Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Guardian Angel Haruki

Did you want to post about Cascade shopping for fruit or are you still juggling at the moment?

X_X Sorry for the wait. Family Thanksgiving visit has just concluded today and I am now back from work.

I will go ahead and get a post up for Cascade shopping.
Well, nobody votedast week. I think that's the first time this has happened. Hopefully there's still interest in this game?

Still interested.
Family came early for Thanksgiving though. ^^”

My vote goes to Rush to Aika’s aid.

Also, I'm really looking forward to Plasm meeting up with the others. Cascade has technically met Plasm, but Plasm never really spoke when Cascade arrived.
O_O An Intellect Devourer!

That is both hilarious and terrifying!
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would Miss Light have enough time to use her weaver's tools to make some minor alterations to the stitching of one of the formal dresses in the dressing room?

X_X Rush.


I'm not ignoring you. I had to think about it while juggling a few other things.

What kind of alterations were you thinking?
The last IC post was 27 days ago. That's a bit too long for my liking.

X_X Sorry for the wait.
This game is still alive, I swear.
Name: Violet Warren
Age: 16
Theme: Smart Scientist Meganekko.
Potential clubs: First and foremost: SCIENCE! But she may also pursue other intellectual clubs out of curiosity or research.
Aspects: ... ((To be Edited in))
@Birdboy Is it too late for me to sign up for this?
Well that's problematic. Do we have any spare formal wear in the dressing rooms or something like that?

Yeah, I'll say that you guys do have formal wear in the dressing room. ^_^
@Guardian Angel Haruki

How much time is there until midnight?

Half an hour.
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