Da'Niyah rolls to her side, and lets out an irritated exhale. She was going to slap whoever opened the blinds in her room, it was absolutely too bright now. She opened her eyes, squinting harshly as the bright beams of sunlight blinded her, bringing her arm to her face. It was. . . wet, smelling of morning dew and soil. Now that she could she properly, even if her eyes hadn't fully adjusted she was looking up at the open sky. It was a vast expanse of blue painted over with puffy strokes of white and light grey. A flock of birds were gliding across the canvas of blue above her. Da'Niyah blinked, slowly sitting up and realizing that all of her back, even her hair felt slightly damp. Finally in an upright position, it was apparent she was in a forest clearing and that she wasn't alone. She was more concerned about herself however, so she quickly examined herself. Looking down, her chest stared back at her, cupped in frilly, ruffled layers of delicate lace she had always despised. perhaps despised was the wrong description of it, but the edges of her lips pulled into a faint frown.
Her brown eyes were only filled with disdainful scrutiny as she observed her change of clothing further. A dark pink, or perhaps burgundy corset was around her waist, yet the front of it opened up exposed white lace and floral designs much like the cups holding her chest. Jewels, beads, pearls, feathers and even more flowers adorned her midriff and hips. burgundy long sleeved gloves were on her hands, and she could feel and extrangant choker necklace wrapped around her neck. The corset was over and dress she realized as she saw designed layers of silk and lace coming from underneath to protect what little dignity it could. she was relieved to find that at least the ridiculous get-up had spanks. Looking to her right, she saw a bouquet which quite matched her clothing and nearly let out a scoff. She briefly pondered if an obsessed stalker would soon appear and propose to her.
As she finally paid some proper attention to her surroundings again she saw others, all girls as far as she could tell in ridiculous clothes as well, except they looked young, high school and maybe not even college young. She frowned deeper at that, two others seemed awake, one frantically shaking someone in a bunny suit and another attempting to talk to said person. Standing, Da'Niyah stretches, the satisfying popping of her joints ringing in her ears. The forest around the group looked strange in a slightly whimsical, but also nearly uncanny way. That feeling you get when something is just off, not exactly what something should look like so it makes that feeling of dread pool in your stomach. Da'Niyah scans the treeline quietly, then glances back at the others walking over, hearing the tail end of something the one dressed up like a magical girl says ". . .there" By the looks of it, she was probably saying something to the little red riding hood looking girl. "Dressed up in a ridiculous outfit as well?" She calls out, squinting at the outfits they were all dressed in again, their outfits were better than hers in her opinion, but still could be a source for embarrassment she supposed.