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Burberry Branch of Nocturnia Police Department, Briefing Room

Leon and every member of his special tactical squad were present in the briefing room, the wall behind Leon blanketed with pictures of a warehouse in Heavy Crossguard and five somewhat familiar faces. Asterion's picture was off to the side, included because he was a person of interest and therefore important in this operation, but not expected to be relevant. At least, not immediately. The four others were more prominently featured, each one pierced with a tack that held a red string to a corkboard with what precious little information Leon had been able to dig up. Two of them had small white question marks in their photos, while the other two were labeled with the word Riverbend.

A half dozen plans had been shaped and reshaped, all but the most promising discarded as each of the officers took their turn weighing in on the best way to hit this warehouse and secure the evidence. There were reports... though how Leon came across these reports was left unmentioned... of a sizeable force on site with access to automatic weapons, vehicle and aerial support, and potentially sugarcrush. The place was going to be a nightmare to wade through and more than once the option to turn this over to the military had been brought up. If it werent for the urgency of the information, that is likely what Leon would have done.

In the absence of a large scale incursion, their best opportunity was to send in a highly skilled, adaptable, and effective strike team. That was where Hercule squad came in. Each of them had extensive training in urban operations, the use of their own gyfts, and how to counter other gyfts when possible. They couldn't hop to wipe out the Roses, but they should be able to secure evidence and extract safely.

Leon ran a hand through his hair, grumbling at the amount of firepower the gang seemed to wield. He knew there were smugglers in the city, but to operate on this scale?

"From the top. Reddington and Ravilious have been reported by third party contacts in Riverbend," Leon said, "it doesn't mean they can't interfere, but the odds are better the more of them we can place away from the site. If the Roses are really operating this largely, I sincerely doubt Vincenzo will have dedicated his best to the guarding of a warehouse. Still, pray for heaven. Prepare for hell," he said, gesturing towards the pictures of the men marked Riverbend.

"Which leaves two possible knowns, and about a thousand unknowns, but that sounds like a problem for future Leon," Leon added, drawing out a small chuckle from the squad, "Macallan and Mayazaki. Macallan can use his gyft to summon monsters... dragons being the common term for them I guess. Still, summoning creatures means little if the man himself is still for all intents and purposes a regular human. Catch him off guard, flank him. Do whatever you need to to get a shot and take it. Until we understand his gyft better, assume he can summon any monster at will. Freya, you're going to be out best shot if it comes to a straight up fight."

"Mr. Mayazaki. Really wish we knew more about this 'Time Reversal', but even with that there are some limitations there we can exploit. If he can reverse time, that means it only moves in one direction, giving him a hell of a reset button. Expect him to be unharmed from what you know was mortal wounds. Surprise is the priority with him," Leon said cautiously, "Roise. Eric. You two will have Gyft EMPs. From what Ms. Smoak tells me they're damnably effective, but indiscriminate in targeting gyft users. Use them if you have to, but keep in mind the friendly fire. No one wants to have to haul my ass out of a firefight. Lion body or normal."

"Once the evidence is confirmed on site, our orders are to secure and hold until the rest of the cavalry arrives. From what we've learned of the Roses, I can pretty much guarantee this is going to make the news one way or the other. Commissioner Antonia has given us strict orders to get something on Vincenzo that puts him in a cell asap. And I have a reputation of not disappointing powerful women," Leon said, sounding serious but a grin on his face. These were the men and women that would would literally jump into hell with a cup of water and nothing else for him. He couldn't help but let a little bit of the formality slip.

"There's one more complication. Some super smart computer that Vincenzo got his hands on that can simultaneously monitor camera feeds and cellular devices. Basically anything in their territory with a camera. Leave the bodycams and the cell phones at the office. I've already issued orders to get a blockade in place and the Commissioner will help prevent traffic from passing through her district towards Crossguard as well. We'll insert via van to a spot a half-mile away and then hoof it through the alley roads. It's far from perfect, but as long as we're careful and quick we should make it to the building with no alarms going off."

"Gear up and leave the kids gloves here. If it's a choice between us or them going home, I choose us. If they don't back off, that's their problem,"
Leon said gravely, reaching for his gear.
NPCs of Squad Hercule, Leon's tactical Strike Team(Soon to expand)(Soon being another week or two)

Tagging @Estylwen for attention/approval

On a different note, collab replies will be up tomorrow, just running short on sleep here. Sorry for delays!
Leon's boots struck the ground outside of the inn and thankfully found solid purchase through the snow. The last thing he wanted to hear was any more sneerful chiding from Elthel. With the snow blowing in so heavily it also gave them good reason to travel about with their cloaks gathered tightly and their hoods up. They were just another three unlucky citizens trying to make their way to their favorite bar or perhaps their home. The lie felt comfortable around Leon, though he had little else to say until he could get eyes on this estate they were to infiltrate.

As they walked, Leon let part of his mind fall into his divine connection, refreshing himself with power drawn from the shadows his god called home for all of his followers. Claiming to know the mind of Mask was a fool's boast, but the fact he still felt the pull of Mask's power echoing in his soul meant this mission at least amused the Lord of Shadows. As he turned his mind to the mission ahead, he tried to wrack his brain for ways to deal with the thousands of variables that could occur, but there were just too many to account for.

He followed Elthel, keeping a close enough pace that the three seemed to be traveling together but not at a rush or any more urgency than would be normal for wanting to get out of the snow. As the estate loomed ahead Leon busied himself with trying to spot Elthel's companions or any other signs of trouble.

So you're aware, Matthias would be letting ya boi know which of Vincent's boytoys have shown up at Riverbend. Which is to say crazy-eyes man and black-hole man is currently there.

Roger roger
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

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Rough day at my job today. This was exactly the kind of post I needed to cheer me up lol
[color=003471][/color]Val bit the inside of his cheek, measuring the situation carefully. The Ghost Corps had their orders, he could trust them to get the fallaways out if push came to shove or to do their damnedest at least. Still, they needed more of an edge. The balance of power was just slightly in Savio's favor from what he could tell. Val's group had more Wilds on their side, but they also couldn't afford to lose any of their group to the rpgs pointed at them.

When the strange Wild began to speak in their language, Mercy rumbled a rough translation for him, tinged with irritation at this offer of 'peace'. Val's brow furrowed at the creature's attempt to disguise such a turncoat act and realized perhaps it didn't know that some humans did understand their tongue at least enough to get the gist of what was being said.

Could he trust this little Wild? Taking Savio out quickly might dissuade the bears and his own men from firing too hastily. From the change in Savio's body language, it seemed like that the man was also aware something strange was going on.

"You should have picked your allies better Savio. The chatty one is trying to cut me the same deal I imagine he tried to cut you and Vinny," Val called out, "now, I've never been one to take the word of someone who bites their new friends in the ass... but I gotta admit it is tempting. Don't suppose you'd be willing to let us pass on by if we made the same offer and gave you the hearts of those two, right?" Val was buying just a few more seconds, hammering away at what he believed to be a wedge in their alliance. If this turned into a three way battle then all the better for him and the Umbrans.

Mercy, any chance those Wilds are going to play nice?

They serve the King. They will do his bidding or suffer his wrath. It would be better to devour them all.

Noted. Are you ready then? Gloves off.

The rumbling laughter and push against his psyche was all the answer Val needed.

"Wren, buddy, I can't really give you orders, but try and protect the vehicles from those rpgs. -We- will handle Savio and the Wilds if necessary," Val whispered, just loud enough for Wren to hear him.

"You know what, I think I've decided actually," Val called out, taking another step forward and rolling his neck. Val turned his eyes on Savio with a wide grin, "Savio old buddy, you win the jackpot."

Val's eyes flashed to a molten mix of red and blue, swirling into purple as he felt the change start to take hold over his body. His voice dropped to the deep primal rumbling as he spoke, "We Will Show You MERCY!"

Val's body warped, the transformation far faster since his duel with the general. Learning to go along with the change helped to accelerate it, made it less painful though the exhaustion would never truly fade. He went down on all fours, his form surging in size rapidly as dark armored plates slid into place over flesh reddened by the molten blood flowing through his veins. He let out a primal roar, a challenge to all who would seek to stop Mercy from feeding as he was finally due. Only his eyes gave any hint that Val was still inside this new monster, intelligent purple irises flicking between all parties to discover the first threat.

"Cabhrú linn nó fan amach de ár bealach dá leat mian an dubh croí chun stad a gcuid post. Do amháin eile rogha tá chun bheith ith le an scíthe!", Mercyval screamed out as it leapt to the attack. Mercy might never need to tell a lie, but Val had no issue lying to an enemy if it meant removing them from the board.

<Help us or stay out of our way if you wish the Black Heart to stop their job(mission/task). Your only other option is to be eaten with the rest!>

For the first time, Val let Mercy off of his leash, trusting in the Wild to keep it's rampage to those who deserved it.
*Val is totally holding a sledgehammer over that nail*
Collab: @Herald, @Estylwen

Antonia sat in her office, idly flicking through Matthias FitzClarence's case file. She was momentarily distracted by her work phone beeping, and she clicked a button. A receptionist's voice could be heard on the other end.

”Detective MacAoidh is on his way to you, says it's important.”

I'll be ready to receive him, thank you.” Antonia responded smoothly, before clicking another button on her phone, ending the call. She leaned back in her seat a bit, eyes on the door.

Leon entered the office with a frown on his face, clearly a bit on edge as he tried to figure out how in the hell he was going to pull all of this off. Still, he moved to the middle of the room and stood at attention, his hands clasped behind his back and face resuming a more neutral look. “Ma’am, thank you for seeing me on such short notice,” he said.

“I’ll try to make this quick, but there are a handful of things I could use a hand with and I wouldn’t be requesting it unless I felt there was a more than reasonable chance of success,” Leon continued, trying to choose what to talk about first.

”I believe a strike against the Thorned Roses is coming, a very hard one. I received information that a rival is going to be making a move against their operations in White Pine. This same informant encouraged me to strike at their operations in Crossguard… a bit convenient considering what information I have points to a moderate amount of evidence stored in that district,” Leon pointed out, “however, to carry out such an operation I would require some assistance. During the operation I would like to ask that blockades be established in Gold Rim to prevent Vincenzo from reinforcing his holdings. The second, which I’ll explain why next, is that I need to requisition some additional funding to make this raid happen. $25,000(2.5 wealth) to give a rough estimate.”

The Commissioner stared for a moment, fingers poised against her chin, elbow rested against the armrest. Her head lifted slightly.

”Who is your informant, Detective? And yes, please continue.”

“Two informants, actually, though normally I would disregard them given their sources,” Leon admitted, “the strike against the Roses holdings is being orchestrated by Matthias FitzClarence. I believe he intends to use resources gained through that Order of his. I know officially we can offer no aid or acceptance of this organization, and have made that clear that should we choose to act on this information it will be a… coincidence of conflict. I’m aware Matthias is on your list and have neither offered nor accepted any form of alliance with his organization. I have considered whether I might be able to get him to confess to a crime and bring him in, but for now…. The enemy of my enemy is next, I believe is colloquialism.”

“The second is a bit more… odd. I was contacted by someone claiming to be the Silver Canary. They were able to give me a surprisingly thorough list of what we might expect as we move in on the Roses. A list of personnel and equipment that Vincenzo has at his beck and call. Much of it is illegal of course, but until we verify it’s ties to Vincenzo it doesn’t function as useful evidence,”
Leon grumbled, shifting uncomfortably. This was not how he normally did his police work, but Vincenzo was no ordinary target. He worked hard to maintain a clean image and he already felt tainted by even an implied cooperation with elements outside of Nocturnia PD.

Antonia's gaze tilted at the mention of Matthias. It was intriguing that the man, who knew he had a clock on him, would willingly give information to her organization and her people. He must had been desperate to put an end to Vincent. Weren't they all?

At the mention of the Canary, Antonia perked up a bit, nodding. ”You've met my contact. Good. He's not official with us, but off the records I've come to regard him as an asset. His information is good, and reasonably priced.”

Antonia swiveled in her seat, mulling over Leon's words and his demands. Before she straightened up in her seat a bit, leaning forward.

”Alright, Detective. You got my support. I approve your roadblock between Laterdale and White Pine, and I will wire you funds to your department's account.

“I hope, for your sake and mine, you pin him good this time. I've got Town Hall breathing down my neck.”
She said, shrugging a bit.

Leon looked like he had just dropped a weight off of his shoulders. “If it can be done, ma’am. I’ll get it done,” he said, then hesitated a bit before continuing, [color=0072bc]”ma’am, there is something else. I’ve been contacted by a doctor that has made some interesting promises. A… cure for the gyft. I’m moving some of my officers to detail protection within the next 24 hours. Their need for funding is great, but I have enough faith in them to fund them myself as long as their results continue to be promising. Of course, I will keep you apprised of the effectiveness and versatility of this supposed cure.”

Antonia’s head lifted, shades gleaming momentarily. A cure, you say…?”

She sank back in her seat, taking in the information. The possibilities were great, with such a thing. And she knew Leon wouldn't back something without putting a great deal of thought into it.

”I trust your judgement on this. But I do have to ask, what is the name of this doctor? How long do they need?

“If you are indeed as confident in this as I think you are, I can ask the Mayor to put forward some legislation so we can bring this into the law...”

”At current pacing? Completion of this project would take a week or two. Further… development for law enforcement use may take a bit longer. To be blunt, I cannot even promise it has a use for us outside of enforced rehabilitation,” Leon answered, part of him feeling like scum for the concept. Yet he had seen far too many bad people with gyfts to not admit it would have it’s uses. And if this Sugarcrush is as effective as the canary said, a cure may not even be truly permanent until they could get the drug off the streets and into a pharmaceutical center. Desperate people would always risk their lives for the kind of power this city offered, and he couldn’t imagine anyone more desperate than someone who had a gyft… and had it stripped from them.

His hesitation in giving the doctor’s name had likely not gone unnoticed. He trusted the Commissioner as a colleague, but a great deal of Nocturnia PD had gone dirty. If word on the street was to be believed, even his fellow detectives were not above acting like little more than gangland tyrants if it meant bringing some level of order to the city.

But if he couldn’t trust the Commissioner… who could he trust?

“Doctor Akir Bondar is the current head of the project,” Leon said at last.

Antonia nodded, taking a breath. ”I should have guessed. She is known well for her developments in the field of gyft medicine.”

Her face grew grim. ”I can think of a large number of people who would hate to even think of the possibility of having their gyfts taken away. I trust you and your people will do everything to keep her safe. Heavens know we need an edge, for once.”

A pause, before Antonia asked. ”Was there anything else you needed from me for your operation tomorrow? Anything else on your mind?”

”Nothing until things progress on one of these two fronts,” Leon commented with a slight shrug, “I am expecting a bit of an extreme reaction once news of what Doctor Bondar is working on gets out. I have promised that should it prove practical, the cure will be distributed among the citizens, but until their work is finished ‘practical’ remains a loose definition. With your permission, I’ll see myself out and get the teams ready for their assignments.”

Antonia gave a nod of her head. ”Good luck, Detective MacAoidh.”
Which is contrary to the current mission objective. Not saying it's impossible, but with rpgs facing down the PCs from both sides, a known enemy on one end, and his big brother on the other, violence is nearly a guarantee.

That being said, this is why I delayed doing my post until tomorrow. If someone wants to launch into peace with the guys facing them down with guns, it would be easier before Val makes a decisive move one way or the other.
Primary thought is to hit Savio. Wouldn't mind taking a swing at stalker and roose but you've got Wren and Mimi as well as those two so I'm thinking that's all your ball in all your court.
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