Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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DM post is finally up! Sorry for the wait everyone. ^_^

We got a new NPC for Tsak, Zavakri, Gabriel and Aurora, while Jub and Brutrumukk have a little bit of video game platforming.

Downfall: Toadstool Patch

Tsak, Aurora, Gabriel, and Zavakri walk to the source of the music to find a slender elf with pale blue skin and black hair sits curled in the shadow of a gray, six-foot-tall toadstool, playing a somber tune on a double flute. He finishes the tune and sets down his instrument and looks to the party. With a monotone voice, completely devoid of emotion he greets Tsak, "Oh. Hello again,"

Downfall: Enroute to D11

Jub and Brutrumukk manage to make their way to the dock without any issues. There they see a skiff floating back and forth from this dock, to the other nearby dock across the lake. Jub can sense the magic around the skiff, causing it to move on its own. He immediately gets the sense that they are not going to be able to hijack this skiff to make their way back to Bavlorna's.

If anything, this seems to be somebody's alternative answer to a bridge.
Can't say I'm 100% sure how your guy will fit in with the rest of the party. His support of the ban on fun would do nothing to ingratiate himself to the others. Nor will the fact that he isn't a clown.

Also, why did you use Mr. The One Piece Is Real! as a faceclaim for a guy you described as 'sickly and lanky'? That's pretty much the complete opposite of what the picture shows.

He discussed the character's backstory with me in private. ^^"
The tavern in question has the Entertainment speakeasy.

I think I'll be getting the first post of this game and the first adventure rolling this weekend! XD
@Guardian Angel Haruki Will we be allowed to train feats during downtime? I ask this because 5e didn't have as many feats when it came out. I know that they didn't compensate for how many feats exist and didn't realize they would have so many. We had a chart on how to train feats. I think it was based on the normal feat gain per 4 levels. Within that time you could train and get a feat. All depends on downtime and if it exists. lol

Sure. I'll allow it.
Depending on the downtime, rolls, and RP Events, PCs may learn and train feats.
@Dark Cloud Yeah, he succeeds.
It is an ancient song from Gabriel-does-not-know-where about heartbreak, mourning, and loss. ^^"
Tickled piqued.

Is the party at full gestation? Or more blastocystic?

I think I can fit in one more player! Welcome! XD
Nvm about my question then.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore you. ^^”
Roll History on the music.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

So now that the party's splitting again, will we be doing things in the PMs like in Chapter One?

The carnival’s situation was that it was each its own different event that took a significant amount of time. In this case? I think it’s safe to keep it in the IC.
How do we DND? Is this just RP? DO we roll?

Possible characters?

Grim the Tavern/Inn owner
Possible classes


Yes we do roll for this game. ^^"

All of the options you listed are definitely acceptable.

I will answer your PM as soon as possible, I'm sorry for the wait.
@Light My vote goes to

"Fair travels as well, what do you need?"
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