Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Ah, but Tsak don't know that, and does our characters know that for sure? Plus our rogueish friend is still out there, isn't she?

Aurora knows for sure. She's back on shore with Jub.

Everyone else can see that part of the green lake water is now red, and there aren't anymore air bubbles coming up to the surface.
Hey! If Jub knows where Bruk and the Merrow are, Tsak could fly him out there and they could rain magic hell on the Merrow

Unfortunately Brutrumukk's dead. The merrow are eating his corpse...

@Cao the Exiled Disregard! I completely misread that! ^^" I just realized you meant Jub when you said him.
I wasn't sure if had made it back to land or not.

No worries. He did. And Aurora can make it back to land easily now as well. ^_^
@Lurking Krog Jub is already out of the water. And so is Aurora now that she got to the skiff. ^_^

With that, I would say everyone is out of the water, we are out of initiative now.
Post at will! I've got a heck of a DM post to write.

@Dark Cloud For when you get back, Gabriel is on shore, and everyone except Brutrumukk is out of the water. So no need to worry about battle.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Could Rory throw a dagger to get their attention from a distance?

She is 5 feet away from the merrow. So she can see them, and throw a dagger to get their attention. Swimming further away will obscure her line of sight on them due to the murkiness of the water.

Also, considering how this battle was going so far, and that Aurora is now the only person in the water, I think I have to ask this again: Are you sure?

I'm beginning to feel better bit by bit and my tests have been coming up as negative. If I'm feeling alright, I will post this evening or tomorrow.

That's great news! I'm glad to hear you're recovering! Don't rush yourself.
@scribblehead Okay then...

I suppose I can try and cobble a game together for you and a small group.

Can you describe more of your character you had in mind? I can try and base part of a game off of the backstory.
Right then, I don't think she's go after his possessions unless it's something that might be sentimental to the group.

I had to go back and take a look at Brutrumukk's Inventory in his Character Sheet. ^^"

There's a Backpack with a bunch of stuff in it, and a separate sack that holds two Feywild Trinkets. There's also another sack that's holding a vulture corpse, a giant constrictor snake head, and 3 broken off gourd parts that look like dragon heads.

There's also Brutrumukk's weapons and shields, and his cloth butterfly wings.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Would trying to drag Brutrumukk back to the surface half Rory's movement on top of the half of being in the water?


Well, considering that the merrow are currently eating Brutrumukk’s body, I guess you could say it lost some weight.
However, getting his body away from the merrow would be very difficult.

I will say some of his belongings dropped to the bottom of the lake.
Right, just trying to think what she would actually do.

Gotcha. Sorry about that. ^^"
Still waking up and drinking coffee.
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