Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Cao the Exiled Err…Minor correction: Brut gave a button (as in a shirt button), per Ernest’s request. ^^” Not a token.
Would it be too much to assume that it was the randomness of wild magic within the Fey, and that's somehow the monkey is involved?

Tsak can safely assume that. ^_^
Nooooo! Even worst! Tsak doesn't know shit!

Well dang. Tsak doesn’t know then.
Ouch... rolled a 9

Let’s say you have advantage because Zavakri saw what happened and can help explain. So roll again.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Can I roll something for Tsak to understand more what happened, reach out to her patron? (Playing BG3 has shown me how much we underlay the bond between a Warlock and patron)

Go ahead and roll Arcana.

<Snipped quote by Cao the Exiled>

Tsak's a warlock?

She’s an arcane tattooist.
I've been meaning to ask @Guardian Angel Haruki did you roll to see what Brut would come back as, or did you choose gnome for a specific reason? And was that reason because Jub originally was pretending to be one?

I had @rush99999 roll, and that was the result. ^_^
I feel like with the no lying thing. People could be happier. Example. You have someone say that they don't like being a non citizen or want a career in x but ate required to be a citizen in order to do so. Get into military service in order to become a citizen!

What do you think? @Guardian Angel Haruki

I was also wanting to know if I could make a cursed King old man at the bar type? Thinking Paladin or Cleric. Could be that he broke his oath as a Paladin to save people or some such. He would have sold everything he had in order to survive. So powerful relics, armor, weapons and such. He may have the armor left. Something as a reminder of what he did. Maybe something smaller? I don't know.

Could I make Goku? I mean Vegeta always calls him a clown. jk jk.

Sounds interesting! And there could be other ways to become a citizen, like joining an artisan's guild.

A Cursed Old Man who was once King sounds amazing! In fact...I did have some lore regarding a Cursed King brewing in the back of my mind.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Would that 16 also allow him to keep his proficiency in stealth?

Nope. Sorry. ^^”
@LuckyLudor Thank you very much!

I'm going to go ahead and get the DM post up for both the shop and the palace.

The post for the palace is more to answer Kida than to actually move things along, so Shang still has a chance to respond.

My vote goes to…

• Take the direct route past the carriage.

If we have to, we can try and sneak past them.
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