Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@rush99999@LuckyLudor@Crimson Flame

.....What are you giving me that stink eye for, Kuzco?
What's the point of these guys?
They're the ones who'll be running the Magic Item Shop for the party! Every party's gotta have a good supplier!
...You just added them in because they're hot, didn't you?
They're official Disney characters. Shuddup.
And with that post from Mabel...Time to get to work on a post for the Shopping Group. XD

You absolute Mad Lad!

I did not expect a character to be related to one of the Misters!

The Multiverse is coming together!
...Everybody panic?
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Sorry, sorry been a little caught up in life, I read up and try to post soon

No worries. I've been there. ^_^
Looking forward to your post.

Which group would Kovu have gone with?
@Light Sorry I didn't get back to your question. Got swept up in a lot of other things. ^^"

Anyways, my current vote goes to

• "We should rest for the rest of the night."

Gabe right now.

Gabe seems to have forgotten that they are in the Feywild: Weird stuff happens all the time!
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Could the Huntsman gently catch Ariel's hand before it can bring the flower to her mouth instead? The Huntsman isn't trying to take the flower, he's just trying to stop Ariel from eating it.

Sure thing!


Should I not have included the part about eating the flower?

You're okay on that end. Rush is just reacting to it. No worries. ^_^

The dice have decided that the Huntsman is a little quicker than Ariel. He has successfully plucked the flower out of her hand before she can eat it.

So, if you wanted to, you can edit your post accordingly. Otherwise, you can leave it be and just let rush write how the Huntsman plucks the flower from Ariel before it gets eaten.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Could I roll to stop Ariel before she eats the flower?

You can most certainly try. I think that will be a Straight Dexterity Check

@Crimson Flame I will need an opposing Straight Dexterity Check from you for this. ^_^

At least it didn't happen in a dungeon. ^_^

Oooo! Ariel entered the shop!
As soon as we get posts from Mabel and the Huntsman, I'll get a post up for Shopping group. ^_^
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