Avatar of Hammerman


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4 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
5 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
5 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
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5 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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5 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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Mentions: @PaulHaynek

In the end, Lunatea decided to stay in the temple, nursing her wounds. She spent most of her days in her bed, either sleeping or staring off into the distance. Sometimes she would go out to interview the refugees to add to her notes of the island. Sometimes she would spend hours jotting down things in her notebook, ignoring any servants that brought her food and drinks.

Until one day, she just so happened to cross paths with Revuel, who proceeded to ask her a question.

"Yes, I am a scholar," the wererabbit answered, her eyebrows slightly raised as she didn't expect such a question to be sprung at her out of nowhere like this. "I investigate ancient ruins and make theories regarding how they came to be and what kind of people inhabited the place before they went extinct. I am very much not a warrior but I am capable of defending myself, all thanks to the monster physiology and the artifact I wore." Her Slyph-blessed magic panties. "What of it?" she asked back, her tone sounding a little defiant.

When he asked why she stayed in such a combat-intensive situation, she paused for a bit, trying to put her thoughts into words.

Unfortunately, before she could answer, Takeshi stormed into the courtyard on his horse, announcing that he could not find Alice. Ah, that troublemaker, Lunatea thought to herself. If she doesn't want to stay, then who are we to stop her?

Suddenly, a bright light crashed down from the sky into the teleportation pagoda. "A new arrival?!" Lunatea exclaimed. Another one? Don't we have enough people already?

"Yes, I'll come with Takeshi," she answered Revuel's question. "Might as well see who the new arrival is."
Sayu Takayomi

"What the… What was that for?!" Sayu's jaw fell in horror from Charlotte finishing off the ratman. "That wasn't necessary, was it?"

It wasn't like she was against killing the ratman. Far from it. But like she said, she didn't want to kill needlessly. The creature wasn't a threat anymore.

"Wh-whoa-huh!? You're telling me you guys could afford enchanted equipment? Wow... That's amazing, you all gotta bcome from wealthy families, huh?"

"Uh… well…" Sayu paused, unsure how to respond. Should she lie further and say that yes, they were actually rich folks? For some reason that didn't feel right with her.

"Actually, we found these clothes in a dungeon. We're not rich at all. Not in the slightest. In fact, we're pretty penniless right now, right guys?" She turned to the others to support her new lie.

Right... Well, uh... Yes, I was looking for these ratlings." The black-haired adventurer responded to Cecilia's question. "I'd accepted a quest to hunt some of them, and these were the last three I needed to finish the job. Ahhh, but now I'll need to find three more I guess." She sighed a bit and put a hand on her own forehead, apparently surrendering these kills to the group of girls without even raising a stink about it.

"Oh, they were your prey? I apologize for taking them then." She gave her a typical Japanese bow. Her tiny skirt would've exposed her panties in the process but thankfully the coat she wore over her dress barely covered the sensitive view from the sight of her teammates.

"Mana gems…" She placed her hand on her chin. "Hey, guys, how about we give the gems on those ratmen we just killed to her? In exchange for her taking us to the city? If we hadn't destroyed them with our attacks anyway.." She proposed to the others.

She felt pretty bad towards the adventurer girl. It seemed that she too was strapped for cash.

Mentions: @PaulHaynek

Takamori and Sorae were about to retort even more fiercely if it weren't for Ayu stepping in between the two groups, deciding to do something before the situation escalates. "R-Regardless, the Varjans have been beaten back and most of the refugees have been protected. That's all that matters, right?" She raised her hands to divert as much attention to her as she could.

"She's right," Lunatea nodded. "That's all that matters. The civilians are safe and the Varjans are driven back. What more could you ask?" She glared at Takamori and Sorae.

"Oh, look! Lord Takeshi seem to be planning something with the others! Why don't we go join them?" Ayu shifted the topic to something more important than this feud, leading the group towards Takeshi and the others. Sorae and Takamori gave a look at the yokai, but ultimately said nothing and followed Ayu.

"We should."

Without any more words, she followed Ayu, ignoring the look both of them gave towards her.

She listened in silence as members of the Taskforce argued what they should do next. Moving the villagers somewhere else safer was indeed a wise idea but like Takeshi said, there really didn't seem to be anywhere else safer than this place. Not to mention the logistics of moving that amount of people… Ultimately, it was an option they could not take.

"Hmm, should I stay here then?" The wererabbit offered. "I do still need to recover a little bit more, after using that technique…" Her body was still aching all over and it wouldn't go away until a few days had passed.

"Anti magic?" Lunatea furrowed her brows. "To think they would go that far… It makes sense though, knowing how most of us are youkai. Though obviously they wouldn't employ it where it would neuter their own magical capabilities…"

Some of the ruins she visited did have anti-magic traps. Thankfully, the traps didn't really neuter her own monster strength so she wasn't completely helpless against them. And yes, that included just destroying the anti-magic device with her kick. Normally though, she would seek for the deactivation switch first.

Sayu Takayomi

Before any of them could decide on what to do with the last ratman, another series of rustling sounds came from the nearby bushes.

"What? More of them?" Sayu took on a combat stance. "No… there's only one of them…"

"Jeez, this forest is so thick! I can't believe I lost sight of 'em...!"

"Eh? Was that a—"

Before she could finish her sentence, a girl popped out from said bushes.

"You're… you're not a ratman…" Sayu spoke, her mouth wide open. She didn't expect this at all! "You're a human, aren't you?"

She eyed her up and down. She looks like an adventurer of sorts… Damn it! If this is really a fantasy world then why can't I wear something sensible like her?! I'm stuck with this stupid costume if I want to keep that superhuman strength!

"Uh... Uhm... H-hello there." She then suddenly started speaking, after having examined each of the other ladies briefly. "W-what're you doing out here in the woods? Dressed like that, I mean? Uh, no! I didn't mean your clothes are strange or anything! They just don't look... Uh... Practical? for forest travel? Eheh~ I'I'm sorry, didn't expect to meet anyone all the way out here so I'm a bit frazzled." The girl sputtered out, trying to maintain a calm and polite appearance infront of these strangers.

"We…" She opened her mouth to answer, only to bite her tongue. Should she tell her the truth? Would she even believe her? Are people arriving from other worlds common in this place?

"We're wanderers. From a faraway land. And we just so happen to be lost." She quickly made up a lie on the spot. "As for our clothes, it's…" Sayu's cheeks reddened. "It's enchanted. We won't be able to fight if we don't wear them."

Technically it's not wrong after all.


Sayu Takayomi

"Haa… haa… haa… haa…"

Sayu panted as she witnessed the result of her attack. To her surprise, it went better than she had expected. The ratman put scarcely any resistance as her claws landed on its head. She intended to just tear into him on the spot but the extra force she put led to the ratman being thrown across the clearing instead. 

She retracted her claws, gazing in awe at her hands. This… this power… I really have superhuman strength…

She walked towards the wounded ratman, eyeing him from top to bottom, readying herself if it were to launch a surprise attack at her. She wouldn't care if it ran or surrendered but if it was going to just sit there doing nothing, she couldn't just let it be. Its wounds didn't seem to be grievous enough that it wouldn't still be able to attack them.

"What...should we do with it?"

Sayu stopped in her tracks, turning to face Aria.

"Isn't it obvious? We should finish the job. Unless it decides to run away or surrender, I say we should strike it down while it's weakened."

She turned back to face the ratman, placing her hands on her hips. "What will it be? Can you even understand our language?"

I've been having internet issues for the last week (and now) so sorry for the no update.
Mentions: @PaulHaynek @Nakushita

"Nice speech, yokai." Sorae Tokinomiya remarked at Yuki, approaching her and Lunatea. "But after not choosing an entrance to guard, it's rich hearing about 'sticking together' from you." She snarked at the two yokai.

"You could've joined us, yokai." Takamori came up from behind Sorae. "Had you did, the Wardogs probably would've never gotten past the defensive line and attacked the refugees." He joined Sorae in reprimanding Lunatea and Yuki. "Your human lackey showed more courage than you two did."

“Maybe if you did a better job defending the line, then the enemy would have never been able to infiltrate it in the first place, you are lucky Lunatea was back here as well, it cuts two ways you know…” Having venom in her voice. Having already been put in a foul mood from her battle with the war dogs and their handler. She didn’t feel the need to be lectured, especially not after both her and Lunatea had ensured the safety of the refugees. Having put their own lives on the line and done everything they could have to ensure the war-dogs did not rip apart the helpless refugees.

“She’s right,” Lunatea chimed in, an annoyed look clearly drawn on her face. “Someone had to stay here to guard these people from any stray enemies that you failed to exterminate. And it wasn’t easy. I had to exert myself quite gravely in order to handle all those dogs. I'll be stuck with terrible cramps for the next few days.

She had overcharged her body's muscles with magic. Naturally, such an act would have unpleasant consequences.

"Lord Takamori, Lady Sorae, please. We don't know that for sure so it was good that Miss Lunatea and Miss Yuki were here to protect the refugees." She defended the two taskforce yokai.

“Thank you Ayu…. That is appreciated, it wasn’t easy having to protect the refugees from so many of them at the same time, I feel pretty lucky that Lunatea and the sorcerer had been here as well, I don’t know if I would have been able to protect all the refugees without any of them being killed or otherwise injured” Glancing towards the wererabbit and giving her a nod of appreciation. Feeling quite thankful for her very useful help, having not met or done anything alongside Lunatea until now. It was starting to feel like she was slowly but surely meeting all the members of the taskforce bit by bit and coming to understand them with each passing day.

Lunatea returned her nod with her own, subtly thanking her for her defense.

Sayu Takayomi

In retrospect, Sayu's decision was indeed the correct one.

It didn't take long until the others heard the sound as well. And when the ratmen appeared, she was already well-hidden behind her tree, unlike some of the others.

W-what? What in the world are those? R-rats?! Giant rats! And they're standing on their feet, with all kinds of weapons in their hands! This really is a fantasy world!

When the ratmen attacked the other girls, Sayu froze. She didn't know what to do. Should she help them? But what could she do?! She couldn't fight! She might throw a punch or two at some kids who deserved it back at her school but punching monsters like them was a completely different thing!

Or was it?

She remembered the magic the bunnygirl used before. And she remembered stomping the ground so hard it actually made a crater. Both were clearly superhuman feats so she should have superhuman powers as well.

And then, all of a sudden, a window popped out in her vision.


Rampaging Wolf

Creates claws jutting out from her knuckles

That's… that's my skill?

She looked down at her hands.

With just a simple thought, the claws shot out.

It was real. She really possessed this power now.

And with it, for some strange reason—

She started to believe she could fight.


She ran forward as fast as she could, aiming her claws towards the rat gunning for Da'Niyah, simply because she felt it was too much for the latter to take on on her own. She would aim at the rat's jugular, purely out of the battle instinct that her skill (or costume) had bestowed upon her.


“That sounds more like the devil than God,” she muttered, resolving to classify the ‘sender’ as a Being or Entity rather than the Christian god that she was far more familiar with. A real god wouldn’t put her in a skimpy bikini, tell her it was clothing, and then force her to wear it in some messed up sort of skill-based hostage system.

"I agree!" Sayu nodded enthusiastically. "A god wouldn't speak like that! They would be more… grandiose or elegant or dignified…" She wasn't really a religious person back at home so all the gods she knew came from the fiction she read.

“If you don’t like that outfit, we can swap,” she offered. Unlike what Cecilia was wearing, what the girl was wearing was cute. It was cosplay that she wouldn’t mind wearing, unlike what she had on now…

"Swap our outfits? I'm not sure if we can—"

Her eyes widened with surprise as she realized what she was wearing.

"Nonono, absolutely not! I'd rather wear this than a scandalous bikini like that!"

"I had information I never knew before implanted in my head, and I can fire magic dice at a tree while wearing a bunnysuit. Seems more believable. Besides, it technically was a kidnapper like you said before."

Sayu opened her mouth to reply but no words came out.

She was right.

There really was a legitimate, honest-to-goodness possibility that they really had been transported into another world, and one with magic at that.

"Aaahh!" She stomped her foot to the ground out of anger and frustration.

Only to be surprised by the small crater she left on the point of contact.

W-what? Did I… did I just do that?

Her eyes widened in shock.

She really had superpowers now. Just like the bunny girl.

"I don't hear anything in particular," Aria responded, her voice hushed as she scanned the forest. There was a lingering sense of unease, a feeling that they were not alone in this strange place. The chirping birds were still tweeting away, and the tension in the air had not changed for her. 

"Perhaps it was...the wind?"

"Nonono, it's not the wind." Sayu shook her head. "It's… it's something else… and it's coming here fast!"

She crossed her hands, under her all-too breezy chest. “I don’t hear anything either.”

"Argh, just trust me! We better run or hide right away!"

"Actually, I can hear something as well. Voices or something, maybe, but it seems maybe the animal ears on these costumes actually work somehow. 

There's something moving in our direction, I believe. Perhaps we should try to hide for the moment just in case."

"Thank you!" Sayu let out a relieved sigh that someone else agreed with her. "Finally, someone else with an actually good hearing around here!"

Charlotte didn't need to grab Sayu to go with her. She willingly took refuge behind the tree, readying herself from anything coming her way.

Bump. Mainly interested in the kingdom building one above.
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