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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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@RyoRyoRyoken Anaru's action might have just saved you from a bit of the horrible death, with the hole rupturing ground thing, and the distraction aspect of it.

Drum Island

@LokiLeo789 @Ira @Renny @RyoRyoRyoken @CannedBread @JmerlRobot @Tmitche23

Anaru grinned wildly, staring down at the fight below. "Seems as though we have to re-capture Explosion-guy, oh well, this time I came prepared. Anaru was not, in fact prepared, but uh, he thought it sounded cool. Anaru grins at Adrian, and gives him a nod, signalling it was go time. "Did you know, that Gorilla's grip strength is arguably the most terrifying thing about them?" Anaru asked, as his body began to grow hair, his muscle mass expanding, and his arms growing larger and longer. "I intend to show these pirates, just how terrifying it is."

Anaru digs his left hand into the very thick prison wall, each finger impaling the durable thick sheet of stone, he clenches his fist, before ripping a large chunk of stone out of the wall, in the shape of a cone. "This is my spear, the spear that will pierce those pirates, the spear that will strike down the wicked, the spear that's the most.." Anaru leaps down, putting the stone cone infront of him, as he falls, he uses his other hand, to fire his Nail Gun, creating air projectiles to increase his velocity. "ROCK SOLID!" he slams into the ground, 'spear' first, the spear impales the ground, causing it to shake, as Anaru brings his other fist back.

"The nail is in, its time, for the hammer!" Anaru swings his hand down, punching the cone of stone deeper into the ground, as an intense air pressure seems to be unleashed, causing the ground around him, and the pirates, to crack, and shatter, debris being flung in every direction with impressive force, as a dust cloud forms around Anaru, only his glowing red eyes, and hulking frame can be seen. he lets a laugh boom through the air. "You pirates will not escape here, or harm another citizen, why? because, I am here!"
Hold up, where are we

- @CannedBread

Depends on if you took Anaru's offer of a ride, you could be on the ship, or through a hole Anaru accidentally made in the prison (He didn't bust anybody out, I swear.), above Zepp, Rayne o' Payne Xerxes, and the rest of those darn pirates.
I humbly accept your choice. I will gore you so you won't have to deal with Rayne

- @Renny

Thanks man, that means a lot.

On a side note: once @CannedBread makes his post, Anaru can fly in and go..Ape *Laughter, applause.* so hang in there @RyoRyoRyoken
Rayne comes in here with insane tier Observation haki, has learned Shigan from watching, and became Roy Mustang...uh, I call dibs on NOT fighting him, i'll take my chances with the guy who can manipulate red to gore me horribly, thank you VERY much.
These young hooligans are fulltime savages, your generation is over.

- @LokiLeo789

I dunno, Zepp is doing some stuff that would make the stunt double in Live And Let Die say "What the hell?" and y'know, he did the crocodile bridge.
Still does not know how to make his words bigger.

Drum Island
@Ira @CannedBread

Anaru looked towards the destruction, and was about to leap into it, before he heard the Vice Admiral's words. "On it!" Anaru's body bulked up, a feature of his life return, as his legs became incredibly tense. "Adrian!" Anaru shouted, with a big stupid grin on his face. "Hold onto me, if you want to make it there, faster!"

Anaru let out a booming laugh, before using his sheer strength, to erupt into the air, leaping towards Muron, it was an odd sight, a bulky man, in a marine cloak, laughing in a most jolly way, while using his obscene strength to leap high into the sky, and reach a prison. odds are, if Adrian did in fact grab on, it was even odder for him.

"It seems as though there's a group of people, i'm sure i'll land near them, and ask what's going on!" Anaru grinned, as he prepared to land, and then he hit the wall of the prison, and smashed through it, Adrian, if he were riding with Anaru would be unharmed, but Anaru, to put it bluntly, fell flat on his face, and skidded. he let out a booming, but muffled laugh, as he did faceplant into stone.

@LokiLeo789 I suggest not fighting the hidden CP9 agent, who could probably make your insides outsides, that's just my thoughts though.
In Fairy Tail 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

"Ah, uh, yeah, alright, that would be appreciated!" Nendo said with a nervous smile. "I'm Nendo, by the way." he says as he makes his way to the magic tournament area. Nendo lets out a relaxed sigh, as he takes off his backpack, and tosses it into a corner. "Well, ready when you are." Nendo says, as he gets into a molding magic position.
If you don't have the rulebooks already, I recommend getting into Fifth Edition. My group was running 4E for quite some time, but I've grown to like the current ruleset a lot better.

- @RyoRyoRyoken

Ah, I can't remember if I used 5E or 4E for my previous sessions, but i've recently gotten into less rule heavy systems, and also partially homebrewed systems, its fun, even though because of the obscurity and/or the fact that you have to trust in my capabilities instead of the capabilities of D&D, it doesn't attract the biggest crowd, regardless, I definitely intend to try D&D again soon, i'll probably make a gnome barbarian or an orc bard, just to be 'that guy.'
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