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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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Gimme a shout if a spot opens up.

Welp, I'm kinda late. I didn't realize the OOC went up same day I applied for interest, so I was sitting here waiting for the OOC to come live, ha.

Still time for me to put my hat in the ring?


Lord Wraith & Hillan

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Hey Hill-billy whats shaking?

You should definitely apply, it'll be great. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business.

Piece of shit, now I have to apply! Can't just drop Supernatural on me like that!

And, besides nursing one hell of a hangover, I'm doing pretty good.

Eiichiro Kishimoto

Team Kishimoto had all packed up and left right on time, departing for the land of Storm, to find the hidden village of Rain - Amegakure. A young village not yet poisoned by the policies and politics of the ninja world. A place lead by comrades - not by dynasties. It was romantic, when you thought about it. Kishi and his three genin made their way towards the land of storm at a walking pace, not because Kishimoto thought his students couldn't move fast, but because he thought it was important to take in the beauties of the world. Which is what he drove the conversation about, he talked about each flower they came across, as he had quite an interest for Botany. At one point, he had stopped - finding the Crimson Turtle Rose at the side of the road, asking Chikage to pick it up for him, which the Genin did, he smelled the flower, talking about the beauty in the world, that the reason Shinobi are necessary is to preserve these kind of things.

"If you cannot see the beauty in the world, what do you fight for? This is what we fight to protect, it's the reason we're here." He exclaimed, it wasn't really an invitation to debate him about the purpose of the shinobi, not that he'd silence anyone who wanted to, but odds were the genin would not try and argue with the former Hokage.

Soon came dusk, and they were approaching Land of Storm border. Kishimoto told the kids to get into formation, The Golden Duck formation, he called it - one in front of the target, one behind, and one above in the treetops, in order to protect their VIP - in this case, Kishimoto.

It was quiet in this part of the road, they had come across several merchants and other travelers on their way, but now, it was completely empty, eery. "We're entering hostile territory, there could be non-allied shinobi at every turn, so make sure to be careful. We have to wait for our escort to find us, as we do not know where the village is." He said, very tense, till his face cracked into a smile. "So, let's sit down and enjoy a cup of tea!" He said, slinging down his backpack over his shoulder, bending his hand, with two fingers he dragged out the blanket from the top of the pack, putting it on the ground, getting out the four cups, he sat down and poured the tea, just like they had on the training field earlier the day. "If you brought food with you, it's fine to eat it now." He said, as he dug into his backpack, getting out a wooden box with Onigiri.

As the cook of the Grog Warrior made her way to the inn, a man was thrown out through the door, she had neatly dodged the brawler before she peered inside, the smokey atmopshere of tobacco, alcohol and sweat let out a smell that would sting in most's eyes. There were several barmaidens carrying drinks and food to the patrons of the inn. Yet, in the very back, there was quite the ruckus going on. A lot of cheering, cursing and "What the hell" going on.

In the backroom sat five men one side of a table. They were all big guys, dockworkers, lumberjacks, carpenters, a ship hand and a mercenary bandit. All of their hands were pushed ontop of one another, pushing against a lone figure, much smaller in posture, a cigarette in his mouth, a bottle of cider in his hand, the smoke from the cigarette dancing in front of his eyepatch and over the brim of his hat.

The five men were pushing as hard as they could, while he took another swig of his drink, Veins popping in their faces as they put all of their combined strength into it, the Gunman's hand not moving an inch. "Ya' lot realize you're straight buggered by now, haven't you?" As a barwench walked past, he nodded for her to come over, as he put his empty bottle on her tray, using his now free hand to take out his cigarette from the corner of his mouth.

Kuhn's careless face changed for an instant, as he applied his strength, swinging his arm into the opposing side of the table, defeating all five of his opponents, as the five of them were thrown to the side, landing in a pile infront of Lina. He moved the position of his chair - which he had backwards, the backrest in front of him, resting his arms on it. "Now, dat didn't work out for ya, did it? You owe me another round." He cooed, as the five men tried to figure out what had happened. "Who the hell is this guy?!" One of them shouted, as the others broke into a laugh "I don't give a shit who he is, guy sure can armwrestle!"

Kuhn had a grin on his face, his demeanor seemed a bit more serious than usual. Less flirty than he usually was, his change in mood could be attributed to the bottle of cider he had downed. He caught a glimpse of Lina. "Oh hello there little lady!" He shouted. "Hey, guys, you owe my friend here a drink, too, or I'll beat your ass again."

"What brings you here? Find out anything useful?" He asked.

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