Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Garth Welcome to the team! XD
Feel free to post Rockmar in the Characters tab.
I know I haven't been around in like forever, I just want to pop by and say there's been a lot going on in my life and I'm going to have to bow out. I hope I can come back one day, but we'll just have to see where the dice roll. Nice meeting all of y'all and have a good one.

Hi Lucius!

It's good to hear from you.
Thank you for letting us know.
You will be welcome back here when you can RP again. ^_^
@Lurking Krog Thank you!

I've got the DM post and you guys are going in D14.

Downfall: Big Barkless

Zavakri looks to Aurora as she storms past, and she turns her attention to Brutrumukk while Tsak and Gabriel move past her. Her irises are still showing the golden clock face irises as her attention is on Brutrumukk.

"I am inclined to agree with Aurora. Someone did the most they could in magic, guiding the wild magic surge into bringing you back from death. Your immediate dismissal is equivalent to spitting on this gift,"

She then turns her back and she asks Brutrumukk, "You just cursed at the Goblinoid Gods. Do you really think they will let you go back to being any sort of goblinoid if they have anything to say about it?"

After giving that bit of food for thought, she calmly walks after Aurora, Tsak, and Gabriel, leaving Jub and Brutrumukk alone.

Aurora, Gabriel, Tsak, and Zavakri's hearts suddenly feels cold, filling them with a sense of loneliness that borders on despair. A haunting, melancholy tune played on a flute reaches out to you from somewhere within a field of oversized toadstools.

Tsak would recognize this. She's met the player and listened to him play for a while before catching up with the others. She knows who the player of the flute is.

Does the rest of the party follow this music?
Thank you, @Dark Cloud!

I'll get a DM post up for Zavakri's two cents to Brutrumukk's current state, and to establish what Aurora and anyone who follows her encounter.

@Lurking Krog On the map, where is Aurora heading to? As a reminder, Everyone was at D13.

@rush99999 Above board, the Witchlight Carnival is not going to have a way for Brutrumukk to become a bugbear again. ^^" Sorry, bud.
I can't really double post. ^^"
@XxFellsingxX Hi! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
Yes, go ahead and post your character in the Characters Tab.

I don't think the two new players are going to be joining us, but one more person has expressed interest via PM, so I will be letting them know that there's a spot open. ^_^
Twas not ment to be....

The dice have frowned upon my attempted and bestowed another 6.

Rotten luck getting two nat 1s on a roll with advantage.

Unfortunately, this is a question Aurora simply does not have an answer for…
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would this be permissible?

I’ll allow it.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Would Aurora know of ways to help Brutrumukk get his Bugbear form back?

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