Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Just a quick note: I'll wait a couple more days for more players to chime in before I post a DM post.

So, next post will be coming this weekend.
@LostDestiny You gave Cascade the genie bottle to inspect?

Well...this is going to be fun...

I think the rotating GM idea is great, but that would ultimately be for you all to decide. I just don't see myself having enough time to participate, so I probably won't be very involved in the RP if at all. Right now, in my current position, I can check the site between calls, but once I transition into full time training for the new role, I will be attending the class via Zoom and won't be able to post at all during the day. My full attention will be required for the entire shift.

@CaptainManbeard You could always be a "silent" DM. While we control the parts of the stories, you could jump in when you've got the time and throw a wrench in our plans or appear as a "ghost" to guide/save/harm our characters depending on the situation.

@Guardian Angel Haruki I've seen it done before with custom races (primarily D&D) and you could choose the original race as we'd know it OR create a variant of your own alongside a location/country etc for it. The player then would have the chance when they'd be the DM to take the other players to the location and create a story there. If the main DM would see that things...stalled, he would've just jumped in and "timeskip" to the next location of the new DM.

It sounds fun! I think the rotating Dungeon Master might be the way to go.

The only thought I have when doing this would be anyone but me should control/DM as the Djinni Patron for the Djinni Warlock. That way there can be air of mystery whenever the Warlock Patron sends the Warlock and the party on a mission or side quest.
I wasn't thinking this would still go on as there was no actual RP page but wow. This is a lot.

Congrats on your promotion, mate! Regarding the DMing bit, if I may add my opinion, why not make it like every player (unless they just don't want to) will DM a part of the story or each will have their own story/plot and then they can make the story/plot as long or short as they want.

That is also a great idea! XD
<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

Congratulations on the promotion!

I wouldn't worry about your posting speed too much, but I get where you're coming from. I'm generally not one for a GM role, but I'm game to throw ideas around. If I recall, you mentioned you hoped for this to be a collaborative story, so maybe we can get a little more literal about that if necessary. I don't know too much about what you got planned as far as world-building, but it could be interesting if players could suggest/create their own "quests" for the party to take if there's any sort of mercenary/adventurer gathering place they find themselves. Could also otherwise suggest problems the party could solve. But before all that, we'd need to do some broader-scale world-building to make sure any smaller elements fit in.

This! I concur with this!

Thank you @Lewascan2!
I'm wondering if it might be best to hand over GMing duties to one of you guys. As previously mentioned, I'm going to have less free time than I initially thought when I started this interest check three weeks ago because since then I've been offered a much higher paying position. It's a financial services role for a multinational bank and there are a lot of systems and terms and policies to learn (six weeks of training), and I feel like my posting rate would be too slow to keep up with both this and my Teen Titans RP. Does anyone want to take over as GM?

Congratulations on getting a higher paying position!

As someone who's DMing a few D&D games here on this site, I can help with DMing, but I'm not sure if I can take a full DM role. That's something I'd have to think about...

Cascade was surprised that Rala immediately jumped in to accept the gifts before Cascade could refuse them. She gently accepted the bag of Zing Potions from the goblin and a "Mahalo! We appreciate this and your warning,"

She noticed that Flicker is still withdrawn, and she had a feeling that it was best to give them space. But even so, she was still worried about them.

When the talk of alcohol came up, she piped up excitedly, "Ooh! Let's get rum too! Both light and dark! They're good! And! If we get some pineapple, oranges, and limes as well, we could make Mai Tais!" It was clear that she is a social drinker as well,

She then looked to Aura when she mentioned the necessities, and...going into her stoppered bottle?

Cascade tilted her head and looked very confused for a good while before she asked Aura, "You can squeeze yourself in there?"

She looks to the rest of the party and asks in surprise, "She can fit herself...in there?!"

She looks at the bottle and at Aura and she couldn't help but ask, "....How?!"
I haven't been keeping track myself. I know we have some random items from the hags or whatever but I can't remember what else.

I just realized Aura has yet to explain to Cascade about her vessel...This will be interesting. XD

Oh yeah! I'm gonna have fun writing her response.
And done!

Sorry for rushing everyone out of the Cottage, but I think I did accidentally write us in a corner with that, so I thought getting you guys out was the best idea for now. ^^"

Bavlorna's Cottage to Downfall

And so, with Jub's spell and Aurora's and Gabriel's combined strength, they managed to subdue the drunken bugbear and carry him away from the door that led to Bavlorna's study, down the stairs to the first floor, and towards the exit of the cottage.

The exit led to the swampy waters. At first, there didn't seem to be a way across, but Zavakri and Vansel were quick to point out the skiff nearby.

During the trip across the waters on the skiff, Jub's spell wears off on Brutrumukk, but the bugbear's drunkenness remains.

The skiff gets them to an area with a large white tree standing tall. Once the group reaches land, Vansel sighs and he cheerfully speaks, "Thank you for your help and your protection in the Cottage! Until we meet again should the fates allow!"

He turns to walk away and leave, but he stops as he raises a finger. He turns around and has an expression like he just remembered something, "Oh, that's right! I almost forgot!"

He first picks up a stick that clearly fell from the tree, and he hands it to Jub. As soon as Jub accepts it a small pink flower blooms on the end of the stick pointed away from Jub. Upon seeing this, the little goblin wizard feels...a little luckier than he did before.

He then looks to the bugbear and he realizes, "Right! The Widdershins! Let me show you how it's done, so you can do it yourselves, since you got me out of there in one piece!"

He clears his throat, and he proceeds to sing again,

"Come and Join the Chase!
Nothing could be drier
Than a jolly Caucus Race!
Backward, forward, inward, outward
Bottom to the top
Never a beginning, there can never be a stop!
To skipping, hopping, tripping,
Fancy free and Gay!
Started it tomorrow,
But will finish yesterday!
'Round and round and round we go,
Until forevermore!
For once we were behind,
Now we find we are beyond!
Forward, backward, inward, outward,
Come and join the Chase!
Nothing could be drier
Than a jolly Caucus Race!

As he sings this song, the party watches as he seems to run, skip, and leap in tight counterclockwise circles near them.

As soon as the song is done, he tells the party, "And that's how you Widdershins! Best of luck to all of you on your adventurers! Share them with me the next time we meet, yes?" With that, the satyr leaves the party.

Zavakri seems to stare wide eyed in confusion and she asked the party, "Wot the Bloody 'Ells just happened...?"

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