Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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I just watched Snow White again for the first time in years and the ending got me wondering something.

Is the Prince in this timeline gonna turn out to be a cloud giant magically disguised as a human?

Because of the castle in the sky?


Now there's an idea...
@Dark Cloud I’m trying to set aside time to catch up, I’ll let you all know if/when I do and feel comfortable stepping back in.

No worries. It's all good.
If you have any questions, or need any help, just let me know. ^_^
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Is the guy any worse for wear as a result of the dart being pulled out of him with little time to prepare?

@rush99999 It's just a dart. It's not even a knife or anything.

I would say compared to pulling out an arrow or a blade, pulling out a dart is not going to make someone die from blood loss. ^^”

So, the bandit is fine.
@rush99999 Looks like the Huntsman was not successful. ^^"
Only once choice this week, but it's a puzzle-solving write in. Perhaps you all can try solving it together?

Got a bad feeling about unsealing this place, but okay, here we go... ^^"

I think we're supposed to have all of the orbs be alight all at once.

My thoughts so far:

*We touch the Fool first, see what we're working with.
*We can also touch the Fool as many times as we need if we get stuck.
*If we can get all of the orbs to be dim, then we can use the Emperor to get them all alight.
<Snipped quote by Benzaiten>

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Could the Huntsman stop Kida from doing this?

He could most certainly try.
I'll treat this as a contest roll.

@Benzaiten and @rush99999, I will need rolls with just your Dexterity Modifiers for this.
21st January 2022 was the first OOC post. My, how time flies.

I know right?!
It still feels like this started only a few weeks or months ago. Not a full year and a half (if not more)!
Made a short post. ^^"

Cascade looks to Rala when she chuckled and spoke, ushering them along. She answered in agreement, "Auntie Rala has a good point. We probably shouldn't delay. Let's get going!" She sounded much more cheerful as she made her last statement.

During the shopping, she glanced to Aura and her bottle, and decided to get some spare wood from here during the shopping session.

She now knew what she could carve for Aura...
"Do you know any magic that can help us decipher it?"

Gotta figure out what's being sealed before we go messing around with it.
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