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Kochiya Sanae
Nieve — Bookstore

Sanae crossed her arms and cocked her head ever so slightly to the side as Rayne spoke more on matters of money. Most of the matters regarding money were handled by Kanako-sama back in Gensokyo, after all, which meant that the young woman had seldom needed to care about managing finances for herself. Coupled with the general income from donations and all of the other side-ventures that the Moriya Shrine ran, it became readily apparent that the green-haired shrine maiden had stopped needing to worry about getting money for a decent while.

Compared to the others, though, the young woman wasn't quite sure if she was the worst off in the bunch. Chief among her concerns was Remilia, who the young woman thought was more likely to have Sakuya balancing the checkbook of the Scarlet Devil Mansion in her stead.

Hopefully the others would keep that problem under wraps.

"Uh... Hopefully? I'd rather not live on the road struggling to make ends meet," Sanae replied, her shoulders slumping ever so slightly before finally turning her attention back towards the mysterious hooded woman after being directly addressed—and with a convenient job opportunity if she had ever heard of one. It was convenient, sure, but the green-haired girl was far from one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"I don't mind looking into it," she replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "Letting a curse linger would be more problematic for us, anyways; with any luck, I'd probably have to deal with something like that later regardless."

With that said, though, the young woman soon turned towards Rayne and scratched the back of her head.

"Well, once we've finished up here, of course. If you want to tag along, I wouldn't mind the company... Though that probably depends on how much cash you've got left after buying that thing, huh?"

Regardless of Rayne's answer, Sanae opted to simply follow after their mysterious benefactor as she left, all the while wondering what exactly was at play.

The halfling, at least, would find that the tome was at least barely within her budget; purchasing would certainly put a bit more strain on her modest savings, but if the alternative was leaving it behind, maybe that would be worth it?

Nieve — Red-Light District


An almost instinctual reaction left Sanae's lips as the hooded woman guided her (and Rayne, if she chose to follow along) towards what was undeniably a seedier section of town. Even at a glance, the signage in the area made clear that this area was meant for those who were in search of carnal pleasure, which did not in any way improve her opinion of the place. The area was cleaner than she had expected, for what little it was worth, but the young woman had no desire to start knocking on the doors of random brothels like some traveling monk to ask of what ailed them.

"Would you mind at least filling me in on the situation here? I'd rather not get caught up in anything too, uh... Shady?" Sanae asked, hoping that her response would at least some direction to start working in.


Nieve — City Streets

While the show of swordplay from both sides had been fairly standard (by Musashi's standards, at least), Youmu's ability to cut through the space in front of her to unleash a torrent of slashes had, admittedly, caught the pink-haired girl ever so slightly off guard. While she had expected the girl to hold some supernatural prowess, something like this was a bit further down the list of what she might have expected.

Rather than immediately moving to parry the attacks, though, Musashi quickly shifted her stance to one of 'emptiness'. There was no guard, no intent to slash out and furiously cut down anything in her way. For a brief moment, her body was relaxed and showed no sign of even attempting to match the incoming strikes blow for blow.

But then, the samurai simply disappeared. For a brief moment, Musashi's form could not be seen in the midst of that cage of cuts and slashes; instead, all that would be audible would be shining afterimages and the sound of steel clashing against the attacks that once bore down upon her. Once the assault had ended, however, Musashi would reappear in the middle, seemingly none the worse for wear.

"Pretty fancy trick you have there," Musashi finally responded, the grin on her face having never left it as she took a step back. "Should I get serious, too?"

Just as the magical energy around her seemed flared up to the point where it was all but visible to the naked eye, though, the sound of clanking steel boots from all sides seemed to bear down upon the pair.

"Stop!" called out one of the people that had approached the pair. "For public endangerment and disturbance of the peace, you two are under arrest! Lay down your weapons and come with us!"

"Oh, I guess we're going to have to cut this one short, huh?" the pink-haired girl sighed before glancing off towards where their two companions were standing by. "I'll catch up with you later, then!"

Quickly sheathing her two blades, Musashi gave Youmu a quick wink and a brief wave before leaping onto the roof of a nearby building and sprinting off.

Needless to say, this left Youmu in the middle of an encirclement of guards, none of whom seemed too pleased with how the situation had panned out.

This wasn't to say that the smaller girl was any more pleased with the situation; if anything, she seemed to be the most irritated out of all of them. It was quite unfortunate that the white-haired girl had no further information on any of this, but confirming at least some of her suspicions would have meant that this was time well spent. What was not great, however, was the fact that Musashi had not only caused a bunch of guards to gather here, but also very "subtly" thrown a message towards them before promptly making a run for it.

"Of all the stupid..." the girl sighed, shaking her head as she brought one hand towards her forehead. "I'd rather not be detained, but I would be a fool to think that I could slip into a crowd when we stand out so much... Or, at the very least, that you would be able to. I'm going to follow after her; for better or worse, she's technically my responsiblity at this point. What you and your companion do from here is none of my concern."

With that, the small girl began to walk in the general direction of where the pink-haired swordswoman had fled towards. How she could tell where she was headed despite the girl having left their immediate field of vision, though, was a question all it's own.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

Nieve — Mages' Guild

After having been introduced by the minister in front of her, Serena finally finished dusting herself off and promptly returned the trio's greeting with one of her own.

"Ahem... My apologies for the rather unsightly display. As Mr. Halmir has said, my name is Serena ei Verzhe, but please, feel free to call me Serena," the young woman replied before bowing towards the group. "I've never been one for formalities, after all. If you'll give me a moment, though, I need to... Erm... Air out this room before we proceed. One moment."

With the smoke from whatever had happened inside having partially dissipated from opening the door to the room, Serena took a deep breath and promptly moved back inside; a glance through would reveal that it seemed to be in fairly pristine condition, save for whatever odd apparatus was churning away in the center. The young woman swiftly crossed through the room and promptly threw open the windows on the other side before grabbing a small wand crafted of wood and metal off to the side. With a single motion, the tip of the wand lit up, and a sudden gust of wind promptly funneled whatever smoke was left inside out through the window.

"There, that should do it," Serena said before beckoning the others inside. "Please, take a seat. If it's simple analysis, I can handle everything right here."

Given how nonchalant the princess seemed to be about the whole affair, it seemed reasonable to think that nothing would go wrong... Well, besides the fact that she still hadn't been the one who Bren had intended to help with this matter, but that was a different problem in it's own right.

Once the group entered and took their places, Serena wasted no time in placing her focus upon Anne's mechanical arm. It was, needless to say, utterly foreign as a concept to her to recreate a limb with metal and... Whatever else it was that made it up. Even with the basic questions and demonstrations of the degree to which Anne was able to control the prosthetic like it was no different from her own hand were worthy of her attention—never mind the magic detection spell that was thus promptly cast over it to reveal no mana within whatsoever.

"...Well, I can confidently state that there isn't magic at play with this marvel of engineering, though the craftsmanship you would need to make something like this may as well be," Serena finally said, before placing her wand to the side. "My brother would probably go insane if he saw something like this—which is tempting in it's own right—but I'd rather not cause a fuss over it. Heavens know that if he saw it he'd stop at nothing to try and replicate it... Or worse."

There was a bit of disdain in her voice as she spoke, but Serena wasted no time lingering on the matter.

"Right. Well, I can certainly guarantee that there's no nation on the continent capable of making something like this, magically or not; otherwise, I have a pretty good feeling we'd already be fighting for our lives. If you can make something this small and fine without needing to use any magic to power it, then I'd be terrified to imagine what you could do with something larger," the mage added before finally taking a seat of her own. "So, to review the situation thus far... These three—and their companions—were caught up in an incident with teleportation magic and ended up in the town of Aventon, where they repelled an invasion from the Raven Heralds and later traveled here to warn us of... Some sort of threat to the capital?"

"That is correct, ma'am," Bren responded with a nod. "I've sent out some people to verify their story already, so they should be returning in a few hours' time with a response."

"Hm. I've never been one for politics, but this certainly sounds like a national crisis in the making if that's true," Serena stated before glancing back towards the trio. "At the very least, I'd think that Father would be willing to listen if it's a definite crisis like a brewing war on the horizon. That being said, I'm worried about how long it'd take to confirm everything in time, never mind this vague threat of something at the capital. How long do you all plan on staying here in Nieve? I can't guarantee anything on my end yet, but it would be convenient if, assuming your story is true, that you could remain here until things have been sorted out."

@Izurich@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92
Kochiya Sanae
Nieve — Bookstore

After receiving the tome from Rayne, Sanae wasted no time in hastily flipping through it's contents in order to find at least a mention of the goddess' name within. The number of deities listed was rather numerous, unsurprisingly enough, but after utilizing her years-old memories of analyzing texts in school to its utmost the young shrine maiden finally found a passage naming the goddess... And a few others.

"Wow, this one really does mention her. Let's see..." Sanae trailed off as she glanced over the paragraph in question briefly.

The three goddesses Lavielle, Eistre, and Filyn seemed to have been held as those who controlled fate. Eistre, the eldest, marked the 'beginning' of journeys. Filyn, the second eldest, marked their ends. Lavielle, the youngest, seemed to have been given the role of charting their courses... And, fittingly enough, seems to have been the ones that the Merellians often believed was most likely to watch over—and, in many cases, interfere with—their lives.

"This... Does seem like what we're looking for," Sanae answered, closing the book back up and returning it to Rayne. "I guess it might be in our best interests to buy the book—and maybe look for whoever wrote it, too."

With that said, Sanae turned towards where Rayne was pointing and, in seeing nothing more than a hooded woman, simply bowed in thanks before refocusing on Rayne.

"Uh... Speaking of, though... Do you have any money on you? I wasn't exactly trading with the caravan, and it, uh... Slipped my mind when we were travelling."


Nieve — City Streets

Musashi would have considered herself very much a fool had she not heeded the words—and rather distinct choice of action—of her opponent as she recovered from the scant few moments of her counterattack missing its mark. The swordswoman acknowledged Youmu's choice of action with no more than a smirk as she readied herself for another clash of blades, her own swords at the ready as the other girl sprang forward with an assault quite similar to the last.

"You're not the only one with tricks up their sleeve!" the pink-haired woman called out as she bent her knees ever so slightly. In an instant, a barrage of rainbow-colored energy seemed to rocket out from behind her, launching her towards Youmu with a speed that, at that point in time, far exceeded that with which she was approaching with. Now, with both her swords pressing down upon her opponent, Musashi's smirk turned into a wide grin as she pressed the assault further.

All the while, though, the smaller girl standing to Mokou's side gave her conversation partner a look of mild distrust. While it was clear that she didn't agree with the white-haired girl's assessment of her own realm, it seemed reasonable for the moment to simply accept that they would likely not see eye-to-eye on the matter for a long while, if ever.

"...Yes, you could say that. My so-called bodyguard over there seemed to be familiar with the concept of interdimensional travel, though as far as I know she's only ever traveled to parallel versions of her own Earth. I come from a different one altogether, and to summarize the situation in as simple a manner as possible, we both found ourselves in this foreign world and chose to work together for both of our sakes," she replied before revealing a set of three red markings that seemed to be tattooed onto the back of her hand. "While I have your attention, then: would these markings be at all familiar to you? At this point, it's one more question in the dozens I need to research, but if anyone might have any answers it would probably be another wanderer like yourself."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

Nieve — Embassy

Bren nodded in silence as Anne relayed to him a few names that would prove useful in his own investigations, and after having committed them to memory the minister briefly excused himself from the room to, as he put it, 'contact the person most likely to be able to help and set everything else into motion'. The wait afterwards took more than a few minutes, but bereft of anything else to occupy themselves with the three present may as well have felt the wait to have been far longer than it actually was.

When the minister finally returned to the room, he seemed to have been left notably more exhausted than he had first been when he had left. It was quite obvious that the source therein had to have been mental in nature, given the lack of any sort of signs of strenuous activity, but by the way he seemed to be keeping himself it was clear that something was amiss.

"My apologies for the delay. I've sent some people to retrieve testimony about the situation you presented, and they should be following up with us within the next few hours. As for the tests..." he trailed off before sighing and shaking his head.

"...The person in question should be arriving to meet us within a few minutes. She insisted that if what I said was true... No, actually, I do not believe I could accurately convey anything that she said in any reasonable manner. Could I ask that you please follow me? My office isn't particularly suitable for anything beyond clerical work and discussions, I'm afraid."

With that invitation extended, Bren quickly escorted the trio out of his office and towards a different building nearby—one that, as Fran would notice quite quickly, seemed to be suffused with mana of one form or another.

"The Nievan Mages' Guild," Bren briefly explained as they walked through the doors and towards a young man who had quickly moved to meet and guide the group in turn. "If there's anywhere equipped to dispel any magically-inclined doubts about your story, it would be here. As for the person in question—"

Before Bren could even finish his statement, the sound of an explosion from further down the hallway they had been led down caused the minister to pause in concern. After a few seconds, a plume of white smoke billowed out in turn as a young woman with vibrant red hair tied back in a ponytail stumbled out. Her clothes—a blouse and a dress—seemed rather practical at a glance, but further inspection would reveal that their craftsmanship and delicate handcrafted stitching was weaved through with no small number of magical wards and protections.

"Eugh..." the woman grumbled to herself before noticing the oncoming group and quickly scrambling to dust herself off in an effort to make herself look more presentable. At this, Bren simply sighed and turned back towards the group.

"The woman you see before you is Princess Serena ei Verzhe, sixth in line for succession of the throne. Though she may be a bit more spirited than one might expect of royalty, her dedication towards the magical arts is worthy of more than a little praise. She is also the one who insisted to examine you in lieu of the person I had in mind, and, well..."

@Izurich@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92
Kochiya Sanae
Nieve — City Streets

While Rayne had been free to spend her time speaking with the mysterious stranger in search of information, Sanae had found no such stroke of luck. Most of her time had been spent poring through tome after tome; with no titles on their spines, the minimum she had to do to rule any book out was pull it out of its place and skim through its contents in hopes that it held something noteworthy before having to inevitably slot it back where it had been before.

The upside to this was that it was a fast way of getting an idea of the general manner in which the people of this world revered their gods and the way they told their stories. Doing so in exchange for a terribly inefficient way of using her time, however, was... Less than pleasant. Needless to say, the young woman now deeply wished that Kosuzu was here to expedite the process exponentially. Granted, she wouldn't have been able to do much of anything in the world, but being able to simply touch a book to understand its contents would make this job far less troublesome.

After the tenth tome or so had been returned from her hands to the shelves, though, the shrine maiden heard Rayne call her name out from the other side of a bookshelf—and seemingly lucky enough to have discovered what it was that they were seeking. It was... Uncannily convenient, but there was no reason to complain about so fortuitous an occasion.

"Did you?" she asked, poking her head around the corner. "I'd like to take a look to check, just in case."


Nieve — City Streets

Despite the speed at which Youmu had approached her—and in so doing had begun with a two-pronged attack to be expected from dual-sword styles—Musashi had wasted no time in parrying the pair of blades with her own. There was a small smirk on her face as a scattering of sparks flew into the air, and the pink-haired woman quickly shifted her form to return the favor. Her twin katanas moved in unison, changing the trajectories of those bearing down upon her to cut through naught but air before slashing forward towards her torso.

"Not bad, but you're wide open——!"

While the two swordswomen continued their duel (and banter, at least in Musashi's case), the smaller girl regarded the woman's response with a rather displeased expression.

"I would certainly hope they wouldn't. What kind of hellhole must the place you lived in be like if fighting people is on the level of saying hello?" she retorted before sighing. "It'd be much better to think about problems logically and dissect them one piece at a time, anyhow. Far easier than fumbling about and fighting anyone who looks vaguely suspicious."

There was a brief moment of silence as she glanced between her new (apparent) conversation partner and the two dueling battle maniacs causing a ruckus on the street.

"...Not that we have any room to talk, I suppose. Gensokyo, was it? The name sounds vaguely Japanese, and your features do match the region... Would it be too much to assume that you might come from an alternate Earth as well? Though I suppose simply asking wouldn't hurt, would it?"

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

Nieve — Embassy

Though he had been fairly reticent about the discussion as a whole, entertaining it insofar as he would a matter of national security, the lilac-haired girl's words left Bren's patience trying—and desperately so, given how she seemed to have an ego larger than the building that they were in. Such self-righteous beliefs were common among sheltered nobility whose parents knew not how to raise a child with the dignity befitting of their station, but given the current situation the minister had little leeway to reprimand the child. With that said, the man's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he watched Anne's arm move and change on a level so fundamentally different from any sense that he was used to that he had to take a moment to right himself. For a moment, the man lost himself in thought about her story and the implications of it all. The whole affair seemed to be something out of some madman's ramblings, but seeing metalwork that was crafted and that moved in such a way to be beyond comprehension...

While illusions could mimic the impossible and inscrutable, it was a different matter altogether when presented with something so uniquely alien instead.

"...Right. I don't believe that anyone could dismiss anything of that nature out of hand," he finally responded after managing to compose himself once more. "I'll go send some people out to confirm what I need to, but at the very least I can recognize something beyond magic when I see it. That being said, I can't exactly go speaking about this matter to just anyone; if word got out about what you just showed me, there'd be no end to our problems."

Bren paused again as he considered all of the information he had been provided up until this point before speaking again.

"Would you mind speaking with a few other people and participating in some tests? I cannot rule out the possibility of deception despite what you have shown me, and if there is any chance of your words being doubted I would like to put them to rest as soon as possible. You are free to refuse, of course, but it would expedite a few things quite considerably... As would further discussions bereft of ego. If you came here with altruistic intentions, after all, I would hate for relationships to be sullied due to a lack of mutual respect and understanding."

Who those words were meant for was quite obvious at this point, but there was a genuine sentiment in the man's heart that such things were true. He could only hope that the woman speaking with him felt the same way, regardless of what her charge might think.

@Izurich@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92
Nieve — Embassy

Bren sat in silence as he listened to Anne speak. Though his gaze momentarily flicked towards the pair that had arrived with her once the pink-haired one chastised the child, his focus seemed to remain intact as he seemed to consider what, supposedly, had transpired. Though he knew of many towns in Riltaea, Aventon and Sila were not ones he could so easily place to a location despite their passing familiarity. Once the woman finished speaking her piece, the minister calmly stood up and, after pulling a document from one of the nearby shelves, calmly unfolded it.

A map of the country, as good as any other—bereft of any markings or any indications of more politically-inclined details, of course—would soon be laid out upon the desk as the man slowly traced a path from the capital to the nation's border with Eiderheim. A brief glance around the region there would corroborate the existence of a town by the name of Aventon; from there, tracing a general path towards the capital would also note the presence of Sila en route.

"Hm... An attack positioned towards the capital would be rather concerning, but I believe that any city would be concerned if similar claims were levied against them," the man responded as he returned to his seat. "Never mind how an attack from the north by Eiderheim's elite force would have easily overtaken a frontier town so far from any support. Confirming the attack and the results therein shouldn't be too difficult, assuming we can corroborate those claims. You came here with merchants, yes? I would appreciate it if you could provide information on them so that we can verify your story... Though I suppose that takes lower priority than the other issue at hand."

With that, Bren took a deep breath and looked Anne dead in the eyes.

"If Eiderheim has attacked our nation unprovoked, then we cannot stand idly by. But if you claim that there are swords pointed at our necks, then we can ill afford to fight a war on two fronts. Placing the form of this 'attack' aside, do you have any proof of your claims of a strike towards the capital? While it is straightforward enough to pass proof of an invasion up to His Majesty, to say that there would be some attack or another directed here... Well, rather than uncertainty, it would seem rather obvious that the enemy would want to take the capital, would it not?"

@Izurich@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92
Nieve — City Streets

While the swordswoman's eyes seemed to immediately brighten up at the sound of the white-haired girl's reciprocation of her feelings, the smaller girl seemed far less enthused about the situation. Despite her intent to defuse the situation and hopefully continue on her way, it seemed that the world had different plans in store for her—for the moment, at least.

"Konpaku, huh...? Haven't heard of that school of swordsmanship before, but there's a first time for everything, I suppose!" the swordswoman responded before dramatically throwing her hat off to the side—and into the unfortunate hands of the girl she had been traveling with. "My name is Miyamoto Musashi, founder of the Niten Ichiryu style of swordplay! Let me see what you have to offer!"

With their formal introductions handled, Musashi slowly unsheathed both of her blades and adopted a combat stance. Given how she was in the middle of a street in so doing, though, it seemed that the passersby were quick to either clear the area or, more self-servingly, attempted to rubberneck and get a better view of the match between the two foreigners that was all but certain to break out.

To all of this, the smaller girl was left with nothing more than a straw hat in hand and a look of intense displeasure on her face as she watched her bodyguard square up for a wholly unnecessary fight. The other white-haired girl, adorned with odd red-white talismans, had chosen to approach her to strike up a conversation in the middle of the other two's duel.

"Alchemist would be more apt—especially given our current surroundings," the girl responded in kind. "I suppose your rather outlandish appearance and the words of your companion mean that you're also not from here, then? Just my luck to find more people who think that fighting random passersby makes for a good pastime..."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

Nieve — Embassy

The trio's reception at the embassy was a bit awkward, to say the lest. Though Anne's clothing clearly marked her as a foreign entity in a city whose technology level was well behind what she was used to, the pair of girls she had entered with—one of whom seemed to be little more than a child who had run out of steam after throwing a fit and the other carrying her under her arm—made trying to piece the situation together rather difficult. It didn't help that the first people to meet them seemed to be rather reticent about doing so in the first place.

It could be seen as a bit of a boon, then, that someone was finally brought out to actually address them—a rather tall, well-built man in a suit whose face seemed to betray the slightest hints of aging.

"Greetings, Ms. Mayer. My name is Bren Halmir, and I work as a minister here. While I would prefer that you would go through the proper diplomatic channels..." he began to say before glancing over the group as a whole, "and for you and yours to not spend your walk here causing a scene, I believe that a discussion would at least be more productive than dismissing you outright. Would you mind following me to my office?"

Assuming that the trio agreed, Bren would promptly lead them to another room—one filled with shelves full of documents—before promptly taking a seat at his desk and continuing to speak after gesturing for the three to do the same on the other side of it.

"Now, placing matters of walking into a government building filled with international officials in such a manner aside, I would not normally entertain something like this. So please, speak frankly, and without falsehood; I will judge whether or not to proceed afterwards."

@Izurich@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92
Nieve — Castle Plaza

The guards did little more than glance awkwardly between one another and the lilac-haired girl as the latter threw a fit in front of them, neither sure about how to react to her in the first place. They could tell at a glance that the girl was of... Better off than most of the city's residents, if only thanks to her clothes, but going so far as to throw a tantrum to try and get past them was a bit much.

Thankfully, two women who seemed to be the apparent child's caretakers appeared and saved them from the awkward responsibility of having to placate a child. The first one, at least, seemed to be open to words—though their station allowed them little leeway for small talk.

"Diplomatic missions would usually be received at the embassy, regardless of their purpose," one remarked in kind, with a face indicating that they were more willing to speak with an adult than with a petulant child. With his voice tinged, with a bit of pity for the apparent servants having to deal with their master's whims, he added, "It's the building over there—the building with the two silver spires sticking out from it in the distance."

That was the best information they could afford to give, at least. Hopefully, the child among them wouldn't continue causing a scene at the gates in the interim.

@Izurich@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92
Kochiya Sanae
Nieve — City Streets

"Um, I don't think that we should..."

As soon as they were past the gates of the city, Remilia had wasted no time at all in rushing off to do... Whatever it was that she intended to do. It was only natural that Sanae would try—and fail—to dissuade her from counting her chickens before they hatched, at the very least. She wasn't an expert in politics in any sense, especially when her patron deity was the one at the helm of anything on that front, but she had enough sense about her to understand that charging straight towards an asking for an audience from the highest power in the nation they were in right now was more than a bit absurd. It'd have been the equivalent of someone like her trying to question the Prime Minister back while she was a student in the Outside World, which... Well, to be frank, seemed a bit more apt given the vampire's relative size and stature.

Hopefully, Anne's choice to accompany her would also extend to keeping her from making them all public enemy no. 1 by accident; Fran's choice to tag along with them didn't sway Sanae's opinion one way or another, but the hopes that things wouldn't spiral completely out of control were still worth holding onto at this point in time.

That, however, meant that the blonde child they had brought along would be left in Lewa's care, as per Anne's own decision. It didn't take much for the Toa to leave with the child in search of what the young woman could only assume was a way to care for her, which left the options of exploring with those remaining...

And with Youmu opting to explore the area with Mokou, Sanae naturally gravitated towards helping figure things out with Rayne.

The shrine maiden remained mostly silent as she tagged along behind Rayne, making sure to keep an eye out for anything odd as the pair flitted to and fro around the city. While her companion found it more efficient to fly through the skies, though, Sanae chose to walk wherever she could around the area—at least, for the moment. Two people flying around when it didn't seem to be a particularly common means of travel seemed like it would quickly draw (more) attention to them, which wasn't necessarily a good thing.

Eventually, the two of them found themselves at a fairly large bookstore—or what seemed to be one, at least. There didn't seem to be any signs of a public library in this region, and between somewhere like this that had an air not unlike Suzunaan's back in the Human Village, it seemed like a good a place as any to start.

With a slight nod of her head, Sanae greeted the old man manning the bookstore's counter and, after asking for where any books related to history or mythology were located, began to browse through whatever tomes she could see. With none of their titles being noted on their spines, though, it seemed as if the only thing to be done would be pulling each point of interest out, one by one, and skimming through it as best she could.

While Sanae had begun her own attempts at research, though, Rayne would find that another person already there had been perusing what tomes were there already. They wore a hooded robe to conceal their form, but it seemed that the briefest glance towards the newcomer would cause them to calmly clap the tome closed and turn ever so slightly towards the girl.

"Seeing someone else around here is rare," they remarked as they casually glanced at the halfling's body. "Are you looking for something in particular?"


With everyone else having all but left the area to seek out answers of their own, the two residents of Gensokyo were left more or less to their own devices and wander the city at their own pace. With no immediate purpose or way to seek out the root of the incident (as was par for the course), though, relying on their instincts for any vague sense of direction would be the best way to proceed.

For a while, nothing seemed all too out of the ordinary; people traveled around in fairly simple clothing, and though the pair drew a few glances, nobody seemed to do more than that before moving on. Thus was the nature of a populated city, after all; compared to somewhere like Aventon or the Human Village, the people here had more to do, and life moved at a pace to match their ever-changing needs and goals.

Eventually, though, Youmu would find herself bumped into by a woman whose appearance very much did not match those of the people around them. With a straw kasa hat covering the wildly vibrant pink hair beneath and a pair of katana at her side, after all, how could she not stand out?

"Oops! Sorry, sorry," the woman who the white-haired girl had bumped into said, one hand holding onto her hat as the other grasped onto Youmu's shoulder so as to make sure that she didn't fall over from the impact. "You were just so small that I didn't see you there."

The was a brief pause as she seemed to size up Youmu, though, and once her gaze fell towards the young woman's own pair of blades, her mannerisms seemed to change entirely.

"...Hmmm...? That's an interesting pair of swords you've got there. Do you happen to—"

Before she could speak any further, though, a rather irate voice chimed in from behind the wandering swordswoman. A small girl who looked to be even shorter than Youmu, with her hair braided past her back and a robe covering her body, simply stared at the woman with a look of exasperation.

"Are you trying to pick another fight?" she asked as she crossed her arms. "Honestly, if I knew you were this addicting to fighting I'd have reconsidered making this contract of ours in the first place."

"Oh, it's fine, isn't it? It's not like I'm cutting people down in the middle of the street," the swordswoman replied with a smirk. "And besides, if a cute girl like that bumps into me and has the air of a trained swordmaster about them, how am I supposed to resist asking for a bout?"

Upon hearing this, the smaller girl sighed before motioning for the woman to step aside and placing herself into the conversation.

"My apologies for my companion's behavior. As you might have been able to tell by her being... Herself, I suppose, she's a bit of a battle maniac," she remarked as she quickly looked over both of the white-haired girls in front of her. "Now, if you'll excuse us..."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

Nieve — Castle Plaza

Regardless of anyone else's misgivings about the situation at hand, Remilia's intent to head straight to the heads of the nation and do... Whatever it was she was planning would be promptly stopped by the presence of the guards standing by at the gates in front of the castle grounds. While the plaza in front of the building was abuzz with activity, what with people milling about or otherwise going about their lives, though, their focus did not seem to waver in the least.

It was only natural, then, that they were able—and more than willing—to stop the vampire and her entourage if they so much as attempted to enter the premises.

That was their job, after all, and what would it say about the nation's security if any random person was able to so casually meet with royalty, regardless of what their intentions might have been?

@Izurich@Drifting Pollen@Rezod92

Nieve — Church

Putting aside the blonde girl's unnerving comments—the first words she had spoken to anyone since they had first met her—Lewa would be met with far more curious gazes from the passersby than any of his more (overtly-)human companions. It was hard to ignore the presenve of a massive golem walking through the streets carrying a young girl in its arms, of course, but nobody present seemed to have any desire to try and stop something like that.

And given how the city guards didn't seem to be in hot pursuit of it, surely they had to be aware of it already, right?

Regardless of anyone else's thoughts on the matter, though, Lewa would eventually find himself at a somewhat worn-down building constructed in a similar style to the one he had been first summoned into this world into. Here, though, there were people...

And no small number of them seemed to be physically unwell. There were a few men and women running around with bowls, towels, and buckets, but if there was anywhere that seemed to be a center for the infirm, this... Probably would be it.

The reason as to why they were all here would have been a question in it's own right, though.

??? — Smithy

After retrieving anything even remotely usable from the smithy, the group would be met with silence as they left. A brief glance towards the church in the distance would show that the bell had stopped ringing at this point in time, and with no indication that whoever (or whatever) had sent it swinging before was apt to do so again meant that their brief freedom to explore with no threat of the undead bearing down upon them was gone.

For what little it was worth, it seemed that the zombies that had gathered had not yet begun to move back to where they had been before. There were only so many other places to head towards, though. Checking out the other shops and homes in the area was an option, as was simply heading away from the horde of zombies that would eventually bear down upon them once more. There was a stone wall visible in the far distance, which would at least mark the edge of the city; whether or not it was worth seeking safer shelter was up to the trio present, though.

If the trio was confident in their abilities, though, maybe heading towards the town's center was also an option. Doing so would be quite the feat, but it wasn't wholly impossible...

@VitaVitaAR@RolePlayerRoxas@Aku the Samurai
Neir — Slums

It would be quite clear at a glance that the young man's claims of their friend being a slime—and one capable of communication and biomancy, at that—had caught Meira off guard. Something like a person would have been straightforward enough—there was no way someone forced to stay put would escape the eyes of the residents—but something as small as that?

Needless to say, the true nature of "C"'s friend complicated things.

"A slime... Well, if it's just a slime, it can't have gone far," she remarked before the fact that it was much easier moving a slime than it was a body pushed its way to the forefront of her mind. "...Well, on it's own, at least. There's no trace of the usual odd cleanliness from one moving in here, at least, so I suppose it had to have been someone abducting the thing."

The catgirl paused for a moment as she considered the information she had been provided before turning back towards "C", a slightly more concerned expression on her face now.

"You said that it knew biomancy, right? Is there any chance that someone else might know about that fact? Slimes knowing magic is rare enough, but one that could communicate on top of that..."

Regardless of the young man's answer, though, Meira would at least continue her attempts to help seek out his missing companion, up until the point where doing so became untenable due to both the lack of lighting and lack of definitive leads. Given what had happened earlier that day, spending any more time outside would likely put them both at more risk than not—which, ultimately, was not worth continuing the hunt until morning.

Maybe they could find some more leads after the night passed. At the very least, though, the guard house would work as "basic" lodging for the night; between making sure that Cassius' body was in working condition again and that package still needing to be collected, it certainly felt like the most logical course of action to take.

For what it was worth, though, the promise of a healer to help with Cassius' current condition was not for naught. Though the person in question—a young woman who appeared to be donning clothes typical of Western clergy—seemed to be somewhat surprised at the presence of an elf here, her ability to help mend his wounds—and, as far as any of those less accustomed to the magic of this world were concerned, whatever was ailing him from within—seemed to have visible effects at the onset of everything. Unfortunately, the poison that had wormed it's way into his body was not so easily cleansed...

But it was most certainly better than nothing.

Seeing as how she was being paid extra to make sure that there would be extra security until that ever-so-ominous package was handed off to the "proper" groups, Meira had no reason to abandon the pair as they rested in the guardhouse overnight—or, well, rested as best they could. At the very least, she would be awake by the time the other two were ready to do... Well, whatever it was they planned to do.

More likely than not, this would mean hunting down that magic slime. If it had any of the capabilities that "C" had mentioned it to have, then there was all the more reason to try and figure out some way—any way—to make sure that it both survived to the end and to make sure that the "usual suspects" didn't try to take it for themselves.

After some indeterminate amount of time—the child's running had been irregular in both stride and pace—Petra would eventually feel the child slowing to a stop near... Well, whatever location it was that they were so intent on bringing their new friend to. The rough sounds of wood being pushed aside indicated at least some sort of moment, but after the young child crawled into a structure of some sort they seemed to almost present the slime to the space around them under the assumption that it could see the space around them.

Whether or not it could in the first place did not, however, seemed to cross their mind.

"This is my home!" they declared before placing the slime on the floor. "Or maybe it'd be more like a hideout?"

Whatever it was, though, it would become quite obvious that the place was far more cramped than the shack that the otherworlders had first awoken in. Maybe that was to be expected, though.

Regardless, the child seemed to enjoy having new company present up until the point where whatever energy was keeping them going finally petered out. The grumbling of their stomach was not exactly a good sign in the grander scheme of things, but at the very least Petra would be free to move around (or even attempt to leave) once the child had fallen asleep.

Or not. That was a decision that was hers to make, though whether or not wandering around a completely foreign area of the town away from any aid was a good idea or not was probably worth considering.

??? — Smithy

Once the remaining undead were dealt with in equally unceremonious fashion, the trio would be free to explore what remained of the smithy. The door to the back room—where the actual smithing took place—was left slightly ajar, allowing for free passage through to what had once likely been the owner's heart and soul—figuratively, of course. Given how there didn't seem to be anything attempting to approach the group from within despite the chaos of the brawl that had just transpired, it seemed that the area was safe enough to explore without any fear.

Or, well, fear of any undead striking from anything past the storefront.

Past the scattered remains of the undead soldiers, though, it would be apparent that a majority of the goods here had been taken already by people long since gone. What remained were simple arms—spears and maces that had been left to rust, for example—and some leather pouches large enough to hold at least a few things.

Whether they were on sale or were the former owner's belongings mattered little now, though, but bereft of any other goods as they were, it didn't seem like they would provide much in terms of coinage. At the very least, though, they were better than nothing when it came to carrying what goods the trio had gathered around.

The back room, lit by little more than the faint sunlight filtering in, would reveal a plethora of unfinished metalworks and unworked ingots, as well as a few well-worn tools mounted upon the wall. To explore further or take what goods they could and depart was a decision the three would be free to make at their own discretion.

@VitaVitaAR@RolePlayerRoxas@Aku the Samurai

??? — Mosslit Cavern

Despite what might have been an idea situation otherwise, finding a glint of metal in the sea of trees below would have been a nigh-impossible task—doubly so when the bird had already disappeared past the greenery in the distance, as Javal would have been privy to when he had barely caught sight of the creature disappearing before. To extrapolate any approximate distance based on their current position would have been a difficult task on its own, but at the very least the group would have a general idea where the bird had gone based on that assumption alone.

Whether they could estimate where, exactly, that was now that they had returned to the cave where they had awoken was another question entirely.

Unfortunately enough, though, the cavern did not seem to provide the same level of safety as it had before they had left. While the sections closest to the exit were bereft of danger, any further forays inward—namely, towards where the chest was—would present the explorers with the presence of a large griffin curled up in the center of the room.

It seemed to be resting for the moment, head resting atop its forelimbs, but the presence of the creature was a concern on its own.

@Thunder999999@Crimson Paladin@Expendable
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