Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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He’d be creeped out by Marcel at first, but Finn would definitely make an effort to bond with him.

Finn would be supportive of Ciel.

If @Letter Bee is ok with it, I think Finn is going to have a crush on Daniel…

Oh! So this would be the first time Finn is meeting everyone?
Or would you want Finn to know the other player characters as friends before being Isekai'ed?
@Guardian Angel Haruki, honestly, the more I think about it, Daniel won't allow a shapeshifter who means them harm to live long enough to, say, go find the nearest settlement and use his shapeshifting to impersonate the party to frame them for crimes they didn't commit.

So he'd probably work with Malcer to ensure that Bartholomew dies as soon as possible.

That is, if Barth being a Changeling is obviously known.

I think Bartholomew would realize how invaluable being a Changeling is for him, and would most likely keep that secret.

<Snipped quote by Crimson Flame>

Nice sheet so far!

But lol, aren't fairies normally kinda... small?

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

His human form is six feet, but he could shrink when he’s Isekaied. Or not. Depends.

According to the D&D rule books, Fairies are the same size as Halflings and Gnomes.
But don't confuse the Player Character Fairies for other fey creatures in the Monster Manuals. XD

@Crimson Flame How do you think Finn is friends with almost everyone?

(I don't think he would be friends with the trash can lit on fire of a person named Bartholomew.)
Ariel should say something about this…

We are out of initiative, so feel free to post for Ariel. ^_^
43 posts overnight!

We're just establishing characters and their connections with each other. ^_^
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Yep, and Daniel would probably be arrogant enough to try and sweet-talk him.

Bartholomew: *grins* Aw, that's adorable. You've got a long way to go before you can pull off my moves, Shrimp. *shifts his appearance to look like Daniel*
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Heh, true as that may be, best count on Malcer to constantly be the voice of caution in any situation, just on principle. There's a reason his WIS is higher than his CHA. He's basically made to be the voice of reason and restraint from more "enthusiastic" elements in the party. And he just inherently sees power that isn't entirely one's own as inferior. So, he generally looks down on the idea of making deals for power, whether it be Warlock, Cleric or otherwise.

It's kind of funny. I was also thinking Ciel would be a voice of caution as well, due to having trust issues at the start. But I can see her growing more enthusiastic when she gains more confidence.

Also...I wonder Malcer's reaction would be when he learns that Genie Warlocks will be able to cast "Wish" as their most powerful spell.
@Lewascan2 I should mention that as a point of contrast, the djinni does actually care about the warlock’s well being, unlike a certain Changeling Bard.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Malcer: "Rulership sounds like a chore... And Necromancer I may be, but I'm no megalomaniac. Let tyrants be tyrants. As long as it's not our problem, I don't see a reason to overthrow them. Why should we risk our lives for a crown of thorns? Better to fly under the radar and live fruitful, unobtrusive lives. This is a second chance, after all. We shouldn't be so quick to throw it away."

Ciel: "...If we were given a second life here, then it was for a reason, right...? What if we were brought here for a specific purpose? And besides..."

*raises lamp and gestures to it*

"He's probably going to give me some kind of request, sooner or later..."
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Ah. Daniel would probably be planning to backstab him in a literal manner.

Unfortunately, that is a Bartholomew move, so he'd probably see that coming.
@Guardian Angel Haruki, wait, our Good and Evil-aligned OCs will be in the same party?

I was thinking that Bartholomew would be chased away from the party and he would come back at parts during the narrative to cause problems for the party. I created him to be the Arch-Nemesis for Ciel as part of her character growth. ^^"
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