Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Guardian Angel Haruki
Thanks for accepting Xanatos! I’ve moved him over to the Characters tab. Please let me know via mention or PM when it’s time to bring in my character.

No worries! Welcome to the game!

I will be sure to do so. ^_^

Cascade blinked at the sound of the familiar voice and turned to see the leader of the Highwaymen and goblin potion maker. She greeted, her cheer completely returning, "Oh! Aloha!" She then answers her comment about them leaving empty-handed, "I'm just glad we were here to help out,"

She knew she couldn't really speak for the others, but she was genuinely glad that they prevented an attack on this camp.
And it looks like we're officially out of initiative!

Everyone is now free to post at will. XD
If battle starts again, we'll reroll initiative.
@CaptainManbeard One more bump! XD
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

I completely forgot about that…
Let me figure that when I get back home from work.

OK. I checked the past IC posts and my dice rolls.
Mini Bav is still with you guys. Sorry for the confusion. ^^"
Though with Brut laughing now, she can escape.

Thanks to blows from Kida's dart and Kovu's arrow, along with the vicious mocking from Ariel, the two bandits already look like they're in bad shape. The arrow and dart find purchase in a leg and an arm respectively.

The first bandit who received mockery from Ariel answered Shang, pointing at the peasant, "Look, our problem ain't with you! We just want to talk to that fella and ask him fer somethin'!" He then tries to slash at Shang in irritation, only to find that the Captain deftly blocked them.

The two bandits look to the entrance, expecting to see help arrive.

However, Kida's words reached the other diners before hand. Instead, they see the diners all screaming and scrambling to get out of the diner. The only one who hasn't left was the large peasant. He grabbed the scroll and puts it back in a satchel, but he finds that he can't leave his booth while everyone else is running past.

The party would be able to see that there are other figures in black coming their way, but they were blocked by the crowd. By the time the crowd dashed out and are out of the diner, the other bandits come in looking just as beat up as the first two.

The two bandits look to each other and they talk amongst themselves,

"What should we do?"
"....DAGNABBIT! The chance to see the Emperor ain't worth our lives!"

They then address the party, "We surrender! We'll back off! Just leave us alone!"

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I wouldn't call what Brut is doing a Fourth Wall break. He might be leaning on it a little at times, especially with the Epyllion crossover, but I wouldn't call it an actual break until he acknowledges that he's in a game.

That is true. You have a very good point.

Still kickstarting my brain with coffee...
Brutrumukk: *completely drunk and currently comprehending reality in a very bizarre way*
Also Brutrumukk: Oop, just had an enchantment placed on me. Give me a moment.

I love it. XD
Drunkenness from Fey Alcohol = Fourth Wall Breaks. XD
<Snipped quote by Double>

Well in my defense, I'm playing a somewhat wild child backing up her new friend, so no, zero concern about respecting businesses.

Ariel is kind of impulsive anyway. This wouldn’t be too out of character for her. xD

It's a good thing that there are some mature characters in the party who can help the two of them through navigating social situations... Maybe, possibly.

<Snipped quote by Double>

I'm sure this will play out totally fine and in our favor. 🙃 On a serious note, I think you're right and I do hope it'll have some consequences if we keep bashing everyone and everything that comes our way xD

Of course there'll be some consequences. XD Why wouldn't there be?
<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

When it comes to being used on teammates I mean.

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Even though she was tied up and brut was holding the rope?

I completely forgot about that…
Let me figure that when I get back home from work.
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