Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@XxFellsingxX And Trinket is now dead from the Fire Bolt.

@rush99999, if Brutrumukk still chooses to fail the Constitution Save, he will be Blinded until the end of his next turn from Trinket's explosion.

The both of you can act at will because Bauble is unconscious (and I'm guessing Bauble is going to die anyways).
Question, does the Lucky Stick work for attack rolls?

Sorry, but that would be a No. The effect is that of a Stone of Good Luck.

While this polished agate (stick in this case) is on your person, you gain a +1 bonus to ability checks and saving throws.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Does Bauble still explode?

Oh right...!

Bauble is at 0 HP (Unconscious) while Trinket had 6 HP left before Brutrumukk's dagger.

Bauble was used as a shield.

So, attacking Trinket means that Trinket is still standing....

Sorry about that, I rushed through my post. ^^"

Since Bauble is unconscious it would mean it's @XxFellsingxX's turn.

I'll edit my post accordingly.

Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

Trinket lunged trying to get at Brutrumukk, only for the dagger to plunge itself into Bauble. They gasp as the Brutrumukk's dagger was plunged into their body. They remained standing and they give a raspy chuckle.

"Your greed shall be your undoing..."

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I don't think he would be. As a tiny wizard man, he probably wouldn't get too close to a fight on principle.

That's what I thought.

On another note, @rush99999, I saw the damage roll.
The 2d6 Necrotic Damage is from the Darklings themselves, not the Dagger.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

WHen you say 2 do you mean 2 both from Brutrumukk or one from Brutrumukk and one from Jub?

2 from Brutrumukk, since it's 2 different explosions.

Jub will need to make them too if he's within 10 feet of the darklings.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Alright. Time for the finishing moves.

Also, I'm going to need 2 Constitution Saving Throws since you're doing the finishing moves.

They explode.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Alright. Time for the finishing moves.

Could I get an attack roll with advantage from Trinket?

Also, is Trinket's dagger made of metal?

I believe Trinket misses with 10 and 13 to hit.

Yes, Trinket's dagger is made of metal.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would Brutrumukk get any AC bonus for using Bauble as a shield?

Half Cover.
@rush99999 Your turn. Trinket used a Ready action. They will attack Brutrumukk should he attack them.
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