no small number would move aggressively in an attempt to pry information from him, regardless of what he may actually know. I am not excusing myself from the number of those who would wish to get to the root of this problem, but I would rather prioritize the life of a person and obtain information by speaking with him rather than banking on the possibility that force might expedite the process."

The serious tone she had taken made it clear that Eunice did not particularly like being painted as hypocritical, but that was more an aside than anything else given that the more important question had yet to be addressed.

"As for my plans hereon... Supposing that our visitor from Pelemeos had not arrived, I would visit the other city-states in Usira and decide on a more proper course of action afterwards. My intent is to help try and settle this matter out of the public eye until the dust has settled, though I suspect that the possibility of massive upheaval is rather high."

With a sigh, Eunice turned towards the other two briefly to see if they might give some minor nod of approval before continuing.

"That... Is the long and short of it, I suppose. To stay here in Aluvera or follow me on my trip, or even trust my words in the first place... I will leave to you to choose."

@Sho Minazuki@SilverPaw
Aluvera — City Streets

As Kokoma and Sefira rode further from the center of the city, the presence of monsters would drop off—at least, initially it would. Nearing the city's gates, closed as they were now, would reveal that most of the beasts that had not been killed outright had fled outside the walls. The plains provided little in terms of cover, but with the nature of the monsters, such things might not have provided much in terms of assistance for them.

With that said, less obstructions meant more room to wreak havoc on the people outside, be they slightly overconfident adventurers or the unfortunate guards who were by no means prepared for an onslaught as sudden as this. The monsters were rather thin in number, but even with a few seasoned adventurers slowly making their way onto the battlefield, they could only kill so many at a time...

Sen Rynta — Wellspring Park

Once he had finished dragging the unconscious man out of the way, the Belva brushed himself off before crossing his arms and nodding, well pleased at himself for being able to move someone multiple times his size despite the situation. It would have been rather embarrassing to have needed assistance, after all.

It was it at this point that the pink-haired girl strode over to him and offered to become contacts. Given the casual nature of the request and the situation, he was hardly in any situation to refuse, and so...

"Mmm... I see no reason not to," he began, fiddling for a bit with the air in front of him before finally finding what he had desired and promptly sending the request to the girl in front of him. The name "Mini Marcher", clear for Myrtle to see, wasn't exactly serious, but whether or not she would make a quip about it remained to be seen.

The arrival of another woman—an elven Paladin, by the looks of things—brought some relief for the unconscious man in the form of some healing, but as as the two began to talk, Mini seemed to take a step back to see how this would end up panning out.

@Hammerman@Operator Luna
Given the current situation with the Kyrinth and the village, as well as how it had acted the day before, Misaki was surprised to see that the deer had decided to follow her all the way back to Lazirha's house. She had told it to stay put there, of course, lest any of the hunters see a meal in its presence instead of a friend, but that ultimately made her job no easier.

Gathering the requisite tools was, at the very least, not particularly troublesome, what with Lazirha only so happy to oblige her requests. The way that the girl was keeping herself at the moment, though, gave the foxgirl pause...

But ultimately, if it was something she wanted to share, she would share it; prying into matters she had no say in felt wrong, and she had only known the girl for a few days. If she wanted to open up to her, then by all means she would do her utmost to help, but otherwise, her own pursuits came first.

Once she had properly gathered everything and set her workstation (if it could even be called as much) up, Misaki took a deep breath and began to break the plants down. The deer's desire to help, though, however endearing, was difficult for the foxgirl to accommodate. Breaking up the plants in this method wasn't something that a deer could do, per se...

Or maybe it was?

"Ah... Hm..." she began, thinking for a moment before carefully placing a stick of bamboo (or whatever it was called in this world) in front of the deer before speaking, "Could you try breaking these down for me?"

With that, Misaki would attempt to demonstrate, attempting to physically break the stem up before returning to her seated position. Hopefully her point had been made properly.

The problem of making the pulp had not yet been resolved, of course, but this was likely something to be taken one step at a time anyhow.

@Archangel89: Hm...
I think that it... Probably could be functional? Bit odd to call them a caster if they use lances (which I'd assume generally would give more physical stats), but I digress.

@Operator Luna: Looks good to me. Accepted.
If you want the discord link, just let me know and I'll throw it your way.
@Archangel89: Hm...
Well, I'm not one to help with descriptions, per se, as that's more on the player than the GM. On that note, though, the class doesn't inherently look self-sufficient. You can't use half of your kit if the requirement is that they're smacked around by melee as a caster unless you have a phase where you use melee, so that part might need to be changed.
I do think that ice would be better served geared towards a more utility-based DPS role, though, if only because of the natural contrast against fire's all-offense repertoire.

@Operator Luna: Analysis time!
  • I think it's sorta odd that the class is mounted by default, as we have mounts already extant within the game's systems. Mounting lends itself well to mobility (and this sort of playstyle might become more frequent post-isekai), but I think that they shouldn't necessarily be mounted from the get-go, especially seeing as how mounted combat for the low-movement, low-mobility tanks can lead to a disjoint in terms of visuals and gameplay. Imagine having to chase after a boss to do damage as a melee in normal gameplay. Yikes.
    On the upside, removing that mount requirement means that the anti-forest thing is gone by default.
  • Harvester should probably be more specialized.

That's it, really. If those changes are addressed, I don't think I have any other qualms with the form as-is.
@Archangel89: I think I'm going to need more direction before I give any suggestions. There are a lot of ways to steer the discussion in terms of ideas and concepts.

@Operator Luna: Ideally, once every few days, though I'm going to be updating weekly if a full set of the cast hasn't gone yet. I'll likely shift post frequency to 'whenever a group needs updating' depending on how long this momentum keeps up, though.
@dabombjk: Okay, analysis time.
  • Honestly, biggest problem? Luck. I greatly dislike luck as a mechanic, both in game as a raw stat and as an RP mechanism. In the former, it's either completely useless or the most OP thing ever, and in the latter, it's walking plot armor central. I would prefer those RNG elements excised out. This is mainly with regards to that item the character has mentioned in the 'Other' section, but I would also like to see 'Gambler' retooled or remade entirely, as I do not believe it conducive to gameplay in-universe to have literal card counting as a combat mechanic, regardless of how much theoretical play the class would see. Tarot Card Reader should also go.
  • The 'Thief' hider is broken and the information outside of it. On that note, both 'Thief' and 'Magician' are very vague (and the latter section of the thief's description is subjective at best). We have multiple varieties of mage in the RP already (three, actually), for example, and all of them are different thematically from one another. In other words, you need to be both clearer about capabilities and have a proper direction rather than an archetype for a class.
  • That latter half of the personality is... Worrisome, and that's putting it lightly. Honestly, I did not intend for free open-world PvP in the game during conceptualization, and even putting that aside, that sort of deliberate verbal harassment or intentional griefing and ruining other players' experiences sounds like a one way trip to GM intervention town. Not to say that those sort of people might not exist after the shift, but prior? I'd guarantee they'd have an insanely bad reputation among players if not outright gone at this point.

That's... About it, really.
Shokatsu Yu
Aluvera — Alleyway

Yu's mouth hung open for a moment as he heard Eunice speak and, after realizing the implications of her existence alongside the world, ended up standing in place as he tried to figure out what to ask. There were a variety of lines to tackle—their presence here, her own knowledge about both of the current incidents, and so on and so forth—but in regards to what needed to be addressed immediately...

Before he could attempt to step forward and ask anything, though, both Saito and the other player had spoken their piece, and given the rush that Eunice seemed to be in, Yu decided it best to not add any of his own for the moment.

Eunice, of course, had placed most of her efforts in attempting to mend the injured man's wounds—more properly than the potion could, at least. Listening to both of them speak, the healer sighed and nodded before responding in kind.

"Would that I knew myself. This man's armor is of Pelemean make—of that, I am certain. The spectacle of his descent was hard to miss, though, and as close to the epicenter as I was, it made sense to try and spirit him away for treatment and questioning. Would that I had been faster, though," she began, glancing towards Nova before shaking her head. "If it was only the one incident, I could manage, but the safety of civilians is of higher import to me than the other problem at hand."

There was a moment of silence as her words naturally led her towards Nova's question, and as Eunice slowly stood up, the young woman seemed to fail to meet any of the three adventurers' gazes head-on.

"...If you're asking if I remember you, then... Yes, I remember. To expound upon that question would necessitate more time, though, and we have little of that as is."

Taking a deep breath, Eunice took a moment to center herself before finally looking at the three again, her hands clenched tightly for a few moments before slackening.

"The sounds of battle dim; could I trouble you to lend me your aid? I wish to bring this man somewhere that the others-" she began, a momentary silence as she said that last word, "cannot freely and forcefully press him for information. The Luminary headquarters here is naturally out of the question, but that is not to say I do not have somewhere else in mind."

Yu could tell that there was more to the situation that Eunice was letting on—it was difficult not to, given the way she kept herself among them—but for now, it was hard to not empathize with her reaction.

Not with how she had reacted to the Shenke's question, at least.

"...I'll do what I can," he said, lifting up one of the man's arms and slowly bringing him to his feet. Hopefully, the others would assist him in the process; though he had strength beyond what he was used to, it made sense now as to why the unconscious stranger had only been brought so far with the suppose of but a single person.

Aluvera — Inconspicuous House

The path that Eunice took was distinctly roundabout, and it was hard not to notice that all of the side streets and alleyways of the city that they were passing through were... Well, actually existent, as compared to how it had been in the world of the game. It made sense that the scale of the world had expanded to fit all the inhabitants, once Yu considered the matter in his head, but it was still a bit of a shock to see that world given so much more.

Eventually, though, Eunice led those who had followed her to the front door of a house that seemed to have escape a majority of the fighting. The lack of people milling about coupled with the unfamiliarity of the street to Yu and anyone with him made it clear that no adventurer had stepped foot here at all.

That was probably for the best, though.

As the group entered the building, they were immediately met with a single housekeeper—a sharply-dressed male elf in a butler's outfit—who Eunice swiftly directed to bring the man downstairs to both change him into something more easily removed for medical purposes and to keep him out of public eye. The elf gave a curt nod before promptly helping to relieve those carrying him of their burden, walking with them to the basement before directing them to leave his unconscious form to him. Once that had been resolved and the group reconvened on the first floor, though, Eunice took a seat at a nearby table and gestured at the others to make themselves comfortable.

"...First and foremost... I must apologize for my curtness earlier. The situation at hand seemed more dire in the current moment than the grander problem, but that is not to say that I am not aware of that problem—namely, your presence here."

With that, she turned towards Nova before nodding.

"You asked earlier if I remembered you. To be more precise, I—and I can only speak for myself—remember everything. Every adventurer here, in this world right now, having gone through the same trials and tribulations at my side—needless to say, it was overwhelming when all those memories seemed to flow into my brain. It felt as if I might go mad trying to understand it all," she said, a bitter smile on her face before continuing. "But when I asked the others... Nothing. Rather than remember everything, it seemed that their situation was the opposite—nothing, no trace remained. They knew that you had all helped, but the 'you' in their minds was like an empty void.
Of course, I could not well reveal myself to everyone, not knowing how you would all react, and so I kept to the shadows..."

"So why reveal that much to us, then?" Yu asked, arm resting upon the chair he was seated on as he motioned towards Eunice. "Helping the person being cared for downstairs isn't much of an excuse on that front, is it?"

"That person is precisely why I could not stay put. You all have a similar drive to know, and I thought it better that I reveal myself to you all and speak candidly rather than cause a commotion and draw more attention to myself. Lucky that you were not among the more combatative within my memories, of course, but even so..."

There was a sigh as Eunice continued speaking, but despite the turmoil that was plainly showing upon her visage, she continued.

"...I've already told the other Luminairies to keep out of the public eye—at least until things settle down. They seem to think that you're all normal adventurers, but I fear that not everyone may be as receptive to such information as you have. With that said..."

Eunice nodded, looking at the three in turn soon thereafter.

"I need to understand as much as I can about the situation, no matter the cost or how absurd it may sound. So tell me of your stories, then; of what you know: who are you, exactly, what you have seen and why you are here now—though I suspect that final question will find no proper answer here."

@Sho Minazuki@SilverPaw

Aluvera — City Streets

It was little surprise that, when given the opportunity to flee, the harpy was more than willing to do so. A few more had taken to the skies and had scattered towards skies unknown. The battle near the epicenter of the city was nearing its end, and the monsters routed, but whether or not there were any left rampaging closer to the outskirts remained to be seen.


Sen Rynta — Wellspring Park

The Belva male stared blankly at the maid that Myrtle had brought forward before looking at her with a complicated expression. It was hard not to—not after hearing something as heavy as that.
"Er... Okay, you might have a point, then," he said, awkwardly scratching his cheek before glancing at Azure again. "Though I can't say I'm particularly comfortable hearing something like that... But, uh, good on you for getting her out of a bad situation? I guess?"

Given his words, it seemed that he did not doubt Myrtle's claims any further, but what that would imply for everyone else in the world remained to be seen. It was likely that people would come to see as much on their own in the future, given the necessity of having to interact with other people for the sake of living anyways, but it would at least be helpful to learn that much early.

With that, though, his attention turned back towards the man out cold on the dirt, but only for a moment as he shrugged.

"Well, I don't agree with the reaction, but at the very least he might think twice about doing that again. Suppose someone should bring him under a tree or something..." he mumbled to himself before grabbing one arm and unceremoniously dragging him off to the side. "Good luck with whatever you're doing now, though."

Aye, you have the right of it.
@Archangel89: Think... Hm... I guess the best examples that come off the top of my head are FF11's Tarutaru, FFXIV's Lalafell, or Granblue's Harvins? It's really hard to draw a closer analogue to the more Western 'small' races.
Upon seeing the deer's eager efforts to help her gather bamboo, Misaki responded with aught but a slight smile. Adorable as it was to see it rooting about for bamboo shoots, they weren't exactly what she was looking for. With that said, though, depending on how finicky her analysis was, maybe they could actually be cooked...

Better to check than not, though.

With more than enough material to start, though, Misaki mused to herself for a moment before deciding that returning to town to start processing everything was probably the best way to proceed. As useful as automation would be, with the amount of time she had to make a prototype, it was likely better to abandon that sliver of hope and instead go for a more brute-force method.

To that end, Misaki continued to ponder to herself as she walked back towards the town, considering the different methods by which she could go about this whole process in the first place.

"Hm... Maybe... Stripping the bamboo down along the grain and boiling the results for pulp...? Actually, that might be more effective than bashing everything up with a hammer..." she wondered out loud, carefully looking around in case any other creatures wanted to try and attack.

When she returned (assuming she had not encountered any ill fortune along the way), Misaki would promptly beeline back to Lazirha's house and drop everything off before searching for a variety of tools; a cloth large enough to sit on, a knife, a container large enough to soak and boil everything in that would fit the frame, and so on and so forth.

Hopefully the townsfolk had that much to spare, lest she be forced to detour to make her own tools in the interim.

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