Mostly got the next post up and ready to go. Anything you want to add, @Guardian Angel Haruki?
I'll see if I can add anything today. (Sorry, I just woke up, and I do need to catch up on what happened here... X_X)
Mostly got the next post up and ready to go. Anything you want to add, @Guardian Angel Haruki?
<Snipped quote by Lurking Krog>
Well shit yeah we keep glossing over that @Guardian Angel Haruki I would very much like to do that.
I’ll get a post out tonight
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>
If Jub was there...
"Yeah. In fact, it kind of started wearing thin about the time when EVIL MERMAIDS ATE MY FRIEND."
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>
Brut and Jub have been chased out of Hither by angry bullywugs. The rest of the party then aided a bullywug night in Game of Thrones shenanigans. Also, Bavlorna's run off somewhere else after Charm stoked the hag's paranoia around the party knowing her weakness.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>
Would you like me to postpone the DM post until Tuesday to give you a little more time?
Speaking of 3D, look whose gnomish incarnation I've just made on Hero Forge.