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The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 around 8:00 UTC+8

If one was to peer into Nil’s mind right before the imminent surge of activating electrons, they would likely see nothing concrete, a whirling mess of half-thoughts and contrasting signals from a body apparently both on the verge of death and in perfectly fine condition.

Not only the human body isn’t obviously made to sustain sudden crippling injuries, but it also isn’t made to recover at, actually magical, snap speed.

What remained now was the Zap, one could say a Shooking, in a singular moment everything was on fire, an immediate shock that felt worse than any bullet could cause.

You could say a reset button… if you do it by overloding the power supply.
Fortunately it was brief, and the BIOS was working, now to boot everything.

All this to say that Berto was successful, uncannily so in fact, as if he was an expert in electric shock therapy. Not that it currently mattered to Nil, the girl was too busy gasping for clues for a slow few seconds.

If she wasn’t the silent type the rest of Task force Obsidian would have definitely heard some curses, instead all they will get is Nil’s silence as she gathered her cognizance, it’s possible she was still recalibrating what words are.


as Bee said, Noble Arms are a singular weapon, then you can have them make copies or divide in more.
I suggest having them be connected (either a chain or it being a dual blade) and then separating at will by the user.

on stats they're goo enough, but I'll give you more exact stats that you can put in:
Noble Arms ranking: B
Power: C (Dark: B ; Special Attack: A)
Speed: C (Light: A)
Range: C (Dark: B , Special Attack: B)
Persistence: C (Dark: B)
Precision: D
Potential: D

some important changes for you to keep in mind:
Speed means reactive speed, so we're gonna assume in Light mode Duality Blades react as soon as Kaden thinks of using them, otherwise the attacks lag a bit behind.
Precision is how much Kaden can decide who gets affected by his powers, since his shockwaves are indiscriminate he only gets D, still he can be very accurate with the shooting and stabbing.

The abilities seem good to me. Once the changes are done you have my approval.
@The Jest

Immovable Wind Arts - it's alright on its own, just know his cuts can still be blocked

Healing wind arts - magic first aid, useful but can't heal massive wounds, makes sense since he is not a dedicated healer

Hurricane Shield - has many limits and can't do it for too long, I think it's fine

Furry form: Kitsune - base furry is good, trade defence for offence and sword for fists

Fox Flame - burning the soul is still a potential problem lore-wise, but the effect now being disorientation and vertigo is much better

Hollow Forest Mist - I actually like these illusions with actual counterplay

Furry Magic: Guiding Star - this has so much text T.T , so the basic idea is fine (tho a 10yo using psychology to that extent is crazy)
but again with the last paragraph, about forcefully burning away the spirit, feels more like a Devil Slayer Exorcist than guiding the spirits to the afterlife

I like calling him a Psychopomp because he guides the spirit to the afterlife, while an Exorcist just destroys the spirit so they fuck off


Kotaro is a freak of magic

know that Immovable Wind Arts can be blocked by magic shields and Earth/Metal magic (pokemon style)

Fox flame burning the soul could be an issue for the lore, but we can say he's just charring/singing. Disorientation is cool

Guiding Star still feels like a Devil Slayer Exorcist to me, all because of that last paragraph with the 'forcefully burning away' part
@aurebesh for what powers are concerned, it's all good.

You have my approval, you need Bee too ofc.
@Letter Bee

Change An Artificial Sky so that it is less impactful, say it only changes grade +/-1 Grade instead of nuking someone to E (that is just unfun imo)

once that is changed you can consider Mykhailo approved.
approval two

The force is strong with you! A powerful sith you will become!
@Urizen approved

Fenix Tear Main Guild Base

”Oh, I guess that makes sense.” Zeire evaluated Gwen’s words as she explained, was she trying to boast her origin from nobility? While the girl could be unpredictable, this would be a weird flex.

At least the enthusiasm they had for this quest was admirable, a guildmate who doesn’t want to go on a quest is typically the worst one to bring along. Zei knew, she often was that guildmate.

Her gaze went to Ayuna with a slight glint of relief, her dojo definitely has benefits but Zeire definitely doesn’t look up to joining the strict regimen nor dealing with potential casualties.

”Invisibility and healing potions, of course I have them, since you’re going to Iceberg I’ll prepare some cold-proof coating, for your equipment and cloaks for your companions at least…” Zeire whipped out a small notebook and started to write a list on it. ”And something if you need to dive under an icy river, do you have anyone who uses blades? I’ll prepare some sharpness oil for them too.”

Zeire stopped, knowing it would be tiresome to suggest more, even if they could use recipes for different kinds of healing and treating injuries.

”Unless there’s something more urgent, I’ll start working on it today. Oh and Ayuna, I agree you should vary your colour pallet.”

Zeire’s Chambers, Fenix Tear Main Guild Base

Zeire awoke with a groggy groan, already reminiscing about her dream, or better yet, nightmare, the room was supremely quiet, she preferred sleeping on her own anyway.

Demon King… that’s not even possible, not for him.

I must have been really tired.

Pushing away thoughts of her dream, Zeire stood up ready for the day ahead. Firstly heading to grab some laboratory equipment, it’s the seventh time Gwen asked to be taught Liquefaction, or ‘Liquidization’ as she likes calling it.

It’s unclear whether Gwen had forgotten, needed a revision or was just fucking with her.

In any case it may be useful to bring some balsam for safe practice, and let them use Lacrima afterwards. After that Gwen will have to learn Dissolution if she wants to actually have the liquid lacrima do magical effects, but even here it often seems Gwen was focusing on too many things to put them into practice.

Clasping her hands, Zeire grabbed all the necessary tools and a mop, in case Ayuna ended up spilling blood again.

A glance at her old notes and a deep breath, Zeire was ready to go on. With all the people currently not on mission there will be many things that need doing, leaving little time for fucking around in her lab.

Breakfast won’t make itself.

An hour of demonstrations and Gwen was already gleeful and yapping, at least she had gotten better by the seventh time.

I learned all about liquidizing Lacrima in an hour, thanks much Zei.

Zeire nodded slightly.

Why was she so focused on this one step? You can’t make elixirs by just lacrima liquefaction.

I'm going on an S-Class Mission with Eris. Wanna come along?

Zeire’s head was now moving from side to side in a clear ‘No’ gesture.

”I wouldn’t be helping much in an S-rank mission, but tell me, what will you need for that quest? You have to be well stocked for an S quest.”

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