Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Lewascan2 Really cool!

How about..."The Imperial Empire of Iriamar!"?

Or..."The Empire of the Imperial Iriamar!"

EDIT: Just found this...I wonder what this Cosmology's "Unfortunately, [insert text here]" will be.

So how about that Baldur's Gate 3? Anyone seen/played any of it yet?

Not yet. ^^"
@Guardian Angel Haruki, will we be having a Discord? Also, do you have a Discord name?

I was not thinking of establishing a discord. ^^"

Cascade immediately stopped and she regained the shocked, bashful look she had when her water hair first spilled into the bottle in the first place. She was surprised to see Aura's hair whip about so wildly, even though there wasn't a storm happening right now. She answered apologetically, "Woah! Okay, I'm sorry. Here!"

She gently handed the bottle back to Aura. When Aura mentioned that she was worse than a child, she nodded and tried to reassure Aura while trying to inject some humor, "Well...At least I didn't wash up on shore yesterday, right? Eh heh heh...heh..."
(It would be easy for anyone to tell that Cascade just said an equivalent of "Being born yesterday")

Cascade listened quietly as Aura explained what would have happened if she had accidentally broken the bottle, and she couldn't help but bite her bottom lip awkwardly. Upon hearing Aura's request to remind her to not let her touch her stuff again, Cascade gave a forlorn answer, "Right. Sorry, again,"
@Guardian Angel Haruki Luckily that is not how the bottle works. XD

Awww! Rats.
I was hoping the stuff would spill out to add to the comedy. :P

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Never implied the death god was evil. The "underworld" part is meant to imply a more benevolent type, like Hades. No reason Grave couldn't also be in there.

Very true! Hades was cool enough to let Eurydice go back to Earth with Orpheus. Too bad Orpheus couldn't do that one thing Hades instructed him though. XD

Still, my point is making sure that the deity list allows for every possible cleric. ^^"
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

As long as Cascade doesn't break it we should be fine :P

Oh she wouldn't break it! That'd be mean! XD

Accidentally getting water into it though, and possibly having everything in that bottle fall out though... :P

Cascade looked surprised that Aura willingly handed the bottle in question to her. After giving Aura a look as though to ask if it was really okay, she accepted the bottle from her carefully.

Cascade proceeded to inspect the bottle from every angle possible, like it was to be another vessel to send a letter to her mother...

She comments as she inspects the bottle, "That's really interesting! The way you put it earlier made it seem like you're an expert in contortion...ism(?) to be able to pull that off, but I don't see any way anyone could pull that off without magic, the dimensions wouldn't allow it..."

At some point, she does take a peek within the bottle. But as she pulls back, some of her watery hair splashes into the bottle. Cascade's eyes widened in realization as the water splashes into the vessel and she couldn't help but utter, "Uh oh!"

She looks to Aura with an apologetic smile before speaks, "Sorry, let me get that out for ya...!"

She then tips the bottle to pour the water out. After simply tipping the bottle to get the water out, she decided to turn the bottle completely upside down and bat at the bottom of the bottle to make sure every single drop was out of the bottle. It like watching someone try to get the last bit of ketchup out of the bottle.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I'm usually not too great at Cosmology, tbh, but a good starting guideline might be using the Cleric domains for inspiration.

Off the top of my head we need: Head God (domain ???), Life, Death/Underworld, Earth, Sky, Sea, Forge, Love, War, Trickery, Sun, Moon, Nature, and Magic.

If we wanted to condense this list more for simplicity, Death/underworld/Earth might be the same god or even Life/Nature/Earth. And for a twist, perhaps Love and War are also the same god. Trickery might be with Moon too. A domain of Fire could go with either the Forge, Sun or both, and Light might also belong to Sun.

No worries. Generally, I don't think I'm very good at World-Building... (haven't done it enough...^^")

The Head God is typically of the Light Domain (in my opinion), like the Sun.
But we could do something different and maybe have the Head God be the God of Magic?

The only issue I see with a condensed list of gods and domains would be, for example, if someone wanted to play a Grave Cleric that basically accepts death and helps people move on, but fights against the undead (think Caduceus Clay from Critical Role Campaign 2), they would probably find issue with finding that the only god they can worship is an Evil Death God who promotes murdering innocent lives.
So, do we have a map WIP or anything? Or is the current state of the world a blank slate?

Some good stuff to establish first is the "state of the world" in regard to major nations and territories. Need to figure out who the big players are. Classically, that'd perhaps be humans, dwarves and elves; they seem to be the most expansionist of the races, usually have the most legacy and prestige. But I think we could potentially throw in some other stuff.

What about a Dragonborn empire?

What about gnomes? Are these ones still D&D flavor, and if so, how much has their Artificer-ing done to promote them in the world? Gnome empire mayhap?

Halflings usually remain pretty humble civilization-wise.

How about some of the big names like Dragons and Giants? Do they have any kind of remaining legacy or unity?

What about the goblinoid races? Goblins, Bugbears, Hobgoblins and Orcs. How much presence do they have? Are they still classically malevolent aside from rare cases? Are they united enough perhaps to have their own country that might be competing with or warring with the other "good" nations?

What about cosmology? Should we throw together a god pantheon?

Does anything like a classical "Adventurer's Guild" exist, and -if so- how expansive is it?

And, of course, in all this, we should figure out where the PCs are getting Battle Bus dropped.

I could go on. :)


My thought for world building would be to start with the Cosmology first. That way, not only can we get a pantheon, but we can get general beliefs from World Creation Myths. Plus, with a fantasy setting, we can establish some locations that are maybe considered Holy or Cursed.
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