Kodo Olien
Species: Human
Age: 38
Appearance: A fair skinned human with brown eyes, Kodo stands 189 cms in height. His frame is athletic, but also leaner than it used to be. His hair is medium brown and has been buzzed short. Rough stubble lines his lower face, and he appears slightly older than he actually is due to years of stress and grief. His clothes are mismatched and suited for the harsh desert climate of Maldra. He wears a dark blue robe, patched with grey stitches and cloth giving him the appearance of a poor, disheveled wanderer. On his feet he wears a pair of hardy leather boots, and underneath his robes he wears a tan linen shirt and dark grey slacks. Around his hips he wears a sturdy belt with various pouches which he keeps supplies as well as holstered DL-18 Blaster Pistol. His blue lightsaber is tucked inside his robe, out of sight from prying eyes.
Force Sensitive: Yes, he's a Jedi.
Skills: - Jedi Warrior - Due to his years of training, his abilities with the Force and lightsaber, Kodo is an absolutely deadly opponent to close range opponents with his lightsaber drawn. It is very rare for him to draw his lightsaber nowadays, but if he ever needs to then he is still a fearsome foe to face in battle.
- Tactician - During the Clone Wars Kodo took part in multiple battles across the galaxy, military tactics and teachings were practically hammered into him during the chaotic war. He can effectively lay down a battle plan, setting up ambushes or laying traps. As well as tell when he is walking right into either of these.
- Pilot - An experienced starfighter pilot, aided by the Force, Kodo is above average behind the controls of a starship. Though he has not flown in years.
- Survivalist - Having had to survive essentially on his own for years now Kodo knows decently well how to live off the land. He knows a solid amount of survival skills and can live off the land.
Abilities: The force flows through Kodo, and even now as a hidden Jedi he still can harness its energy to use:
- Lightsaber forms
- Form I: Shii-Cho - The very first form taught to a Jedi, Kodo knows it well having learned the basics of it.
- Form IV: Ataru - A rapid, aggressive form, it is the one Kodo is best with and most well trained in. He is deadly, able to take down opponents with a combination of speed and power. He strikes from multiple directions acrobatically in order to take down enemies quickly.
- Form V: Shien - Well taught in this defensive form, Kodo is able to deflect and defend himself well from blaster fire with his lightsaber. Its most effective against multiple opponents, and is his second strongest form.
- Force Abilities
- The basic Jedi powers (Push, Pull, etc) at a Knight level, his other powers are also at this level.
- Force Barrier - This power lets Kodo throw up an invisible wall of Force energy around himself or others, while not indestructible he can block blaster bolts and small explosions with it. Though the barrier will eventually weaken and break with prolonged use.
- Force Stun - Kodo emits the Force in a way that deadens the target, holding them in place and preventing movement. He most often follows this up with a quick escape.
- Force Healing - This power allows Kodo to heal injuries sustained to himself or others, while he cannot do much for the most life threatening of injuries it is quite handy for blaster wounds. Using the ability to the limit that he is able to tires him physically.
- Saber Throw - Self explanatory, allows him to toss his lightsaber in boomerang fashion tearing through anything in the blade's path.
Weaknesses:- Branded Traitor - Due to his status as a Jedi, Kodo along with the rest of the members of Jedi Order were labeled traitors to the Republic and hunted down. While he has gotten lucky and managed to avoid being killed, he has to keep his true nature a secret. He must be extremely careful with who he associates with, which has lead to his solitary lifestyle.
- Depressed - After the fall of Jedi, and after witnessing the brutal death of his young padawan, Jannac, Kodo has fallen into a somber state. He seems to move through life without much passion, or motivation. He constantly questions what he's doing, or why he keeps going on. He dwells on the past, and has very much turned his back on the positive teachings of the Order.
- Alcoholic - When he finds himself in towns or cities it is not unusual for Kodo to end up at the bar of a local cantina where he drinks heavily. This is mostly out of grief and depression, and is a nasty habit he never thought he would end up taking up. Locals tend to disregard him as a strange but quiet drunk.
- Solitary - With the Jedi's status as branded traitors, Kado finds himself as sort of a social outcast. While still a friendly, kind hearted man the beaten down Jedi rarely interacts with others beyond small talk. He barely has any friends, not allowing himself to trust easily in fear of his true nature being revealed and ending up betrayed.
- Judgmental - Having spent several years now on Maldra, Kado sees many opportunists, killers and criminals daily. He holds a strong dislike for assassins and the like. People that kill for profit are not someone he does not want to associate with. He also strongly dislikes the Empire, seeing it as a cruel, intrusive, totalitarian regime. Though he does not voice these opinions, they are still in his mind.
- Not a Sharpshooter - While he has taken it upon himself to carry a blaster pistol, it is mostly for show. He does know how to use and operate the weapon but is nothing more than average with it. He also does not enjoy using it, but has no choice as his lightsaber would draw eyes rapidly to himself. In general though Kodo tries his hardest to avoid conflict.
Motivation: At the moment Kodo is driven by survival, he is still a wanted man and labeled traitor to the galactic government. He has occasional thoughts of trying to bring back the Jedi, fighting the Empire, or attempting to connect with others (if they're out there), but he's in a situation where he doesn't see a way he could do that.
History: Born on Dantooine as an only child to a poor farming family, Kodo did not have much growing up. His parents grew and harvested crops, though they never had much luck or many credits. Still, they provided him with a loving family for the first six years of his life. He still recalls memories of running through the tall crops and fields of the quiet world. Shortly after his sixth birthday a Jedi arrived on the planet, having stopped to pick up supplies. The man sensed Kodo through the Force, taking note of the boy's natural gift. A few days later Kodo found himself taken off his homeplanet and brought to the bustling galactic capitol, Coruscant. The chaotic city covered planet was a huge change from the peaceful, seemingly endless grass fields of Dantooine. But the young boy adapted quickly.
Kodo went through the initiate stages of training that every prospective Jedi went through. Surrounded by his fellow younglings the boy was taught the first steps to becoming a Jedi. He found some of their ways strange, but still adapted them. Values such as patience, inner peace and compassion were hammered into him. A naturally kind child he had no issues with this part of the training. Following the later stages of youngling training, and after having assembled his lightsaber, Kodo became a padawan. He was then apprenticed to a Enlor Niir, an Iktotchi Jedi Knight.
Enlor was a peculiar woman, but wise beyond her years and a good teacher. A competent diplomat and highly skilled swordsman, she helped mold the young boy into a determined Jedi. He grew close with Enlor over the years under her tutelage, and she helped to quell the concerns which came to the young man's mind. Over the years they'd embark on diplomatic missions across the galaxy, as well as being sent on the trailer of criminals. During his padawan years he embraced the Jedi's way, finding peace in the teachings of the Order. He grew into a powerful warrior, towards the end of his training being able to beat his master in their sparring sessions. At the age of 24 his master concluded his training was finished, he perservered through the difficult Jedi Trials, doing himself, Master Niir and the Order proud. After that he was elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight, and could confidently say he'd become the Jedi he dreamed of becoming when he first was brought to Coruscant.
About a year after becoming a Knight, Kodo took on a young Rodian boy as his own padawan. Jannac Intan was a strong-willed, but somewhat reckless boy. The Knight was tasked with taking the Rodian under his wing and giving him proper tutelage. Kodo took this task extremely seriously, and helped Jannac to embrace the teachings of the Jedi, to find inner peace in the ways of the Order. After five years of relative peace, the galaxy was thrust into the Clone Wars. Kodo and his padawan were also dragged into this chaos, along with the rest of the Order. As the galaxy was plunged into war Kodo continued to teach Jannac, though he began to instruct him on battle, war and tactics. No one knew how long the conflict would last, Kodo had to ensure both he and his padawan were fully ready for it.
Jannac and him fought in several battles across the galaxy, in the span of the war. A brutal, bloody conflict Kodo watched as friends were cut down in battle. It was a surreal time for the Order, keepers of peace called into battle to protect the Republic. Still, Kodo and his apprentice did well on the battlefield, while they both sustained the occasional minor injury they managed to be capable combatants. It was not until the surprising final days of the war (and the Republic) which would change Kodo's life for ever.
While in the midst of a battle on a lush jungle planet Kodo and Jannac marched through the forest alongside a squad of Clone Troopers. They were tasked with destroying a Separatist droid factory, dealing a harsh blow the CIS forces on the world. As they moved through the jungle Kodo felt a strange feeling in the back of his head, he heard the troopers behind them stop walking and turned around to find they had their rifles raised towards the Jedi Knight and his padawan. Order 66 had been issued, the Jedi were now traitors to the soon to be fallen Republic. Kodo drew his lightsaber, and screamed for Jannac to flew into the forest, instead the boy charged the troopers head on, saving Kodo's life but ending his own. He watched as his promising padawan, a young man the Knight had known better than anyone for years was cut down by overwhelming blaster fire.
Kodo dashed into the dense forest, blaster fire following him as he went deeper into the heavily wooded forests. He managed to escape certain death, but at the cost of his padawan losing his life. The event traumatized Kodo, a confused, deeply saddened Knight of the Order now a labeled betrayer. He spent a few days in the jungles, continuing to evade the troopers. He'd emerge trekking back to steal a starship in the dead of night. Then he left the world behind. He'dd find the galaxy was a far different place then it was before. A fearsome tyrannical Empire had arisen, the Order had fallen. He had to hide for now, and just try to survive. Deeply affected by the traumatic events of recent days Kodo fled to the Outer Rim, a man without much will, or strength to do much but survive.
He'd find himself on the desert world, a lawless place but not one the Empire would suspect a Jedi was hiding. Kodo removed his all too familiar Jedi robes, replacing them with indistinguishable garments. His lightsaber become but a permanent attachment to his belt, deeply depressed and beaten down by the sudden change of the galaxy he had to adjust as quickly as he could to the new order of things. Kodo held hope that the light of the Jedi still flickered in the galaxy, that one day they'd reemerge, but his hope for such a thing was not much more than a dream.
He lived a quiet life on Maldra, making his money scavenging, picking herbs or hunting. He didn't bring in many credits but it was enough to get by each day. Kodo would set up a simple hut on the outskirts of Haven, in the hills away from the center of the busy city. Its been mostly peaceful, though his strangest encounter was a spiced out Twi’lek you never met before trying to serve you alimony papers. For now the beaten and bruised Jedi lives a life of sadness, nigh solitude and drifting, just trying to survive all while holding onto a small hope that things will improve. That the Jedi are not dead and that he is not simply a should be dead relic of a fallen order.