Avatar of GubGar


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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Did Tenten ever go through a montage's worth of training? No? Well then.

- @BCTheEntity

But she had two years of training..
I thought Anaru was "Rock Solid". That's gonna leave him low on the Most Liked Character List man. You already know who on the top.

- @LokiLeo789

Pretty sure the only guy who likes Rayne, is Rayne, and maaan, Anaru's had enough of Rayne/Xerxes' crap, just let him get gore'd by a red coat in peace.
I just want to reaffirm my dibs on not fighting Rayne, because I ain't dealing with that matrix-level reaction stuff, Nooo sir.
Uh, I know this is deader than my career as a unicyclist (I was never a unicyclist) but uh, one last Bump, just in case.
@RyoRyoRyoken if Zepp is able control what parts of his body are 2D, and what parts of his body are 3D, his fruit has insane support/combo potential.
If this was an anime, this arc would be the craziest by far. The long awated fight between Marxo and Rayne/Xerxes, Zepp showing his true colors, Anaru being Rock Solid, Jax, Drik, an Ardian being out if thier league in terms of raw power, Fadel going first Hokage on everyone. Damn, most fun I've had in an RP.

- @LokiLeo789

I have to agree with you, this RP has been really fun so far, and if this was an anime, this would be the second arc, hopefully it just keeps getting more and more insane, and with Anaru's antics, and me controlling said antics, I think it probably will.

On a side note: Really tempted to just use hammer on the tree, and have a stupidly over the top result, but at the same time, I wanna use it as a club, I feel like, both of those options would end with me jumping so far over the shark that i'd end up in orbit though, so uh, yeah.
Ya, its lit, forgot to watch yesterdays episode. Looks like Anaru got trumped by Fadel though, shit. Got the wood style going on.

- @LokiLeo789

Well, damn, I mean I made my post to be over the top intentionally, did not expect Fadel to come in with a giant tree, I mean, on the bright side, he gave Anaru a better weapon.
@RyoRyoRyoken oh man, somebody else here watches/reads My Hero Academia, it has to be my favorite show of the year so far (and I read the manga before the anime came out, so I got some hipster cred.) and yeah, once I realized how over the top, but heroic Anaru was I thought to myself "Yeah, I gotta reference All Might."
Anaru is Guys mind with Chojis body.

- @LokiLeo789

Are you calling him fat? that's messed up, he's just big boned.
[ h 1] [/ h 1 ]

no spaces tho..theres also h2 and h3 which are smaller headings

- @Ira

Bless you sir, bless you!
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