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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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With advantage 20 and by looking at my other prior roll its a 3. But yay fir not getting poop rolls.

Very nice!

I'll say with the Dirty 20, that gets the entire party out of Bavlorna's Cottage within the minute.

This calls for a DM post! XD
Finally picked voices for the character sheets!

We got Marisha Ray’s Keyleth for Ciel, Hamdsome Jack from Borderlands for Bartholomew, and (who else but?) Matthew Mercer’s Sinbad for the Djinni Patron.
Are we needing anymore rolls for moving Brutrumukk?

Yes. Just one more Strength (Athletics) roll from @Dark Cloud with advantage.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I’m pretty sure that when all the party members received their “dream training” that they forget about until the isekai kicks off, they already have some of their abilities but are unaware of it. So, Ciel would probably have made her pact in that time-frame. Assuming that’s what our lovely GM goes for as the explanation for why all the PCs have a minimum of preexisting sudden competence in their abilities.

I was also thinking that the pact would have been established in the dream training as well, but Ciel wouldn't have accepted it right away. Self-doubt, hearing that she has to break up with Bart, and the fact that it was a dream would all have been reasons why she wouldn't have accepted the pact right away.

That way, she could commit to the pact in the new world and have a cool scene somewhat like the Awakening scenes in the Persona 5 game.

Malcer, being the RPG nerd he is, would probably be the most likely to identify Bart’s race. Since Daniel perhaps isn’t as into RPs as him, and Ciel probably is super rusty from being isolated for years.

Oh yeah, she would be more than just rusty. I was thinking that Malcer was the one who introduced her to Tabletop RPGs. She's played video games before, but her main thing in the real world was reading books and studying.
If I submit my character sheet this will be mine:

He was the silent kid from the gang who loves playing MMORPG called Dragon Lair. Upon getting isekai'd he chooses to be one his favorite character, the Grand Master.

The Grand Master is a character that uses Weapon Change attacks to convert skills and maintain a consistent pace when attacking enemies.

Isekai name: Xian
Race: Human
Age: 20
Class: Grand Master (An advanced class of Knight)
Damage type: Magic

Character Debut/Theme

You might want to look at the previous Character Sheets. Yours is missing a lot of information.

Also, we’re using Dungeons and Dragons 5e for determining classes and abilities. If you need help with that, don’t hesitate to ask. ^^”

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I'm currently presuming that the party would arrive in their base states with no abilities active, given they are basically just growing into fresh bodies. So, I wonder if Bartholomew would even be able to hide it from the party... It's funny though, but even if he can't hide it from them, when I really think about it, it's still incredibly hard to defend against without straight-up mind-reading. It's pretty clear to me examining that ability why changelings are often feared and hated, because it's absolutely sinister what they can do unchecked.

That’s a fair presumption. I do have a similar presumption with Ciel and her being a warlock: She wouldn’t have her warlock abilities until she actually makes a pact with the Djinni Patron.

Since it sounds like @CaptainManbeard is considering taking on a pure GM role, that means contract terms may need to be hashed out in game. But I do imagine the prerequisite to make the contract being “For the love of everything that is good, break up with Bartholomew!

So, they might not even realize that Bart is a changeling until later or someone native to the new world points it out.

EDIT: Reread CaptainManbeard’s post! Sorry for the confusion on my end.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

The way I think would be a good way for this to start is for the players to actually play out the acquisition of their patron. Like, I think it could be some gathering of genies and prospective contractors they've gathered. The idea is that all the genies are either competing for some reason or are united for a particular purpose but need agents to act in their stead. Each of the genies basically sells what their offering for what they expect in return, and the PCs pick right then and there which patron they vibe with best, which determines what kind of warlock they are. They could all be different ones or all even be the same type. Depends on how large the party is and if they have multiple options. Like maybe more that one of the prospective patrons is a djinni, for example, and a PC might like one djinni and not the other.

That sounds really awesome! XD
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Out of curiosity, how close are we to hitting level 3?

Very close. You guys are just one step away.
That face when 4 genie warlock party:

Not even gonna lie, that actually sounds like an interesting premise.

I hadn't heard that in a long while! XD

When the 4 genie warlock party backs an NPC up.

Would the 4 genie warlock party all have the same genie patron or all of the four different genie patrons? :P

• "I am also Gelish."
[Write in -- Province: Aurelius]
[Add Elven to known languages]
Well the fact that Finn is 18, Daniel is 16, Ciel and Marcel are in their twenties… How would they know each other?

Just to list off Ciel's connections...

*Ciel knows Daniel and became friends with him because she babysat him when she was in high school and he was in elementary/middle school (eight year difference).

*Ciel knows Malcer from High School, became friends, and stay friends online until Bartholomew isolated Ciel from her friends and family.

Maybe that can give you ideas?
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