Avatar of GingerBoi123


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4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
DEGENERATE!?!?!? LMAO! Get over yourself dude. For real
4 yrs ago
I mean everytime I've seen you moan, people have tried to be helpful and give you tips, you have never done any of those things. You still don't like putting images and colors in your interest checks
5 yrs ago
Really need a fantasy RP. Someone hit me up if you got one/know one that's pretty active rn
5 yrs ago
Have fun with that then :)


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Definitely interested!
Consider me interested!
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass
Interactions: Annya (@princess), Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Two hand axes, grappling hook, 20ft of rope, three days worth of water and rations, green cloak and hood, lightweight leather armour, telescope, hunting horn, wooden pickaxe amulet.

The Dwarf listened to the plan of Bardulf, and subsequently Annya's, intently. Bron nodded along with all the points while taking careful mental notes of the planned routes and hunting areas accordingly. Fortunately for Ismael and himself, cold mountain ranges were his specialty along with forests. The Ranger quite fancied their chances truth be told though he certainly didn't show it across his face. His hands gripped the hafts of his axes and pulled them from their leather straps at his hips, nodding for Ismael to follow. "Come, boy. Didn't you hear Bardulf. We're to work as a team... though if you wish to make it a competition between us as well, I'd play along." He commented. It was hard to tell if Bron was joking or not with his usual no-nonsense, almost dour tone of voice.

"We should be away soon. As much as this is for fun, we shouldn't be away longer than we need to be."

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Amisra (@Tae), Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Kaleb @FunnyGuy
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Bladedancer Sword, Bladedancer leather armour,, transmission bracelet, an empty coin pouch.

Sivaros whipped around on his heels as a new voice had entered the conversation, immediately declaring himself the strongest human. That's when the heat hit him... a warmth that dwarfed a summer heatwave of Myriamor in comparison. The Bladedancer's eyes widened in realisation as what the stranger said was half true. This was a human... Here, in Ironhold, with a Malthemoor army about to march upon it's very gates. "No... No, no, no. You shouldn't be here. You can't be here!" This development threw everything off-kilter... How'd a human end up her? Weren't they all meant to be with the Princess?

"Calm down, alright? No one here right now is gonna bring harm to you." The Light Elf would turn back and shoot a look to the pair behind him. "Right?" Siv would swing his blade into a reverse grip as he let out a cautious open hand out to the human. "What is gonna harm you is that big fuck-off army of Dark Elves about to storm this place. So I'm Sivaros, Bladedancer, and these are... Eh, whatever... They're cool. I think? You, mate, I'm gonna need you to cool down a bit, tell me your name, and we'll help you get to Princess Annya and her retinue... Wherever the hell that is. That clear?
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Amisra ([Tae]), Tanithil @Lava Alckon
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Bladedancer Sword, Bladedancer leather armour,, transmission bracelet, an empty coin pouch.

The Bladedancer initially took a couple steps backwards to gain a little bit of distance as a second Dark Elf dropped in from above, shrouded with shadowy wings. However, as the two spoke, his lips curled into a curious grin. "You... You want to go kill her?" He inquired, unable to stifle a chuckle as he did so. He liked this woman's attitude. Perhaps a confidence that could even rival his own, but he could tell that she was deadly serious. "Ha! Good... very good, even!" Sivaros smiled as he drew his sword. This didn't seem like a threat, however, as instead Siv performed a twirling flourish of his blade and finished with a deep bow.

"Sivaros Talomyr! Bladedancer of the Sun Elf Kingdom and greatest swordsman alive to grace Avalia, at your service." He introduced himself, keeping his bow and his blade hand gripped on the hilt as he looked up at the two. "Anyone that is serious about hurting Malthemoor's war efforts is a friend of mine, though I would've expected it from you the least. Buuut... I don't recommend whatever the hells you were about to do." Siv would explain. "General Zarra's leading that force, and she's got a shitload of Aldrakh Orcs and Malthemoor soldiers ready to siege this place. I'm pretty sure not even I could cut through all that and still have enough left in me to take out, especially with two bloody Orc Warchiefs. So! What say you two that we come up with a better plan than running out like a bunch of suicidal maniacs, hmm?"
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass
Interactions: Annya (@princess), Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Two hand axes, grappling hook, 20ft of rope, three days worth of water and rations, green cloak and hood, lightweight leather armour, telescope, hunting horn, wooden pickaxe amulet.

Bron inspected the small snack that Annya had provided. It was certainly different to what any Dwarf would be used to eating, even one who tends to the Wilds such as himself. Regardless, he would thank the Princess for making the food for everyone before trying it. It was nice, especially the rich taste of salmon that provided the filling for his own snack. It would be something to keep him going, at the very least. His facial expression was less than impressed when Ismael started talking with his mouth full. Manners cost nothing, afterall. He sighed and let it go. "Very well, thank you. You seem chipper this morning." The Dwarf commented before following everyone into Yugi's shop. He would look around, though mainly window shopping as he didn't have much need for warm clothes and always kept his supplies topped up.

Time: Afternoon
Location: Ironhold
Interactions: Amisra ([Tae]), Tanithil @Lava Alckon
Mentions: N/A
Equipment: Bladedancer Sword, Bladedancer leather armour,, transmission bracelet, an empty coin pouch.

Sivaros wasn't happy when he was pulled away from the assignment of protecting Princess Mikazuki but... orders were orders. It would seem that the Dark Elves were moving far quicker than they would've liked and the young Bladedancer had been given the assignment of tracking a moving force heading to Ironhold. Using the transmission bracelet he was provided for the mission, Siv had been able to keep the Light Elf army updated to the best of his abilities. He hated this... All serious and no fun... It was his duty, but he was missing the adventure... the adrenaline. Boring scout work was necessary, yet alas... boooring. However, it would seem his outlook was about to change.

The Light Elf decided that he would get ahead of the approaching force and head for the gates of Ironhold, the hills and rocky terrain proving easy for the nimble soldier. However, in the search for some kind of Dwarven leader to offer his services, a curious sight had caught his eye. A Dark Elf woman running towards the gates from Ironhold. A curious grin spread across his face as he watched on. Now it was finally starting to get interesting! He noted the path that the stranger was taking and decided to say hello in a typical Sivaros fashion.

He found a spot ahead of the Dark Elf and sat upon the edge of the rocky crag, watching a few metres above the track before introducing himself. "Well, well, well! Aren't you a curious sight?" Sivaros called out to the woman below him before he hopped down and blocked the path ahead. "It's strange to see someone... like you... hanging around by themselves so far from Malthemoor. And within Ironhold, no less!" He questioned with a confident smirk. "So! Tell me... what is a Dark Elf doing on this side of the gate? You seem in a hurry. You here to let your friends waltz right on in? Very smart if so..." Sivaros surmised out loud, cockiness in his voice absolutely dripping in every word uttered.
Still room for one more? This looks cool and I'd love to join :D
Definitely interested!
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass
Interactions: Annya (@princess), Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Interactions: Kaleb (@FunnyGuy), Rue (@Potter)
Equipment: Two hand axes, grappling hook, 20ft of rope, three days worth of water and rations, green cloak and hood, lightweight leather armour, telescope, hunting horn, wooden pickaxe amulet.

Once the initial meeting at the Port had blown over, Bron had managed to get to know Annya and Bardulf a little better as well as the rest of the Elf's retinue. However once arriving at North Pass, the usually quiet talk even ended up talking to a few of the members. First was Bardulf who was privvy to Bron's temper upon first meeting all those months ago. It turns out the two had quite a bit in common including their love of nature and the freedom the wilds bring. It was interesting to hear about the human's experiences in his own forest wilds compared to Bron's many years ranging the mountains. They even taught each other outside of training. Bron managed to teach Bardulf a trick or two in throwing axes and in turn he learn the basics of woodcarving. It seemed to be a prized hobby to Bardulf, and Bron had managed to craft a rough pendant to honor his dead brother as a result of the human's teaching.

A surprise to Bron would be the ever-so curious fairy, Rue. Anyone back home might've thought that Rue had simply worn the Dwarf down to tolerating the fairy but Bron genuinely found her inquisitive nature endearing. Though his outward look, remaining as cold as the Pass they now resided in, he always showed a little warmth whenever Rue wanted to chat or ask something of him. He was always happy to tell a story or two.

He even got to know Princess Annya better. He figured pretty early that the drunken stupor he had found her and Kaleb in wasn't her normal state and he appreciated that fact although still did not remain too pleased about it. During their travels, Bron found that Annya was truly deeply caring for both the humans and her comrades. Turns out Annya could have quite a commanding presence, especially when something needed doing. To this effect, it actually earnt a bit of respect from Bron towards the Princess and when he was asked to help lead martial and physical training, he happily took on the responsibility.

Bron was hard but fair when it came to training, ensuring that everyone was pushed their limits... Well, except for Kaleb. Any wise comment or backhanded remark would earn the human harsher reps in his exercise or a little extra force in sparring. Nothing too serious, of course, but just enough to let Kaleb know that Bron was on to him. No one would be excused from lacking in their training. Even if they were versed in magic, Bron made sure that everyone at least got acquainted with hand-to-hand combat just in case.

Dear Friends

I think we’ve come to enjoy our time here, and I would like to have us all have a fun day tomorrow. If you would like to come, please meet me and whoever else is attending outside the Odds and Ends shortly after 2pm. I know it’s our day off but I think this will be fun. We can go shopping for some new gear, and then I was thinking of having us all go on a little hunting trip outside of town. We could even make it a friendly competition! Whoever brings back the biggest kill wins! Or we can just do it for fun, really whatever everyone fancies. I look forward to seeing you all!


It was a letter that Bron hadn't been expecting, but he did welcome it. Hunting to gather more food certainly wouldn't hurt and it would be nice to get out of the lodgings for a moment. The Dwarf gathered his equipment and threw on his amulet and cloak, swiftly setting off to the Odds and Ends for the meeting. Upon arrival, he would note that not too many had arrived yet. Bron would pull his hood back and nod towards each member of the hunting party in greeting. "Bardulf, thank you for recommending this. Will... we be the only ones attending?"
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: River Port
Interactions: Annya (@princess), Bardulf @Lava Alckon & Kaleb @FunnyGuy
Equipment: Two hand axes, grappling hook, 20ft of rope, three days worth of water and rations, green cloak and hood, lightweight leather armour, telescope, hunting horn.

Bron's eyebrows furrowed as Kaleb quite literally displayed a fiery temper, which almost instinctively caused him to draw one of his axes. It would not be a displeasure for Bron to take down what could very well be a risk. It was these thoughts that made him forget what the newcomer, Bardulf, and Annya had just said. However, such abilities he wasn't aware that the Elves possessed. Was Kaleb's ears merely a trick? Perhaps the Princess had a modicum of responsibility afterall. "HOLD YOUR TONGUE, CHILD!" Bron roared back.

He had neither the patience nor inclination to abide this foolishness any longer and felt the need to quash the outburst himself. "Do you wish to draw more attention to yourself than you already may have done!? Whether you like it or not, I will not entertain your antics as I join you. This world does not revolve around you, boy. You will learn that or you will be left behind and your connection to the Princess will not save you. Am. I. Clear?"
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