Nicolas Li
??? — Forest Shrine
With no real objections to be had to Jor's suggestion (as if he had anything better to suggest), Nick gave a noncommittal shrug and nodded his head. There was little to be gained from staying put, especially with no resources in sight. Moving in a direction and committing at least gave them a chance of finding something, and doing so as a group lessened any chance of getting lost from one another and something bad happening in turn.
"Then let's pick a direction and go," he stated simply before an ominous silence—and a sense of foreboding dread that he had come to know well enough from games and movies—seemed to pass over the group.
It didn't take a genius to figure out that with their current situation and equipment, flight was far more preferable to a fight.
"Opposite the FOE sounds like a good idea," the young man remarked, a sense of urgency beginning to overcome him as he pointed in the direction away from whatever was approaching. "How confident are you in running in that outfit? I'd rather an answer sooner than not."
By this point, Nick was already beginning to move, though it was clear by his body language that he wanted the pair with him to follow suit so that they could begin to move at a speed that would hopefully outpace their would-be pursuer.
@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99
??? — Abandoned Inn
With the trio of reincarnators having finally been made aware of each others' presence, it would come as little surprise that the group would begin to explore their surroundings, if not with a heavy dose of caution. It was Lena who would head their expedition down to the first floor—not that there was much to those rooms in which they had awoken to begin with. Every one seemed to have been picked clean well before their arrival, after all.
The stairwell leading to the ground floor was surprisingly sturdy despite what could well have been months of being left untouched. The floorboards gave off an occasional creak, but though it had certainly seen better days the building seemed rather well-fortified.
That in and of itself was a bit odd, though. The windows were boarded up and some of the benches and tables that might well have once served customers were lined up against the doors. Across the ground, dried-out bloodstains streaked towards one of the side walls, where the desiccated corpse of a knight lay slumped against the wall. In it's dried-out hands lay a dagger, ever so slightly stained even now at the handle. It was bereft of rust, which was more than could be said of the deceased's armor.
To the back lay the kitchen, which by the looks of things was no better off than the front of house. Various cooking implements were scattered about the tables and floors, and the molding remains of what had once been prepared did the scene no favors. Oddly enough, though, the place seemed to be bereft of the ever-opportunistic pests that might have otherwise loved to make use of what was left.
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist