Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Mostly got the next post up and ready to go. Anything you want to add, @Guardian Angel Haruki?

I'll see if I can add anything today. (Sorry, I just woke up, and I do need to catch up on what happened here... X_X)
<Snipped quote by Lurking Krog>

Well shit yeah we keep glossing over that @Guardian Angel Haruki I would very much like to do that.

OK. Thank you very much.
And yeah, Gabriel still feels that his Lost Item in this area.


The Book has it so there's no way for the players to tell if they're close to their Lost Item or not...
I think I'm going to modify that for ease of play.

Upon thinking about it, Gabriel does remember that feeling being especially strong at Bavlorna's Cottage.
I’ll get a post out tonight

Thank you very much! ^_^

Now that everyone has posted...there is one thing I must ask the Hither Mini-Party.

Now that you've left Charm's shop...where are you going next?

For a little clarification note OOC: Charm did point you to Area D5 when it comes to the scarecrow when she gave her information to you.

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory

Also...since everyone now met Charm and someone made a deal with her...
I can finally post this! XD

YouTube Short with Charm!
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

If Jub was there...

"Yeah. In fact, it kind of started wearing thin about the time when EVIL MERMAIDS ATE MY FRIEND."

Buckle up, because there's still one area to finish, and three more of this Feywild realm to explore.
Thar ye go

Thank you! ^_^

I'll wait for @Fading Memory before I make a new DM Post.

Aaliyah gives a quick "Thank you!!!" to Lissandra after she called out to them, and before jumping through the portal. Stepping through, Aaliyah certainly hadn't expected to land in a cartographer's shop. Was there some sort of mistake? She looks to her compatriots, Beigeiros and Mariel as they enter through...with the goblin following them as well.

Before she could say anything else, the cartographer addresses them and shows them the map, asking for their opinion. She looks at the map curiously, and she recognizes some of the landmarks from the Plane of Air. Beigeiros spoke up first and recognized the map as the Elemental Chaos.

That certainly explained a large majority of the map she couldn't recognize! She answers in agreement, "Oh yes! I recognize some of the landmarks from the Elemental Plane of Air. This is impressive!"

She then realizes something and she asks the Cartographer, "Oh right! I apologize for our rude intrusion, but...is this shop in Tir Na Og?"
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

Brut and Jub have been chased out of Hither by angry bullywugs. The rest of the party then aided a bullywug night in Game of Thrones shenanigans. Also, Bavlorna's run off somewhere else after Charm stoked the hag's paranoia around the party knowing her weakness.

@Dark Cloud Welcome back!

Gabriel is with the rest of the party at Charm’s shop. She’s currently selling wares right now since a certain pair of party members slaughtered the other two shopkeepers…
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Would you like me to postpone the DM post until Tuesday to give you a little more time?

That would be great. Thank you!
Sorry for the silence on my part, guys. Family visit ongoing. Will end on Monday.
Speaking of 3D, look whose gnomish incarnation I've just made on Hero Forge.

Perfect! 10/10! XD
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