Avatar of Heat


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Undertow only makes me think of Tool. Good album though.
4 yrs ago
Incest in 1x1 interest check. Opinion invalidated.
4 yrs ago
Yeah don’t ever recall BLM charging the US Capitol building, scaling the walls, attacking Capitol police and breaking windows to enter.
4 yrs ago
RIP America 1776 - 2021. We had a good run.
4 yrs ago
If I am made mod I will do what everyone truly desires and delete the status bar.


  • Male.
  • EST USA timezone.
  • Been RPing since 2011.
  • Mainly into sci-fi RPs.
  • GM'd and been a player in too many roleplays to list.



Feel free to hit me up if you wanna RP with me or have a RP idea you think I might be into.

Most Recent Posts

My favorite Christmas song.

Will likely end up looking for a potential padawan for this dude once he's done and rolling in the IC.
Sorry for the wait everyone, had been through some personal bullshit in the last two weeks. Managed to regain my motivation and get a post up. Thank you for being patient.

Update 1/6/19

After much deliberation and with sadness I've decided to close down this RP. I've just honestly lost my motivation to write, coupled with some real life issues it's best to end this.

Thank you to everyone who expressed interest and joined, my apologies.
Blaster shots could be heard echoing across the junk covered surface of Lotho Minor. The thick smog which seemingly covered the world was lit up with raging plasma bolts. Some slammed into the ground, others into heaps of trash, kicking up muck with each hit. The Stormtroopers of 1st Squad would find their armor became less and less spotless as the firefight raged on. Sergeant Vytuia wiped away a foul splash of waste from his visor which kicked up as he ordered for the troopers on the ground around him to advance and push the advantage. Ahead of them several Junkers had gone down, the cybernetic denizens of the world overestimating the effect their ambush would have on the highly organized soldiers. The nine opposing soldiers had been reduced to four, one on the turret, another beside him and two more below. All while the Imperial's finest remained unscathed in the chaos.

Tearing ahead, Vytuia led the charge with his loyal brothers behind him. Tapalo and Trawin did their duty to the side, taking advantage of higher ground. As Kavis bounded himself ahead through the path ahead, the turret still remained having gained a better sight of the encroaching troopers. The Sergeant dove to the side as the emplaced weapon zeroed in on him. He slide behind a rusted engine of a starfighter, dirt and filth covering his legs as the turret missed by mere inches. Having forced the approaching soldiers behind cover.

"Someone take out that damned gun!" Kavis hollered into his commlink over the intense sounds of warfare and between adrenaline filled heavy breaths. The veteran trooper was still well composed and aching to continue the push. He glanced around, and spotted a path to the left, marked with debris along the way. Perhaps a flank could be attempted.

"Okoye and Skaya go left, quickly. Everyone else pin down those bastards, keep their attention on us. But don't do anything stupid." The commanding trooper stated, then went against his own advice and darted to his right breaking from cover.

The turret followed his path, lighting the ground ablaze. He could practically feel the heat of the blaster bolts as they drew oh so close to hitting him. As he dove behind debris, one did graze his right leg causing him to yelp in surprise. As he sat behind cover he reached his hand down, feeling where it had skimmed across his leg. The armor had taken the brunt of the damage, a noticeable burn upon it allowing him to see his body suit underneath. He did not feel much pain, and let out a sigh in relief. The turret, and the other Junkers still attacking them continued to fire around him. Kavis firmly grasped his E-11, the blaster rifle marked with dirt but still in peak condition. Then he popped his head up slightly and fired wildly towards the two Junkers near the bottom of the hill, behind cover. The shots slammed into the dirt around them, drawing their attention. As they fired in his direction he smirked.

An advantage the hardened Imperials had was that they were used to this kind of intensity, having been put through hell on training so that they could endure and persevere in such conditions. In other words they were used to this madness, landing on alien worlds, with leering eyes upon them and angry blasters pointed at them but still carrying out orders the best they could. He could almost sense the difference in the Junkers, the aliens having lost five of their soldiers rapidly despite both holding the initial advantage with an ambush, numbers and a turret. Soon enough those five would be extinguished, and his squad would be pushing ahead inside the base.
"You know, it's funny, when you look at someone through rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."

A quote from Bojack Horseman I just reheard that's sticking with me at the moment.
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