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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>


Ignore that. Typing on phone error. ^^”

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Quick question, do the reinforcements that were blocked by the fleeing crowd look like they might reignite hostilities once they are finally able to reach us?

Nope. If anything, they calmed down and stopped upon hearing the surrender.

The bandits look to Kovu when he asks them about simply hunting there. One of the bandits asked skeptically, “You’re kidding, right?”

The other bandit answered, “The jungle’s too dangerous! We’re not capable hunters, we’re just peasants! Cobblers, Weavers, Carpenters…!”

The first bandit finished, “We would die if we tried going into the jungles! There are jaguars, quicksand, and a great deal of other dangers in there,”
And don't even get me started on the fact that they dropped a 90ft teleportation spell at 2nd Tier too, one that you can use on yourself, allies or even forcibly on an enemy if they fail a CON save. Fucking Vortex Warp is such a huge Pandora's Box for that tier. The utility on this monstrosity...

Look, all I'm saying is: 9d6 potential Falling Damage + 3d6 for every spell slot of upcast.
Or more, depending on how much of an elevation you can drop the unlucky shmuck off.

Case closed.

Right?! I have a War Wizard who has that spell. So far she’s used it for moving allies around for tactics and getting them out of trouble.

She’s used it on an enemy once and they made the save. ^^”
OK...Now I can actually answer posts!

Sorry for the long post on my part guys. ^^"

Alright, so a thought occurs: do we want any of our PCs to already know each-other pre-Isekai, or is this a full gathering of strangers? It occurs to me partially because I feel like most people don’t go to an amusement park alone. Being that such a place is where we all quite tragically died (lel, technically perished in the hospital, but tomaytoe tomahtoe), I figure there’s good odds we might have some existing PC relationships. The potential is certainly there for the interested anyway. XD

I would prefer our group be friends before Isekai. Or at least know each other. I love preestablished relationships.

I definitely like that!

But for my character, I think the extent other PCs would probably know her would be just as an acquaintance, because a certain character in her backstory has been isolating her from everyone else.

Also, the amusement park idea was inspired by the old D&D cartoon from the 80s XD.

I had a feeling that was the case! Right from the get go!

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Hmmm... To give them a little bit of that "starter boost" you mentioned, I'm thinking maybe we rework the initial origin idea some. Hmmm... Maybe the day before our characters go to Six Flags, they are checking out a mysterious old antique shop and are drawn to the items that become their Soul Conduits. The old shopkeeper is like "interesting that you should choose these items in particular..." That night, they each have a dream of their Soul Conduits' previous owners first learning about their own abilities, though they initially forget this shortly after waking.

Later that day, they are at Six Flags and go on the roller coaster and get Isekai'd like previous discussed. While they are flying through the tunnel of lights, they each notice their Soul Conduit materialize next to them in transit. They crash down onto the beach outside a small fishing village and suddenly recall the dreams they all had the previous night, which gives them a slight bit of knowledge about their new abilities.

In this new origin idea, they start out with no idea how the items got to Earth, but they suspect the shopkeeper must have known more than he let on. Perhaps some of them believe the items marked them for death. With no idea where they are (beyond the information learned from the dreams), they head into the village and try to formulate some kind of plan what to do. Similar to the Wizard of Oz plot, perhaps there is some great wise sage a few towns over who is said to discern peoples' destinies. Perhaps they decide to head there first to see if they can learn more about their situation.

What do you think?

I think that is really interesting! I love it!

Might fuse the two to make it a coastal cave they arrive in that has been used for religious ceremonies by the villagers who live nearby. Maybe some random kid from the village is playing hookie from their studies and is hiding out in the cave when the Isekai characters arrive and the kids goes running to the village screaming lol.

Oh man, I can't stop laughing as I envision that opening scene. It will open right at their arrival to the cave, and then flash back to the antique store and over a few rounds of posts we can work our way back to the moment in the cave.

That is hilarious!!!

BTW, here is a good resource for stuff without the D&D Beyond paywall: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/

I still need to devise the best way to facilitate growth for non-magic classes since we don't have stats or anything, but for the sake of the RP and story, it might be easier to just say all the characters have at least some magic potential. Like if someone plays a Fighter they could be more akin to a Spellsword or a Battlemage or something. On that site I linked there are spell lists for different classes, so we could just say each character uses one of those lists as a primary magical basis for their character and then also choose a secondary one. I'll link them individually below:


But what do you guys think? And do you think we should keep track of individual spells or just say the characters have proficiency with different types of magic and Character Level just denotes how good they are at it? From a narrative standpoint, there could still be arcane runes and scripts for spells and incantations, but when writing the battle scenes out, we could just describe the magical effect being created rather than keeping track of individual spell names and such.

5eTools is a site I like to go to for my D&D references. XD

<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

I don't know about everyone else, but for my own part, I was planning to keep track of individual spells. Not going as far as incantations for them, granted, but certainly keeping track of each individual spell Malcer is capable of and making specific mention ICly when he is researching a new spell before it gets used in a later battle or other scenario. And when it comes to proficiency, I'm planning to move Malcer's capacity in the various "Circles" of magic (1-9 and such) according to 5e access to those tiers. So, at level 3, he'll start breaking out the second tier magic, and at 5th level, 3rd tier and so on. When it actually comes to using the spells in practice, however, I'll probably only describe the effect occurring.

I was also thinking of keeping track of individual spells and basically have a full 5e sheet for my character, ready to help keep track and advise my posts for the game. ^_^
Out of curiosity, can Kovu retrieve the arrow he shot?

The arrow is currently pierced into the bandit’s body, and that bandit is still alive. If Kovu wants to be careful, he’ll need to make a Medicine check to get the arrow back and not inadvertently kill the bandit.

Plus there’s the bandit’s willingness to let Kovu take out the arrow to consider as well. So you might also want to consider how Kovu approaches the bandit to take the arrow back. ^^"
I think I might go with Human for sure with my character.

Here's what I have for appearance so far...

One of the attacked men answered the Huntsman, nodding to the peasant in question, "Yeah, that man has summons from Emperor Kuzco! That's a guaranteed ticket to speak with the Emperor himself. We wanted to ask that man for the summons, so we can see him,"

The other bandit continued the answer, "There's literally no other way for us to see him without a summons! We have to talk to him about the fact that we, and our families, are starving! We can't buy food honestly like this!"

The peasant in question is still in the diner, seeing and listening to all of this. Suffice to say, he looks shocked, and he is realizing that he was in danger just now.

"There was something odd about the bookcase"
My hope was that we'd get at least eight people on board, but if not, six is good. I'm working all through this weekend and next week, but hopefully I'll have some time to work on getting this RP up and running next weekend.

Understood. Thank you for the update!
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