Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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I should note that being a clown is not a requirement for a player character in this game. Two of the PCs are clowns to spite the kingdom’s ban on entertainment (grown from the ban on enchantment magic).
btw what setting would this be? Forgotten Realms, something else, homebrew etc.?

Homebrew. ^_^
The first adventure would be from Keys from the Golden Vault, then the player characters can decide what to do afterwards.
I'm very tempted to join this chaotic crew, if you'll have me.

... Have no idea what kind of character I'd play xD

Of course I'd have you as a player! XD
That is awesome! XD
I’m gonna give the new guy a couple more days before officially saying we scared him off. ^^” (Maybe they only come online once a week?)

Either way, I think I’ll get the IC up on the weekend and see if we’ll have a full party, or if we need one or two more players.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

By the power of the Natural 20, the Huntsman now has total and perfect historical knowledge of the daughters of Triton.

Nice roll!

The Huntsman might not have total and perfect knowledge on the history of Triton’s Daughters, but he does clearly remember reading myths from a long time ago.

He remembers reading about merfolk at some point in the past. It was said that they live in the ocean, according to tales told from sailors. Some tales speak of them rescuing sailors, while others speak of mermaids singing in order to lure them to their deaths by drowning. However, nobody has actually seen them, so they were passed off as myth.

It was said that King Triton is the ruler of the merfolk. There isn’t much information on his family. According to myth, King Triton is related by blood to the sea god, Poseidon.
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

I think you know that's not necessarily how Nat 20s work

I think Rush is joking around. ^^”

That's a good point though. @Guardian Angel Haruki, do we do Nat 1s and Nat 20s RAW or do we use them for all rolls?

Edit: Acrobatics check for that old man is sadly only an 11.

I do tend to use Nat 20s and Nat 1s in all rolls. You never know when a Nat 20 can get you out of trouble, or when a Nat 1 can land you into trouble. Muahahaha!

EDIT: Also, 11 is just above the DC.
After @Double posts, I’ll update the Palace section.
Kovu would go with Shopping group, since Huntsman is the only person to talk to him. And he doesn’t want to deal with higher authority and risk being exiled from another place.

Sounds good!
We'll say Kovu has been with the Shopping Group this entire time. ^_^
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Yeah, been cleaning an old family friend's house who had passed away a bit ago. Dude was a hoarder bad and the mess is hellish. I really didn't have the energy to get on

Oh... O_O

I'm so sorry for your loss.
I was gone for two days and show up and the notification tab said there had been 32 posts and I was incredibly confused. Thought I missed a bunch of things

32 posts? Jeez!

Well, something big did happen in this game.
@Crimson Flame@rush99999@LuckyLudor
Now the post is ready. Sorry for the confusion everyone. ^^" I accidentally pressed post instead of preview.
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