Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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I've been busy on my end. ^^" Plus I imagine that Stargaze probably fell back into a habit of staying quiet when she's here so as to not bring unwanted attention to herself.

But now...I have a perfect reaction in mind. XD

@XxFellsingxX Is Kyte still with us?
I'll let Haruki post before I do.

Thanks! Already done. ^_^

Upon realizing who Gruumsh is, what his tenets are, and the general knowledge about him in Religion through her connection to Deep Sashelas, she is slightly less joyful. But she does try to keep an upbeat attitude to keep up morale.

...Perhaps Gorgash isn't so bad and maybe he's actually a good guy? One could only hope, and if he does try to hurt anyone, then she'd be ready to defend...

She listened to the story Gorgash gave. At first she was about to give applause, but she stopped herself upon noticing that her new allies' attitudes seem to take a turn for the worse, and Gorgash's friendly grin turned into a knowing one. Even Jormund was ignoring his own alcohol! Her watery hair starts to splash upwards as though her own hackles were being raised.

A quick of glance of her eyes landed on the lone orc and Deep Sashelas's knowledge flooded through her mind. He was an ex worshipper of Gruumsh if the omen is true. If Gorgash was a true worshipper, then giving away the lone orc's identity might not be a good idea. Deciding to protect the orc and not say anything, she directs her attention back to Gorgash and the party.

She starts to speak, keeping the conversation on the party and Gorgash, "Not for me, Brah, no. ....I'm a little confused, what's going on?" Her hand starts to go for the holy symbol in her wariness, as though she was quietly asking Deep Sashelas for guidance and protection.
Also, I love that Gorgash has name-dropped Ms Midnight and everyone in the party is like "D:"... meanwhile Cascade is probably sitting there like "Huh, what's happening? Why does everyone look so hostile?"

Yes. She might also be a little distracted by Hammerhand thanks to her Religion check. ^_^
<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

A surprise for ye in the sheets.


Welp! I know Cascade is going to be bringing in the joke again. XD

EDIT: Working on IC post!

During the trip to Zephyr, Cascade would often talk about her home to try and brief the party what to expect when they get there. But at some point, that discussion would devolve into Cascade telling silly stories that took place in Zephyr and telling the rest of the party of the various fond memories she has there. Gorgash's appearance was unexpected but not unwelcome from Cascade. She helped explain the situation at Zephyr and she raised an eyebrow at his smile and eagerness to join in.

Now that she thought about it...who was Gruumsh?

Soon the party reached the Manticore's Tale and she was surprised to see that they were escorted to the best seats in the house. When Gorgash said that he was paying for everything, she gave a loud cheer in happiness,


She then answers after Jormund, Flicker, and Aura all ordered, "I'll have the same for food! I'll have an Ale too!"

After Aura asks about Gorgash's story, she pipes in, "Ooh! I'd like to hear too!"

@XxFellsingxX@rush99999 Go ahead and roll Initiative.
Rush, your attack just now will be occurring on your turn, because neither party is surprising each other.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

What weapons and armor do the guards have?

They have normal plate armor and glaives.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

How many guards are there? Does it look like they have magical or silver weapons?

There are 5 guards. 8 noncombatants.
No it does not look like they have magical or silver weapons.
Edited the recent DM post to take Jub's Natural 1 into account. ^_^
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