Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Martian I see the Time Travel Shenanigans is still a part of his story!

David Xanatos is accepted!
Go ahead and post the character in the Characters Tab.

Once the first battle finishes, I’ll help with introducing Xanatos. (I have the perfect scenario in mind. XD)
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

It didn't fail the second time when I used it on the Lornling.

Speaking of, @Guardian Angel Haruki, is the Lornling still with us or has she left?

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>


The Lornling has left by now.

Failing a save against Tasha's Hideous laughter means that Brut's dropping prone. Will Jub be needing to roll to avoid being pinned under a collapsing bugbear again?

I'm going to say no, because Jub is expecting it this time.
Last time it was basically, "There's no way Brutrumukk will fall! *Brutrumukk falls unconscious* ...Uh oh..."
Oh. Whoops. I've been feeling a bit ill today, so that must be messing with my head. Sorry about that.

No worries.
I hope you feel better soon.
<Snipped quote by Double>

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

So Vicious Mockery would probably take the other spell slot.

This makes me relieved she’s a Sea Elf and not a Triton.

Oh no. Vicious Mockery is a cantrip, so that won't take a spell slot.
Ariel can use Cantrips as many times as she wishes. ^_^

You're probably right about that. Because both times you've used it for that purpose, it's failed.


Until now!
I believe 11 misses the Spell DC. XD
Is that right, @XxFellsingxX?
Is Shang really the only one who has any respect for the establishment you people are blindly picking a fight in?

Sorry, I completely missed your post. ^^"
But yeah! That is a good point!

Thankfully, I can resolve the social rolls in the next DM post. XD
The damage roll is 5. That'll be the end of my turn I'll try to get that written tonight after work or some time Friday

Duly noted!
Looking forward to your post. ^_^
Does consuming a spell slot mean I can’t cast a spell when it’s my turn?

Nope. She can still cast a spell when it's her turn.

I mentioned it to help keep track. Right now, Ariel has only 2 spell slots for her first level spells. Once those spell slots are used, she won't be able to cast 1st Level Spells until after she takes a Long Rest (which thankfully for her is only 4 hours). After a long rest is completed, the spell slots will be replenished.
I rolled a 23 on that I guess the 2nd bandit?

That hits! Go ahead and roll the damage! (1d6+2) XD
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Can Ariel use Silvery Barbs on that?

You can indeed use Silvery Barbs on one of those rolls. ^_^
It will consume a spell slot.

Yes, I know. I'm just making sure I'm doing correct DnD combat choices... since I only have a little time before I have head to work.

One more question, I just need to roll 1d6 for a short bow attack? Wait I need to roll something to see if it hit, right?

Whoops. Sorry! ^^"

But yes, roll a 1d20+4 (Dex mod + Proficiency Bonus) to see if the short bow attack will hit, and if it does, then you can roll a 1d6+2 (Dex Mod).
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