Elise Kim
The Horizon
It had taken Elise a moment to realize what Xuan-Yu was actually planning after he had spoken, but the Pilot had barely managed to restrain the expression that would've crossed her face otherwise. Internally, though, she was kicking herself over thinking that the Chinese man in front of her could have actually managed to down that many beers on his own and wasn't actually doing something more altruistic for the people holding out on the ground. With their own fights settled, it would ultimately be up to them to continue to hold what had been taken back, though. Though she felt bad about assuming something more self-centered at first, the young woman didn't feel it was right to longer on something so petty as that.
There were other plans afoot anyways, it seemed.
"Well, then I'll go pick up some edamame from the kitchens. Seems only right to pair with that," she said, waving to the other Pilot as she disappeared into the kitchen.
Of course, by the time she had emerged with what she had set out to retrieve—a few containers of boiled and salted edamame—Xuan-Yu was gone from the mess hall, no doubt already making his way to the hangar. Not wanting to be left behind, the half-Korean woman quickened her pace, plastic containers somewhat precariously held in the bags she was carrying in her hands.
Whether it was by good fortune or speed that she managed to catch up with the other Pilot in time before he left didn't matter so much as the fact that he was still present in the hangar. Though only slightly out of breath, Elise made her way over to where Xuan-Yu was and gently placed the bags in hand next to the beer...
Only for Xuan-Yu to comment on her appearance. At that, Elise glanced down at what it was she was wearing and considered where it was that they were supposed to be headed before a blush of embarrassment crossed her face.
"Ah... Right. I'll go change, if you don't mind waiting," she said, rubbing the back of her head as she stepped off of the aircraft. As she turned to go leave, though, the young woman ended up face-to-face with Louisa... Who, given her words, was possibly misunderstanding the situation.
Or not. Given how she had already been off the mark with one assumption for the day, doing so twice would likely be little more than folly.
"I... Don't believe you'd be interrupting anything?" Elise said before promptly slipping past her co-worker and heading towards the door, "I'm just going to be right back. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes, I think?"
At the very least, swapping her shorts out for a set of jeans and getting a jacket to wear over her shirt wouldn't take too long, right?