Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Sorry for a lack of activity, I'm busy as all hell irl and drained afterwards, but I do wanna keep going so I'll try to do something soon.

No worries. ^_^ It's all good.
RL > RP.
Quick update: This week, I received news that Martian will be taking a break due to RL issues, so it will be a bit before they can post.

In the meantime, I'll wait for a while longer for anyone else who wants to post before I move things along. So the next DM post will be around the weekend after this coming weekend. ^_^
One more for good measure...

@Dark Cloud and @Vertigo

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

So you have three hold to use on Act Despite Danger in the next chapter. Stargaze too strong, pls nerf.

Thank you! XD
Also, Haruki, you still have one hold from the last chapter that you didn't use. Do you want to keep that going into the next chapter or are you content in that not carrying over?

Yeah, if I can keep that hold going into the next chapter, that'd be great. ^_^
If not, then I'm ok with it.

As for my roll for the Signature Move: I got an 11
That was cool to read, @Vertigo!

When it comes to smiles, Tinkertooth had enough to go around, be that their smiles always lacked a few teeth. A member of house Rothscar, they used to be known for their happy-go-lucky attitude, barrage of bad jokes and inability to sit, all of which belied an expert inventor and an architect. However ever since the tragedy that befell half their affinity clutch, their smiles have become more rare, and their inventions more frequent. They always have their nose buried in some sort of work and rarely emerge from their workshop. Their scales are an muddy orange, further muddled by dust, oil, and whatever else they've handled that day, and their wings are large and powerful, much longer than their body. They're an early bird and an excellent flier, said to circle the islands twice every morning at concerning speeds to rid their head of sleep and make room for new ideas. You can recognize their handiwork by their signature: an actual dragon tooth, embedded somewhere in the building or item in question. Worry not, most of them are milk teeth shed by baby drakes that they've collected over the years. Some are not - the work they're most proud of earn a tooth from their own mouth.

...Wait. Aren't Dragons reptiles...?
Do they have milk teeth?

@XxFellsingxX. Help. Weird question popped into my head.
@Lewascan2 We could always play it out as Pangeea. One continent, linked together. That way we'll have a massive contient that, we can explore if we want and it's still based on Earth's geography albeit a very old one.

Plus maybe each section of the Pangea continent has it's own atmosphere/environment (tropical coast, arid deserts, snowy mountains, plains, forests, etc.). This is probably a 'No Duh' thought. ^^"

If we wanted the characters to go somewhere more unique: Going to other planes might also be an option (Feywild, Shadowfell, Elemental Planes, etc.)
Alright guys! DM post is up.

I will say this will be the last round of roleplaying posts at the tavern before I move things forward and bring in @Martian. ^_^

The bandits look ashamed when Mabel pointed out that receiving the gold coin was more than what they came in to begin with. Upon hearing her suggestion about the green poncho wearing peasant relaying the message, he answered, "Of course. I'm willing to bring the message to the Emperor,"

When Ariel asked about why they were armed, the disgruntled peasants abashedly hid their weapons and started whistling innocently. When Ariel apologized for attacking them, they looked surprised for a moment before they waved if off,

"Ah, it's fine. Your senses were actually on point, anyways,"
"Yeah, and it wasn't as bad as what we could have gotten from the Emperor,"

At this, the green poncho wearing peasant looks surprised and simply asks, "What?"
I haven't bought it yet either. Why must all the good games be so expensive?

Because Capitalism!
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