Secret ID: Zhang Brownsort
Alias: Spirit
Age: 17
Home Location: Gotham
Zhang's powers are based around her training with the Pink Lotus. She is able to teleport small distances in a puff of smoke, cling to walls like a spider and even appear to be someone entirely different through the medium of disguise, although this is more of a skill than a power. Her main power comes from her training with Katana. While, Katana mainly taught her how to use weapon and whatnot, her philosophical teachings as well as her tai-chi regime among other training methods allowed for Zhang to learn to utilize her chi into devastating attacks, hardened defensive positions and even ranged attacks if need be. She mostly utilizes her chi into her agility though, giving her the ability to dodge speeding bullets and speed along walls as if they were the floor.
Zhang's main weakness is the fact that she's human. If she doesn't utilize her chi defensively quick enough then your average bullet could have her pushing up daisies. Along with this, her training with Katana was short-lived, and if she doesn't concentrate hard enough then her chi control can momentarily disappear completely.
Equipment: [best believe Batman is gonna have a few of us with utility belts, pockets, and pouches]
Zhang carries what you'd expect from someone trained in the ninja way.
-Smoke Bombs
-Tanto Blade
-2x Tonfa
Zhang is a rather short girl, standing at just 5 foot 5. Nevertheless, she maintains a thin figure with only a little muscle being visible on her arms. Her hair is long and a dark brown, reaching down past her waist although she keeps it tied up when working as Spirit. Her eyes are a lighter shade of brown than her hair, and are slightly large. She has small, slender features and is more cute than she is beautiful.
Her casual clothing consists of plain t-shirts and board shorts when around the house. However, when she's outside she'll put on a pair of trousers if need be, although she prefers more loose clothing than anything else.
Her costume consists of what you'd expect of a ninja. She wears a black face mask, accompanied by a loose fitting ninja robe tied together by a cloth belt which also hangs a loincloth bearing the symbol of the Pink Lotus.
Zhang is rather cocky and fun loving and displays a more tomboyish attitude to femininity than anything else. She likes to play contact sports, and is no stranger to a fight for no-reason here or there.
Password: Gnarkk
Zhang was born in China, to a Caucasian father and an Asian mother. Her father, a wealthy archaeologist at a bar one night and they hit it off almost immediately. Her mother's life was a bit more interesting than archaeology if you can believe that, she was raised in what is technically Japan, albeit an island that is extremely difficult to get to. The island is secluded by a mystic fog that sends any ship sailing its way into the wrong direction. Her mother was born and raised on this island to take over the job as it's shogun, occasionally she was let out of the island in order to find a husband, which wasn't hard for someone as beautiful as she was.
Explaining her situation to her newly wed husband was a bit hard though, albeit a lot easier than explaining why her entire family consisted of old men at their wedding. Within about a year of their marriage, Zhang was born, and her mother took over as Shogun of the island. She grew up learning the ways of the ninja, but always had trouble fitting in with the other children and would often fall back on her training for sheer lack of skill.
However, in times of great emotion she could feel something surging through her, giving her the strength to carry on and overcome any obstacle, unbeknownst to her this was her inner chi coming through. She continued to train on the island until she was about 14, when she visited the mainland of Japan with her father. It was here she witnessed Katana for the first time, and it was also where she showed what skill she had to Katana in her efforts of helping her capture a criminal.
After much negotiation, Katana agreed to take Zhang under her wing as an apprentice. During their time together they trained extensively, and grew to have an almost sisterly bond between each other. She began to better control her chi during her time with Katana, and found multiple uses for her chi before joining the Titans.
Sample Post:
Zhang sat, perched on a rooftop overlooking the dark warehouse that Katana was slowly creeping her way into. The wind bit at her skin and made her shiver slightly, it was freezing cold, and a sweater wasn't part of her attire. She kept her eye on the white mask of Katana, a mere glint of her sword and it was go time, Zhang hadn't seen action at this scale in weeks, maybe even months.
And there it was, the glint of moonlight against steel, the signal. Zhang leaped from the building before disappearing into a cloud of smoke and reappearing within the now completely dark building. Various guards shouted obscenities and shocked cries before they were quickly silenced by the duo. Zhang's tonfa had seen it's fair share of bloodshed during her time with Katana, to the point where most horror films couldn't even faze her.
The two quickly freed what hostages were left within the warehouse and made a hasty escape back to Katana's residence. Zhang came out of her room, changed into her usual attire of a hoodie and board shorts before she called out to Katana who was sat, gazing blankly at the television like a deer in head lights.
"That was really fun! We've not went on an actual mission in months!" She said gleefully, before flopping down next to her trainer.
"Zhang, I have some melancholy news" She said, in a slightly hushed tone.
"Uhm, what does melancholy mean? And why so glum, chum?" She asked, making light of the situation as per usual.
"I'm going to be straight with you here, there's a superhero group that has formed in America and I think you'd be a better fit training with them than with me. Batman and Wildcat are the bosses of the operation so things will be run a little differently, namely you will be advised against killing. It's your decision here, but I really think you should go." Zhang sat, silent. She pulled her knees up to her chest and began thinking. As much as she liked training with Kitana, she also thought the idea of joining a superhero team run by Batman of all people was really cool. She thought for a few more moments before answering.
"I'll do it. But you need to write me every month ok?" She said, glumly.
Alias: Spirit
Age: 17
Home Location: Gotham
Zhang's powers are based around her training with the Pink Lotus. She is able to teleport small distances in a puff of smoke, cling to walls like a spider and even appear to be someone entirely different through the medium of disguise, although this is more of a skill than a power. Her main power comes from her training with Katana. While, Katana mainly taught her how to use weapon and whatnot, her philosophical teachings as well as her tai-chi regime among other training methods allowed for Zhang to learn to utilize her chi into devastating attacks, hardened defensive positions and even ranged attacks if need be. She mostly utilizes her chi into her agility though, giving her the ability to dodge speeding bullets and speed along walls as if they were the floor.
Zhang's main weakness is the fact that she's human. If she doesn't utilize her chi defensively quick enough then your average bullet could have her pushing up daisies. Along with this, her training with Katana was short-lived, and if she doesn't concentrate hard enough then her chi control can momentarily disappear completely.
Equipment: [best believe Batman is gonna have a few of us with utility belts, pockets, and pouches]
Zhang carries what you'd expect from someone trained in the ninja way.
-Smoke Bombs
-Tanto Blade
-2x Tonfa
Zhang is a rather short girl, standing at just 5 foot 5. Nevertheless, she maintains a thin figure with only a little muscle being visible on her arms. Her hair is long and a dark brown, reaching down past her waist although she keeps it tied up when working as Spirit. Her eyes are a lighter shade of brown than her hair, and are slightly large. She has small, slender features and is more cute than she is beautiful.
Her casual clothing consists of plain t-shirts and board shorts when around the house. However, when she's outside she'll put on a pair of trousers if need be, although she prefers more loose clothing than anything else.
Her costume consists of what you'd expect of a ninja. She wears a black face mask, accompanied by a loose fitting ninja robe tied together by a cloth belt which also hangs a loincloth bearing the symbol of the Pink Lotus.
Zhang is rather cocky and fun loving and displays a more tomboyish attitude to femininity than anything else. She likes to play contact sports, and is no stranger to a fight for no-reason here or there.
Password: Gnarkk
Zhang was born in China, to a Caucasian father and an Asian mother. Her father, a wealthy archaeologist at a bar one night and they hit it off almost immediately. Her mother's life was a bit more interesting than archaeology if you can believe that, she was raised in what is technically Japan, albeit an island that is extremely difficult to get to. The island is secluded by a mystic fog that sends any ship sailing its way into the wrong direction. Her mother was born and raised on this island to take over the job as it's shogun, occasionally she was let out of the island in order to find a husband, which wasn't hard for someone as beautiful as she was.
Explaining her situation to her newly wed husband was a bit hard though, albeit a lot easier than explaining why her entire family consisted of old men at their wedding. Within about a year of their marriage, Zhang was born, and her mother took over as Shogun of the island. She grew up learning the ways of the ninja, but always had trouble fitting in with the other children and would often fall back on her training for sheer lack of skill.
However, in times of great emotion she could feel something surging through her, giving her the strength to carry on and overcome any obstacle, unbeknownst to her this was her inner chi coming through. She continued to train on the island until she was about 14, when she visited the mainland of Japan with her father. It was here she witnessed Katana for the first time, and it was also where she showed what skill she had to Katana in her efforts of helping her capture a criminal.
After much negotiation, Katana agreed to take Zhang under her wing as an apprentice. During their time together they trained extensively, and grew to have an almost sisterly bond between each other. She began to better control her chi during her time with Katana, and found multiple uses for her chi before joining the Titans.
Sample Post:
Zhang sat, perched on a rooftop overlooking the dark warehouse that Katana was slowly creeping her way into. The wind bit at her skin and made her shiver slightly, it was freezing cold, and a sweater wasn't part of her attire. She kept her eye on the white mask of Katana, a mere glint of her sword and it was go time, Zhang hadn't seen action at this scale in weeks, maybe even months.
And there it was, the glint of moonlight against steel, the signal. Zhang leaped from the building before disappearing into a cloud of smoke and reappearing within the now completely dark building. Various guards shouted obscenities and shocked cries before they were quickly silenced by the duo. Zhang's tonfa had seen it's fair share of bloodshed during her time with Katana, to the point where most horror films couldn't even faze her.
The two quickly freed what hostages were left within the warehouse and made a hasty escape back to Katana's residence. Zhang came out of her room, changed into her usual attire of a hoodie and board shorts before she called out to Katana who was sat, gazing blankly at the television like a deer in head lights.
"That was really fun! We've not went on an actual mission in months!" She said gleefully, before flopping down next to her trainer.
"Zhang, I have some melancholy news" She said, in a slightly hushed tone.
"Uhm, what does melancholy mean? And why so glum, chum?" She asked, making light of the situation as per usual.
"I'm going to be straight with you here, there's a superhero group that has formed in America and I think you'd be a better fit training with them than with me. Batman and Wildcat are the bosses of the operation so things will be run a little differently, namely you will be advised against killing. It's your decision here, but I really think you should go." Zhang sat, silent. She pulled her knees up to her chest and began thinking. As much as she liked training with Kitana, she also thought the idea of joining a superhero team run by Batman of all people was really cool. She thought for a few more moments before answering.
"I'll do it. But you need to write me every month ok?" She said, glumly.