Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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The fantasy world where "Brah" is a thing XD

Cascade uses Hawaiian slang and basically talks like a surfer, cause in a way...she is a surfer chick. XD

Sounds like Cascade is the Karlach of the party

Yup! XD She's a total cinnamon roll.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I just remembered that Brutrumukk is now slightly smarter thanks to being a gnome. Would a 15 reveal anything?

For on how to get himself back to Bugbear form? (I had to hunt for that previous post of mine, and thankfully I found it two pages back. ^^")

Brutrumukk would be able to reason that Reincarnate was a pretty powerful spell, more powerful than what Jub's cast so far.

Chances are he's probably going to need that same spell again, but that would mean he would take a different body that might not be a bugbear again.

Another option is to have something or someone straight up grant his wish without twisting it.
Flicker.exe has stopped working. Would you like to restart the program?

Cascade: *looks around conspiratorially before looking back to crashed Flicker* Maybe Booping the nose will restart them?

When Flicker mentioned that they wanted to get fresh ingredients, Cascade was immediately closer to Flicker. She practically had stars in her eyes as she asked Flicker in revelation, "You...can cook?!" A wide, excited grin stretches across her face slowly as she answers him, "Flicker, brah! If you can cook, I don't mind at all! Let's go!" It's clear that as soon as Flicker mentioned they can cook, they instantly earned Cascade's adoration.

Anyone can see that Cascade was overjoyed to hear that Paxton had recovered from the fight and all of his wounds were healed. She comments, "That's great to hear!" When the warforged mentioned they had food and fresh fruit to sell, Cascade beamed and answered him, "Oooo! Yes please!" She then moved to see what he had, ending up shopping with Flicker.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

... why did I suddenly imagine a freaking Mario hack with Jub and Brutrumukk in place of Mario and Luigi?

.....Oh. My. God.

And today, I just found this on YouTube.

Brutrumukk saw Pink Elephants on Parade, and faced aquatic monsters that feasted on his bugbear body like piranhas, but how about Piranha Plants on Parade? XD

Chapter 1

The Grim Lodge

@Gordian Nought@rush99999@Garth
The Doctor turns to look at Rockmar as he speaks up and offers to help. He can see the desperation in the Doctor's eyes as she considers this offer. She speaks, "That is very kind of you, but...um..."

She looks around, worried that someone of the law may be lurking in this tavern, just waiting for her to give them any excuse to arrest her.

She looks back to Rockmar and Iota, and she whispers, still scared that someone could be eavesdropping and would arrest her if she was not careful, "You see...I need help with something...illicit. You don't...happen to know someone whose expertise is...relieving a place with a lot of security of a certain object, would you?"
Persuasion? me?

Alright, alright. Not too shabby.

Yes, you. ^_^

And not bad! XD
@Garth Go ahead and give me a Persuasion check for me, please. ^_^
Do our characters know each other or are we just meeting for the first time? I know a couple worked on backstory or something.

Also my history check was a 15.

I think you guys would be acquaintances with each other at the very least. Some of the characters have already established that they know each other/work together in their clown shenanigans, or have some sort of connections.

As for the History check...
Chapter 1

The Grim Lodge

@Gordian Nought@rush99999
The Doctor gasps when she feels someone bump into her. She looks to the Water Genasi, before quickly gathering her papers and stuffing them in her books. She answers the young woman, "Oh. It's alright. There's no need,"

With a resigned sigh, she comments making a reluctant decision, "It's closing time for this bar, huh? I better get going..."
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