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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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I just want to point out that Freya retired from the marines, and is having a good time at a restaurant, while Anaru decided to stick with it, and is now having to deal with a teleporting pirate, giant trees, and Rayne o' Payne Xerxes, maybe Anaru picked the wrong choice.
@Tmitche23 It occurs to me that you could well have set your Devil Fruit's power as the Doa-Doa no Mi, and it'd probably have functioned the way @NachoBachoPacho believes it did. Also of note: Zepp is still attached to Anaru's back as a shadow. Wonder how that'll figure itself out.

- @BCTheEntity

Wait, he has the Doa Doa no Mi? I thought he had a devil fruit that created portals this entire time, man, I feel a bit silly, but yeah, if it was the Doa Doa no Mi it isn't a nightcrawler kind of thing, the air door is y'know, a door. @Tmitche23

Edit: just realized I 100% misread the comment, but I did check out @Tmitche23 's cs, and his devil fruit is a portal-y one, so I guess my comment has some use.
Well, i'll be offline until about 10-ish, hopefully you guys can survive without my really lame sense of humor until then, good luck.

And @Tmitche23 I apologize if my most recent post seems nonsensical to you, I had no idea you could just nightcrawler like that, i'll fix my post once I get back, so hopefully it won't end in fisticuffs.
In my post I stated that Jax got in and out. By the end of my post Jax was back at his vantage point.

- @Tmitche23

Yes, but you also stated you grabbed Anaru to pull him into the portal, am I wrong in thinking I could have just grabbed you back? I don't personally see the issue here.
You could say this fight is very, Fruity..... Gahhahahahaahaha.

- @CannedBread

I was going to compliment your post, and how interesting Adrian is as a character, but now i'm just, reeling from that joke man, ugh.
Hopefully a meteor piledriver will put me back on the list of most over the top people in this rp, hopefully.

Drum Island

Anaru was expecting an intense fight, that was for sure, but he wasn't expecting giant trees, and teleporting pirates, that was new, and the fact that he was now in the air, getting shot at, while the teleporting pirate escaped, that was also new, and bad, very bad. but that's alright, Anaru had been wanting to test his new ability for a bit, so why not now? Anaru's body tenses up, as his gorilla hair spirals out, and he appears to get absolutely decimated by the gunfire, except in reality, his hair wrapped around the bullets, catching them before they pierced his body.

Anaru fell from the sky, and fast, laughing while he did so. "Your power is quite impressive, you could have been such an asset to the Marines, it is a shame you chose a path of evil. Anaru said to the teleporting pirate, he didn't really know where he was, but that was cool, he didn't need to know too much.

Anaru hit the ground, or uh, tree, with great force, shaking the branches, as he looked around, pondering about what he should do next, and then it hit him. with great force, Anaru grabbed onto a large branch, that could fit several houses on it, bulked up his form with life return, and ripped it off, holding it as if it were some type of club, and laughing like a mad man.
I'm pretty sure Dan is the biggest threat to Anaru actually, because Anaru would totaly think he's an innocent citizen, and Dan could totally uh, go along with it, I guess.
I just want to say how glad I am, that i'm not fighting Rayne or St Laurant, I mean Anaru is rock solid and all, but he isn't Goku level powerful, so i'll just say nooo thanks.
How far are we from introducing Admiral Buttstuff? Golden Flecces been having a good time on the GrandLine.

- @LokiLeo789

Maan, people already have Vice Admiral St Laurant coming after them, a Vice Admiral and an Admiral showing up this early? have some mercy.
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