Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Based on this Kingdom... is it safe to assume that anyone caught lying is punished with death? Mainly because anyone trying to manipulate others is seen as bad. I mean that is right, right?

Also, if the other two don't join up. I may make an old man, who knows things and drinks.

That is correct. It is safe to assume that. In fact, the fact that people have manipulated others in the past would be another reason that the Ruling Family decided to ban everything of the Creative Arts, other than it just being a way for enchanters to cast their magic.

Sounds good. ^_^
The Party

@rush99999 as Miss Light, Half-Elf Hexblade Warlock Entertainer
@Birdboy as Widry 'Bozo' Sootsong, Halfling Bard Folk Hero
@XxFellsingxX as Arthek Yarnspin, Reborn Divine Soul Sorcerer Writer
@Aqutanama as Grimi Ekleipein, Human Great Old One Warlock,
@Garth as Rockmar Granitehart, Mountain Dwarf Fighter Gladiator
@Gordian Nought as Iota, Water Genasi Wild Magic Sorcerer, Entertainer

The Game is up!
Go ahead and post your characters. ^_^

@scribblehead@southern cross
If either of you are still interested and haven't been scared off, you are welcome to join in as well.
The Kingdom of Valerith. Today it stands as a proud beacon of law, religion, academics, and everything that is good and just! Everything is uniform and as they should be.

Many years ago this Kingdom and its beloved people were rocked and shaken to its core by a horrific revelation. While historians have recorded this revelation, none would dare to speak of it again. This revelation led to the Ruling Family banning all magic from the School of Enchantment. Over time, the fear did not subside. Instead it grew and grew, until eventually, the Ruling Family banned all forms of entertainment.

They reasoned that entertainment was used as a conduit for Enchantment magic by Bards, so it was best to ban the tool for such foul magic as well. Anything that was of the creative arts that did not provide substance to the people of Valerith were banned. So, the people grew up without it.

Our story focuses on those who spit at this ban, and proudly show their colors while making mischief in their merry-making. Their first true adventure is about to begin, and it may lead to more revelations for the people of Valerith.

OK. I'm going to call it and start making the game. ^_^
I'll post the link here soon.

Hi Everyone!

I'm going to let you guys keep talking amongst yourselves for now. I don't have much to write for a DM post for this game right now. ^^"

I think explaining what just happened to Brutrumukk has fallen into @XxFellsingxX's and @Cao the Exiled's court. XD
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Yeah, I assumed so as well, since they clearly are very familiar with the rules. . . I'd meant that to have a somewhat tongue and cheek tone, but tone online is hard.

I can't blame you. ^^" It is a little difficult to get tone through text.

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Yeah, I had noticed. Witchlight is a very fun book to take inspiration from for a character.

<Snipped quote by Birdboy>

I am warming up to the idea of Trickster Cleric, honestly, though that does beg the question...

@Guardian Angel Haruki In this setting, are there any gods of storytelling, drama, entertainment etc.? If so, I assume their worship is currently also banned xD

I haven't set up dieties for the homebrew setting yet, but there can certainly be a god of storytelling, drama, entertainment, etc.

I would say worship of any good or neutral diety isn't banned, due to the risk of incurring their wrath, but it is restricted to typical worship of praying, leaving alms, preaching, and then being done. No entertainment stuff allowed.
@XxFellsingxX I should mention: Rush also connected his character for this game to "You-Know-Whichlight-Game"

<Snipped quote by rush99999>

Might actually do that, if that doesn't slow things down too much. I have been meaning for them to cook for the group at some point (especially cook Cascade a meal as thanks for putting up with their temper earlier)

Flicker: I'm going to cook a meal as thanks!
Cascade: *Gasp!* You can cook?! I will love you forever!

@Cao the Exiled

Oh I remember! Cascade briefly met Plasm when she first arrived into the Feasting Tent, only to get no response.
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