
Recent Statuses

25 days ago
Current Went to my first anime convention. Was Awesome.
2 mos ago
Might be better than me surviving on soda to be honest.
2 mos ago
Everyone who is at a bump in the road just know we're all here to support you and there's always good things just around the corner.
2 mos ago
You don't persay owe me money. But if you have money to spare I won't say no. ;)
1 like
2 mos ago
Please like if you hate heatwaves.


I'm here :)

Most Recent Posts

In METAL 12 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@MetalHey, welcome. What’s your favourite metal band?
Have fun here and don’t worry
@AtomicEmperor Either or really. I’ve heard awesome things about two person stories one of the best being-perhaps the ease of flow having just you and one other writing the story. With that both people are on the same page more easily. There’s more benefits of course those two persons are in the 1 by 1 section. It’s just a suggestion, I am Gareth and pleasure to meet you. Whatever you want to do it’ll be there for you, and we’re always happy to help. 😀
@johnnycage J? I can call you that? What’s up? lol I have been playing an old dungeon crawler of mine. One those you enter the tower and take a step with the arrow keys and see one map square further kind of deal. I’m Gareth by the way, sounds like you are big on the creative. Ideas into writing etc. I am excited you’re here. 😀. What’s your favourite hobbies?
@Lexisheeps Hey, seems you know what you want. I like the energy in your introduction, great vibe. I am Gareth and it’s nice to meet you.
Sounds like you really enijoyed en, I’ll have to take a look at them.
In Hiiya! 12 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the guild
Hey, Gareth here. Welcome what’s your fav book genres?@root or toor
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