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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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This Interest Check has been updated! ^_^
Chapter 1

The Grim Lodge

The Doctor watches Grimi as he demonstrates, and after the rest of the party do so (or chooses not to do so), she follows suit. After signing the contract in blood accordingly, she mutters, "Fascinating..." before following them to a table where they were to discuss. She looks to the entertainers, Happy and Bozo, both in awe and concern as they performed. It was like she never saw anything like it before!

She snaps out of her thoughts by Iota's words, beckoning her to tell them how they can help.

"Oh! Right! You're right! We don't have much time,"

She cleared her throat and addressed everyone who joins her and Iota,

"Thank you for...hearing me out," she speaks quietly before taking in a deep breath through her nose, and she recounts her tale of troubled woe.

"A few weeks ago, I attended a dig in the Murkmire that unearthed a furrowed, light-green stone. I'll give you all the details, but the bottom line is that it isn't a stone at all—it's the egg of an eldritch horror. Moreover, my research indicates it'll hatch at 7:30 tomorrow morning! When all of the patrons will be in the museum!"

A look of horror crosses her face as she recounts that realization once again. But she steels herself and she looks to the party again, keeping herself as calm as possible.

"Trouble is, no one will listen to me. The university ignored me, and I was caught trying to steal the egg from the museum so I could contain it. Now I've been fired, and I was threatened with arrest for telling a fictitious story if I tried to tell anyone else. The Murkmire Stone display at the museum opens tomorrow, and the egg is about to hatch,"

Underneath the cutesy raccoon cowl, cape, and mask, is a look of determination this time.

"You've got to steal the Murkmire Stone and bring it back so I can save the city!"

She then fishes out a piece of paper and places it on the table for everyone to see. "I drew this map for reference. Hopefully this can help. It is based off of the maps given to the public, so it's not quite complete,"

She continues, "I just need you to bring the Murkmire Stone to me, and then I can neutralize it. It can only be neutralized by encasing it in a specially prepared crystal container. I created one for this purpose, but it still has some cracks I need to seal. I can handle that while you get the stone,"

She brings up, "There is a chance to case the museum if you need it. The curator is hosting a private gala at midnight tonight for the....wealthier donors to see the Murkmire Stone before the rest of the city. I do have tickets to help you enter, but you will need formal wear,"

@rush99999I'm not sure I agreed to you playing my character. That and patrons can't control actions of the warlock. They can only hold them to their agreements. Bad stuff happens when things aren't done but Grimi is a stickler when it comes to these things. He doesn't trust people easily, especially if he knows they have a pact with someone. He may seem laid back in some instances but that is just his old age.

I dunno @Guardian Angel Haruki do you agree with me here or am I just overthinking this?

I don't think Rush was trying to control Grimi.

The first time he had presented her with it, Arkerym leaped from her hip and sliced it to ribbons before she could even start reaching for a nail.

It turned out that the hexblade wasn't keen on his warlock signing contracts backed by an otherworldly patron that wasn't him.

Miss Light eventually came to a longer standing and much more mundane agreement with Grimi. One that didn't involve bleeding on a bit of paper to draw the gaze of a great old one to her every time she came to the King's Chamber.

Rush was describing how Miss Light's Warlock Patron reacted when she was presented with the contract for the first time, why it reacted that way, and how Miss Light acted accordingly. But I can see how the wording can be confusing. ^^"
• Yell to warn Aika.
@rush99999@Crimson Flame Sorry it's taking me a bit longer than I anticipated to get a post up. X_X

I'll try and finish one up as soon as possible.
Chapter 1

The Grim Lodge

The Doctor gives a nod to the dwarf, Rockmar, when he gave her the 'One minute' gesture and went over to speak with Grimi. Her attention is then drawn to her cup of alcohol, when it started to swirl and form into a familiar shape before freezing into the form of the Murkmire Stone. The Doctor looks shocked as she looks at it, before Iota's voice gains her attention. The Doctor asks Iota in realization, "My notes...! How much did you-?!"

She stops herself and nods, "Y-Yes. It is possible,"

She is startled as Grimi shouts the Final Call for the patrons of the Grim Lodge and had others hurried to their rooms or out. The Doctor watches Grimi's movements as he moves to reveal a secret door, and begins to hand out masks and cloaks to everyone who doesn't have one, including herself.

The Doctor looks at the Raccoon Mask and Cloak with the tail, and she nods while muttering to herself, "Yeah. Yeah, that about checks out," It's clear that she could see the irony/humor of her getting the raccoon themed masquerade attire, considering her request. She puts on the attire, and follows the group.

As the Doctor follows the group, one might hear her mumble to herself with worry with a bit of a squeak to her voice, "....I'm being led into a cult...?"

Her head lifts up at the sound of music and merriment, and the speakeasy was revealed to her. If one could look past her mask, they might see her start to wonder if this is better or worse than the Legion of Needles and Thorns.

When the contract was placed in front of her, she took the time to read it, and she was surprised to hear that they sign the contract in blood. Her eyes are wide as she speaks, "Oh-! Uh-! Okay...! Um...How do you want it signed in blood?"
Phew, got a post out. This is what I imagine her playing: youtube.com/watch?v=_qu-blRye9I&ab_ch…

That is really cool!
As someone who played the flute (and can still play it), I am both impressed and ashamed I didn't hear this earlier. XD

Inspiration for you, @Birdboy!

I'll go ahead and get a DM post up. ^_^
@Light Very cool!

My vote will go to...

*Start a fight.
[Write in: Who looks to be the strongest man on their team.]
[Advantage: Rogueish agility]

My thought is if we can take out their strongest man in a single moment, as quickly as possible, that could cow the rest of the bandits into leaving us alone.
that was my fault. I posted a second time. Sorry

Again, no need to apologize. ^_^
It's all good.
Go ahead, I will read up! I am sorry I am not as fast!

There is no need to apologize. ^_^

Sorry we blazed on ahead. ^^"
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